The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 284

Chapter 284: Meet Again

Chapter 284: Meet Again

Meet Again . . .

Eavesdropping on Cha Eun Xiao's conversation was a venture that no one in the vicinity dared to undertake. The House of the Chaotic Storm commanded a level of respect and trepidation that discouraged any meddling. Moreover, practical barriers fortified their privacy; the area surrounding the Sky No. 1 Room had been cordoned off.

The spectators could only observe as Feng Zhiling uttered a few words before calmly proceeding into the room. As he ascended the stairs, his robes billowed, and he seemed to vanish from their sight.

Within moments, members of the two prominent sects found themselves befuddled. [What extraordinary circumstances allow this Feng Monarch such proximity to the House of the Chaotic Storm?] they pondered.


Inside the room, Cha Eun Xiao's eyes fell upon a man in white attire, serenely engrossed with a peculiar Chinese zither. Positioned on the same table as the zither was an ornate censer, from which wisps of fragrant smoke gracefully meandered through the air. The atmosphere within the room took on an ethereal quality, as if it existed beyond the bounds of reality.

Despite the cacophony of the ongoing auction outside, the room was enveloped in profound silence, where even the faintest sound could be heard as if magnified a hundredfold.

Separated by a simple doorway, the two spaces felt as different as night and day.

As Cha Eun Xiao stepped across the threshold, he experienced a peculiar sensation. The man in white appeared oddly familiar, like a distant memory that refused to coalesce into clarity, no matter how earnestly he strained his recollection.

[What is happening here?

This is perplexing!]

Cha Eun Xiao was unable to place the identity of the man in white, but one thing remained etched in his memory—the "One Sight Dreaming." josei

It was a martial art of peculiar repute, steeped in myth and mystery.

Cha Eun Xiao harbored vague recollections of that fateful night, but the details remained frustratingly elusive. He couldn't summon the events of that evening with precision, yet he was undeniably certain that something of significance had transpired.

As he gazed upon the young man in white before him, fragments of that enigmatic night flickered at the periphery of his memory. Still, he was unable to reconstruct the full picture.

In a fleeting moment, he could recall engaging in conversation that day, but the words exchanged had dissipated into the recesses of his mind. It seemed that some arcane martial art had interfered with his recollections. The East-rising Purple Qi, while a formidable martial art, could not entirely safeguard his memories from the influence of other esoteric techniques. With the passage of time, the details of that dialogue had evaporated like morning mist.

The tension remained palpable in Cha Eun Xiao's demeanor as he regarded Master Bai. Although his memory was a shadowy maze when it came to the enigmatic figure before him, he was certain that they had crossed paths on that pivotal night. He was resolute in this belief, with absolute conviction.

Master Bai, upon laying eyes on Feng Zhiling, was enveloped in puzzlement, though a gracious smile adorned his countenance. He remained seated, his posture unchanged, yet the atmosphere seemed to resonate with an unspoken reverence. The very presence of this serene figure exuded an air of affable distinction, endearing him to those who beheld him.

As he addressed Cha Eun Xiao, his tranquil gaze remained fixed on the Feng Monarch. Strands of his hair, akin to the wisps of incense smoke wafting from the censer, gently framed his visage, lending him an ethereal quality.

In response, Cha Eun Xiao returned the smile and uttered, "Master Bai?"

Master Bai's smile endured, yet a subtle transformation occurred within his eyes. No longer tranquil as the placid surface of a lake, they now resembled the surging tide, with waves rising skyward. Cha Eun Xiao felt an uncomfortable sensation, as though his very being were being pierced by those piercing eyes. Swiftly, he averted his gaze, terminating the unnerving eye contact.

Still maintaining his amiable demeanor, Master Bai suggested, "Please, take a seat, Feng Monarch."

Even as he spoke, a chair materialized behind Cha Eun Xiao, appearing seemingly out of thin air. Despite his seasoned experience, Cha Eun Xiao remained baffled by this display of mystic artistry. However, the mechanics of the feat mattered little to him. He was acutely aware of the might and mystique of the House of the Chaotic Storm. In this scenario, the more formidable and enigmatic they appeared, the better it boded for Cha Eun Xiao.

With a genial grin, Cha Eun Xiao responded, "I presume few have the privilege of sharing a seat with Master Bai. Should I employ flattery to honor the occasion?"

Having thus quipped, he settled into the proffered chair with an air of nonchalance. Master Bai's countenance remained impassive, betraying no hint of reaction. Yet, in truth, he observed Cha Eun Xiao's every nuance with meticulous attention. Every expression that danced across the Feng Monarch's face, every wrinkle in his attire—all were cataloged by Master Bai's discerning gaze. He even scrutinized Cha Eun Xiao's manner of speaking, the tone he employed, and the emotions that flickered across his features.

All of this meticulous scrutiny served one singular purpose, yet the answer continued to elude Master Bai.

As Cha Eun Xiao settled into his seat, Master Bai greeted him with an affable smile. "Certainly," he began, "not everyone possesses the qualifications to sit before me. In fact, there are even fewer who would dare to engage in such casual conversation in my presence."

Cha Eun Xiao chuckled. "Then, I must express my gratitude for your indulgence," he replied, a twinkle in his eye. "I may be behaving audaciously, but in the company of someone who wields control over the entire world, it's not uncommon for anyone to feel a touch of madness under the weight of such authority."

Master Bai responded with another smile, albeit one tinged with a sense of weariness.

Observing Master Bai, Cha Eun Xiao noted that this enigmatic figure seemed to possess a penchant for smiling. Each smile that graced his countenance conveyed a different sentiment. Yet, this man was an inscrutable enigma, a riddle locked within the recesses of his mind—a realm he forbade others from entering.

With a trace of fatigue in his smile, Master Bai spoke again. "Feng Monarch, have we crossed paths before?"

Cha Eun Xiao was taken aback. "No, not that I recall," he replied, his expression one of genuine confusion. "Why do you ask?"

Master Bai responded with an air of absolute certainty, his words leaving no room for doubt. "You have."

In his eyes, a sharpness emerged—an unwavering conviction that left no room for questioning.

The vigor of the renowned Master Bai, the figure who held dominion over the entire world, finally began to manifest.

Cha Eun Xiao frowned, his brow furrowing in thought. "To be honest," he admitted, "there is a peculiar sense of familiarity when I look at you. However, I cannot recall any specific instance of our meeting. It wouldn't be appropriate for me to assert that we have indeed crossed paths, as I lack concrete recollections to support such a claim."

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