The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 24

Chapter 24: Seems like you had quite a knack for getting into trouble, didn’t you?

Chapter 24: Seems like you had quite a knack for getting into trouble, didn't you?

Seems like you had quite a knack for getting into trouble, didn't you?

Cha-Eun Xiao's widened eyes displayed a curious innocence as he responded to the steward's inquiry about Mu Cheng-Bai.

"What Mu Cheng-Bai? Who is Mu Cheng-Bai?" Cha-Eun Xiao feigned ignorance, keeping his tone casual and his expression inquisitive. It was a reasonable act to play, considering the implications of his actions. Mu Cheng-Bai was not just anyone; he was the crown princess's brother and the brother-in-law of the crown prince. Openly acknowledging his involvement in Mu Cheng-Bai's death could lead to severe consequences.

In a measured tone, the steward began to provide details. "Mu Cheng-Bai, the young master of the Mu clan, the older brother of the crown princess, and brother-in-law of the crown prince. Three days ago, you had a dispute with him that escalated into violence, young master. Eventually, you fled the scene, and he pursued you. What transpired after that remains a mystery."

He paused briefly, scrutinizing Cha-Eun Xiao's reactions for any signs of guilt or deception. Then he continued, "What is widely known is that you returned unharmed, while Mu Cheng-Bai lost his life."

In response, Cha-Eun Xiao offered a sly smile. "Well, if no one witnessed what happened, then there's no reason to assume I'm the one responsible, right? If I were accused every time someone met an unfortunate end in secret, I'd be labeled a mass murderer by now. Besides, do you truly believe I possess the capability to take someone's life?"

The steward, composed and resolute, whispered almost imperceptibly, "A flawless defense, young master... However, I have no doubt it was you."

This assertion prompted a furrowed brow from Cha-Eun Xiao. The steward's unwavering confidence and unflappable demeanor were disconcerting.

Before he could formulate a response, the steward continued, steering the conversation toward a pragmatic direction. "Let us set aside the matter of who delivered the fatal blow. You are certain to be a prime suspect in this investigation. Mu Cheng-Bai was not an ordinary individual; he was the heir of the Mu clan, the older brother of the crown princess. Eventually, someone will need to bear the blame. If an appropriate scapegoat is not found, that someone may well be you."

Cha-Eun Xiao began to piece together his thoughts, responding with a simple, "I see."

Holding his gaze steadily, the steward elaborated, "This is why I propose that we have the 36 blood-robe guards escort you to your father in the north. You are the general's only son and the heir to his legacy. Your life is invaluable."

A wry smile crossed Cha-Eun Xiao's lips as he contemplated the steward's suggestion. "To the north, seeking refuge through my father's influence?"

"Yes," the steward replied humbly. "It has become too perilous to remain here any longer. I fear that if we stay, everyone in this household may face dire consequences." His sigh conveyed the gravity of the situation.

The steward couldn't help but feel a sense of exasperation and disappointment. Merely two days ago, Cha-Eun Xiao had assured him that he would "never stir up trouble." Yet almost immediately after making this promise, he had taken the life of the crown prince's brother-in-law. Even if Cha-Eun Xiao hadn't committed the act, he was still the most conspicuous suspect. This placed an unbearable burden on his family, and if the crown prince decided to act, there would be little anyone could do to protect him. Furthermore, the powerful Mu clan was a formidable force backing the events at hand.

The steward found himself at a loss for words, his thoughts a whirlwind of frustration. He couldn't help but think, "What on earth can I say at this point? Honestly, was it so challenging to behave for just a few days? I genuinely believed you had turned over a new leaf, ready to be a responsible young man for once. I even proudly sent a letter to the general, and before it even reaches him, you've plunged yourself into this calamity!"

To this, Cha Eun Xiao simply responded, "Nah..."

Though outwardly composed, the steward was inwardly exasperated. "This situation is already a tremendous predicament, and now you casually utter such words without a care in the world?" He was nearly flabbergasted. "No?"

cha Eun Xiao continued calmly, "Nope, I'm not going anywhere. If I were to flee to my father's side every time a minor issue arose, how could I ever call myself a man?"

