The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 37

Chapter 37: The Battle and the Commitment

Chapter 37: The Battle and the Commitment

The Battle and the Commitment . . .

The man in black had aimed to leap higher than Cha-Eun Xiao, seeking a vantage point from which to launch a ferocious attack. However, Cha-Eun Xiao had detected the man's intentions and acted more swiftly than anticipated. Now, it was Cha-Eun Xiao who occupied the superior position.

With no retreat possible for either combatant, their hands clashed instantaneously. A deafening "Bang!" echoed through the vicinity, and golden radiance erupted, dazzling those nearby and temporarily blinding them.

The man in black felt disoriented as he hastily withdrew his hand, shifting his focus to defense. He spared no effort to shield himself, descending toward the ground. Cha-Eun Xiao maintained the higher ground, his golden hand menacingly aimed at the man's scalp, continually emanating a radiant golden glow. He displayed unwavering aggression, intent on vanquishing his foe as swiftly as possible.

Observing Cha-Eun Xiao's every move, the girl in white appeared concerned rather than composed. She remarked, "Hei-San is in trouble. He shouldn't have attempted that leap. His fighting style suits situations where he holds the higher ground. Fighting from below puts him at a disadvantage. While he might have triumphed if facing a significantly weaker adversary, he made an impulsive move without fully comprehending his opponent. How could an experienced cultivator like him commit such an uncharacteristic error?"

The other man in black, who remained stationed behind the girl, offered a serious response, "Indeed, he made an error. But if it were me, I would have made the same choice. We aim to defeat this individual in a challenging manner to bring honor to you. The man appeared to be merely at the Renyuan Grade, and we were confident that we, Hei-San and I, both far surpassing him in strength, would emerge victorious. However, we were unaware that he was concealing his true power. In truth, he has attained at least the intermediate level of the Diyuan Grade! It must be a stratagem he employs to deceive individuals like us. I doubt we can prevail in this confrontation."

The girl in white hadn't anticipated the extent of the man in black's discourse, as he typically maintained a reticent demeanor.

During their exchange, Cha-Eun Xiao had executed a controlled descent to the ground, his laughter echoing. He then employed both of his golden hands simultaneously, their rapid movements creating twin streaks of golden light that resembled lightning.

"Swish! Swish! Swish!"

His actions were unpredictable; he forsook defense entirely, focusing solely on offense.

Hei-San, the disadvantaged man in black, seethed with frustration. He exerted every ounce of his strength to maintain his defense, biding his time for a counterattack opportunity. However, beneath the relentless onslaught unleashed by Cha-Eun Xiao, no such opportunity arose.

Hei-San, thoroughly embarrassed and enraged, strained to sustain his defenses. He hadn't anticipated that his adversary would launch such a relentless assault. He lamented his initial misjudgment of his opponent's strength.

He couldn't fathom how Cha-Eun Xiao, whom he considered much weaker, could exert such tremendous pressure. He found himself with no respite, unable to draw a breath.

Finally, after a brief period since Hei-San's ill-fated leap to assail Cha-Eun Xiao, he was forced back to the ground. Despite the brief duration of their confrontation, he had already endured nearly forty powerful strikes from Cha-Eun Xiao.


Hei-San stood firmly on the ground, his feet resembling sturdy metal pillars. The floor beneath him cracked, and splinters of wood were sent flying into the air.

Having endured several severe blows, Hei-San finally found his footing on the ground. Although he had staggered momentarily, he quickly straightened up. His eyes blazed with humiliation, and he prepared to unleash a furious counterattack.

On the opposite side, Cha-Eun Xiao executed a graceful somersault in mid-air. During this acrobatic display, he clapped his golden hands once, restoring them to their original appearance. By the time his feet touched the ground, his hands had completely returned to their normal state. It was a fluid and elegant movement. With his hands now casually resting behind his back, he remarked, "You've hit rock bottom!"

Hei-San's gaze locked onto Cha-Eun Xiao, and he responded with a growl, "Have I?"

"Yes, you have," the girl in white chimed in, her voice calm. "Despite your higher cultivation level, you were the first to touch the ground. Thus, you lost."

Hei-San's face flushed with anger. "But... I... No one ever said that touching the ground means losing!"

The girl fell silent, her silence carrying an unsettling weight that seemed to unnerve the men in black.

Hei-San's complexion drained of color, and he took a tentative step forward, his voice trembling. "I apologize, my lady. I misspoke."

The girl cast a glance at him but remained wordless.

Sweat poured down Hei-San's brow, and after a moment of contemplation, he dropped to his knees before the girl. Bowing deeply, he pressed his forehead to the ground, his voice humble as he spoke, "My lady, I beg your forgiveness. I was mistaken."