The steward's eyes widened as he stared incredulously at Cha Eun Xiao. "What's happening? Is this really my young master? When did he suddenly grow a backbone?"

With a hint of approval, the steward remarked, "It's good to have a strong sense of responsibility." He couldn't help but feel some hope that Cha Eun Xiao was finally maturing. However, he quickly adopted a more serious tone. "But you must also know when to choose your battles, and this one is not the right fight. We should begin by preparing for all potential scenarios that might arise."

He looked at Cha Eun Xiao hopefully, thinking, "If you've truly grown even a little, then please devise a plan as impeccable as your defense and share it with me."

Though the steward maintained his composure on the surface, inside, he was wrestling with intense worry. Yet he had made his decision long ago: to safeguard his young master, even if it meant sacrificing the lives of the 36 blood-robe guards and his own, by safely escorting him to his father in the north.

"Well, there's no need for any elaborate preparations," Cha Eun Xiao replied with a dismissive tone. "Let things unfold naturally. There's really not much to worry about. First, there's no evidence. Second, I'm just a remote suspect for now. Third, if the crown prince wants to become king one day, he can't afford to provoke one of the kingdom's great generals. And finally..."

The steward's eyes lit up, hopeful that Cha Eun Xiao was offering another wise insight, as he eagerly inquired, "What's the fourth reason?"

Cha Eun Xiao huffed and rolled his eyes, retorting, "Lastly, if they dare to play games with me and manage to anger me, I'll just kill the crown prince as well. One death, and all our problems are solved!"

With Cha Eun Xiao's final statement, the steward felt as if he might faint. "What is wrong with this man?"

The first three reasons made sense, painting a picture of a young master who was growing wiser. However, when the last reason escaped Cha Eun Xiao's lips, the steward wanted to unleash a torrent of curses upon the foppish lord.

"What an idiot! If this is what he calls a plan, then jumping off a hill stark naked would be a good plan for learning to fly! If these words were ever made public, it wouldn't matter whether he actually killed Mu Cheng-Bai; he'd be swiftly beheaded and dismembered in eight hundred pieces! You insufferable brat! Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!" The steward's thoughts were a frantic swirl of chaos and panic.

In a state of despair, the once-composed steward began to stomp his feet on the floor. Upon hearing Cha Eun Xiao's last few words, any hope he'd held for a well-thought-out plan vanished. With a heavy sigh, he muttered, "Never mind... I'll arrange for the guards to escort you immediately."

"No, I don't need that. Truly," Cha-Eun Xiao replied with unwavering confidence. He paced thoughtfully for a moment before continuing, "Three days of protection from a few guards should suffice for our safety..."

He paused again, his eyes brightening with a hint of mischief. "Organize some individuals to spread gossip. Let them say that I'm the one who killed the crown prince's brother-in-law, and that the crown prince has gone mad, hell-bent on chopping me into a million pieces! Make sure it becomes the talk of the capital as quickly as possible!"

Surprise flashed across the steward's face before he praised his young master, "Excellent! That's a clever plan..." Yet, his praise was swiftly followed by a furrowed brow. "But if we proceed this way, the crown prince might not dare to act openly in broad daylight, yet covert attacks will be difficult to defend against... Furthermore, even if we manage to survive the crown prince's actions, the Mu clan is hunting for the murderer, and they are far more ruthless and dangerous than the crown prince."

Cha-Eun Xiao regarded the steward casually and remarked, "Well, there's not much we can do about that at the moment. People are eager to hunt us down, and we must choose between facing them head-on like men or cowering in the shadows like frightened chickens. Why are you still so anxious? Who could have predicted that Mu Cheng-Bai would meet such a fate and die like that? Misfortune seems to favor me!"

The steward was utterly taken aback, thinking, "Are you suggesting that Mu Cheng-Bai is luckier than you? His body was partially devoured by wild animals before it was discovered, and who knows how much it has decomposed by now? At the very least, you're still alive..."

Not long ago, the steward had convincingly pretended to believe that his young master was Mu Cheng-Bai's killer. However, in reality, he couldn't fathom Cha-Eun Xiao having the ability to kill Mu Cheng-Bai. Mu Cheng-Bai might not have been extraordinary, but compared to Cha-Eun Xiao's abysmal strength, he was a world apart.

The steward had a deep understanding of Cha-Eun Xiao's capabilities. He firmly believed that if Cha-Eun Xiao could genuinely kill Mu Cheng-Bai with a single blow – the Mu clan's heir – then the Mu clan might as well disband.

As he struggled to process Cha-Eun Xiao's muttered words, "If the Mu clan dares to provoke me, watch as I obliterate them..." it became abundantly clear that Cha-Eun Xiao was prone to boasting in a way that left the steward on the verge of fainting. In all his years, he had encountered various individuals, but never had he met someone so audacious.

"Do you even comprehend the might of the Mu clan? If you did, you wouldn't dare utter such words, let alone think them!" the steward thought ruefully. He wished Cha-Eun Xiao would cease his boasting, for it could lead to dire consequences.

With the plan straightforward, the steward wasted no time. He swiftly assembled a team to spread the rumor that Cha-Eun Xiao had murdered Mu Cheng-Bai. The story they disseminated was deliberately embellished, comprising roughly eighty percent truth interwoven with some falsehoods. Those who heard the rumor typically dismissed it with remarks like, "Cha-Eun Xiao? That foppish Lord Cha Eun Xiao? The crown prince believes he could kill Mu Cheng-Bai? Is he out of his mind?"

"What in the world! Can't you come up with better jokes?"

"Ha ha, that guy? Seriously? How is that even conceivable?"

"Hah hah ha. People must have quite an imagination to think of that foppish lord that way!"

"I'd already struggle to believe it if you told me he'd killed a chicken, but you're actually claiming he somehow managed to take down an expert cultivator... Seriously, dude... Go home. Even if a donkey had kicked me in the head and knocked all reason out of me, I still wouldn't believe you..."

With these reactions, the public was essentially defending Cha-Eun Xiao against the crown prince's accusations. If the crown prince were to persist in his accusations, he would become the capital's laughingstock!

Becoming a laughingstock would not only damage his reputation but also raise questions about his suitability to rule. People might wonder, "How could someone so clueless become our king? If he can't even recognize the obvious truth before him and killed a general's son, what will happen when he ascends the throne? Will he execute a minister for a minor offense?"

While the rumors were certainly doing their job, the steward still went ahead and secretly organized the 36 blood robe guards to protect his young master, ready to defend Cha-Eun Xiao at a moment's notice. And if all else failed, he could rely on these guards to lead Cha-Eun Xiao out of the capital and toward General Ye's army in the north! josei

The sun hadn't even reached its zenith, yet the rumor was spreading like wildfire. People were discussing it all over the capital.

"Hey, have you heard? Lord Cha, one of the 'three lords,' has truly outdone himself this time!"

"What did he do now?"

"They say he killed the crown prince's brother-in-law..."

"Wait... Seriously?! What exactly happened? Tell me everything!"

"It is said that..."

"Aha... Hmm? Wait a minute... No... Did you just claim that Cha-Eun Xiao killed the crown prince's brother-in-law? Isn't he from the Mu clan? Isn't he even their heir? An expert cultivator?"

"Well... Yes..."

"You utter fool! Even a donkey isn't as gullible as you are. Don't you know what Cha-Eun Xiao is like? I might entertain the idea if you told me he'd killed a beggar, but you're actually asserting that he took down an expert cultivator from a noble clan... I'll never buy into this. Not even if lightning struck you right now."

"Hey, seriously, dude? Watch your language! Why should I have to die..."

"You thoroughly deserve it, you imbecile! Someone tells you something utterly implausible, and you just swallow it whole... And not only that, you're actively spreading it! If I ever feel the urge to punch someone, I'll definitely seek you out... You truly render me speechless, my friend... Did a donkey kick your brain out?"

"Yeah... It does seem strange..."


"This is quite possibly the most laughable hoax in history..."

"Could be..."

"Cha-Eun Xiao is utterly worthless. Maybe if the rumor claimed he'd assaulted Mu Cheng-Bai, I might consider it... But this... Hehehehehe..." The man chuckled derisively.


"Hey, perhaps the crown prince is plotting something against our northern military forces? So he's simply looking for any excuse to do so..."

"Hm! Well, that would be quite the spectacle. Heh heh..."



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