The girl gazed at him and sighed softly. "In defeat, graciousness prevails. A lack of humility is the mark of a boor in the martial world. Such an attitude will not be well-received. Ponder this... If it were not me you spoke to, but another... Do you think you would still draw breath after such words?"

Hei-San trembled, overwhelmed by fear.

"Rise," the girl in white said, her voice taking on a gentler tone.

Hei-San stood and returned to the girl's side, his head held low. He dared not utter a word, while the other man in black regarded him with a glance that seemed to convey, "You're incredibly fortunate."

The men in black breathed sighs of relief.

The girl turned her gaze toward Cha-Eun Xiao and spoke with a cheerful tone, "Impressive display. May I know your name?"

Cha-Eun Xiao, hands still casually behind his back, replied nonchalantly, "Feng."

"Master Feng," the girl addressed him formally. "You're a skilled cultivator with remarkable abilities. However, you did insult my companion. That's quite the offense. As the auction is set to commence, it's best we not linger in conversation. How about this? If you have the courage, accompany me after the auction."

Cha-Eun Xiao chuckled. "A challenge? Do you think I, as a man, would be afraid of you, a girl? Very well. We'll meet after the auction."

"A promise is a promise," the girl affirmed.

"A promise is a promise!" Cha-Eun Xiao nodded with seriousness.

What had transpired earlier held less significance; what mattered most was the agreement they'd reached in the end.

The girl nodded slightly and exchanged one last glance with Cha-Eun Xiao before departing with her two companions.

"Wait," Cha-Eun Xiao called with a smile, tossing a small bottle toward Hei-San, who caught it in his arms.

"My golden hands were poisonous," Cha-Eun Xiao calmly stated.

Hei-San was taken aback, his gaze locking onto Cha-Eun Xiao in astonishment.

The girl furrowed her brow and instructed Hei-San, "Take it." Then she smiled at Cha-Eun Xiao and said, "Thank you, Master Feng."

Cha-Eun Xiao smiled in return. "No problem. It wouldn't benefit anyone if someone were to die."

Following their brief skirmish, laughter filled the air. Cha-Eun Xiao and the girl in white shared a moment of camaraderie before she continued on her way, accompanied by her two enigmatic companions in black.

As they walked, the men in black couldn't help but ponder the nature of Cha-Eun Xiao's abilities. "Golden Hand? Poisonous? He was poisoned imperceptibly? What kind of skill is that?" they mused. A sense of respect had begun to take root within them. They realized that Master Feng was far more formidable than they had initially perceived.

Unbeknownst to them, the 'Golden Hand' was merely another layer of disguise, much like Cha-Eun Xiao's assumed identity.

However, as the two men in black passed by Cha-Eun Xiao, he felt a strange uneasiness gnawing at his mind. Their presence invoked a sense of déjà vu.

He felt as though he should know them somehow.

Moreover, during his combat with one of the men, Cha-Eun Xiao had detected something peculiar—a potent bloodlust, characteristic of a master of the blade. It was the type of aura only skilled blademasters could exude.

Examining the man's hands, Cha-Eun Xiao noticed numerous calluses along the edges of his palms. These calluses were distinctive, different from those formed by casual swordplay. They were the mark of a blademaster.

Cha-Eun Xiao's mind raced, piecing together the fragments of a puzzle. "Blades... Blademasters... It feels familiar..."

Suddenly, a memory resurfaced—a recollection of figures that had vanished into the night, fleeing from his home. He stared in the direction the girl and her bodyguards had gone, though they had long disappeared.

"It was you."


Cha-Eun Xiao had gleaned valuable information from his encounter with the girl's bodyguards. Satisfied, he turned and made his way into the salesroom. As he entered, the doors began to close. Just in the nick of time, two new groups of people arrived, their entrance quiet and unassuming.


— Dong! — josei

The bell rang, and a hush descended upon the salesroom. Guan Wan-Shan, dressed in a resplendent red robe, stood upon the stage, radiating an air of pride and contentment. He was single-handedly overseeing this auction, and his aged countenance bore the weight of his confidence.

Guan Wan-Shan cast his gaze over the assembled crowd. The thirty balconies were filled to capacity, as was the main floor. He couldn't help but feel a profound sense of accomplishment. Inviting even one or two of these individuals to an auction was typically a daunting task, yet now they had all gathered here.

"I declare the auction officially open!" Guan Wan-Shan proclaimed, recognizing that these words were exactly what the attendees were waiting to hear. There was no need for superfluous speeches; this was, without a doubt, a unique and exceptional auction.

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