The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 430

Chapter 430: I Will Follow You from Now On!

Chapter 430: I Will Follow You from Now On!

I Will Follow You from Now On! . . .

"When I returned to the life of a martial artist, it was a surprising revelation. The years I spent at home caring for the elderly had not led to a decline in my cultivation. Instead, I had advanced to the eighth level of the Sky Origin Stage. Few accomplishments could rival that in my eyes, except for one—an enduring hope granted to me by Mister Destiny. It has sustained me to this day," Zhao Pingtian reflected.

"In recent times, I have faced financial hardships, struggling to make ends meet. It's become difficult to even provide for myself. That's why I ventured into bounty hunting and, in the process, crossed paths with the God Slayer Team. Their recruitment led me to the Kingdom of Chen, where fate brought us together," he continued, managing a bittersweet smile. "And that, in essence, summarizes my life—simple and uneventful."

Cha Eun Xiao remained silent, his thoughts focused on the tumultuous life journey that had brought the killer king before him. Zhao Pingtian had suffered the loss of his beloved fiancée to a dreadful illness and witnessed the brutal annihilation of his sect. After years of aimless existence, he had emerged as a notorious assassin.

Cha Eun Xiao's curiosity compelled him to inquire, "Brother Zhao, given your reputation and abilities as a killer king, it seems unlikely that you would struggle financially. You may not have been wealthy, but you should have had an ample income. How did you end up in such dire financial straits?"

Indeed, as a renowned assassin, Zhao Pingtian should have had substantial earnings. It puzzled Cha Eun Xiao to learn that he had fallen into financial hardship, unlike individuals such as Ning Biluo, who grappled with numerous financial burdens. Moreover, Zhao Pingtian's habit of emptying his purse was perplexing.

Zhao Pingtian's lips curled into a peaceful smile, a rare moment of genuine happiness. "It's a matter of discipline to keep less than a hundred taels with me. The rest, I have always given away," he explained. "As an assassin, I make my living by taking the lives of others, which often involves great risk to my own life. Regardless of the fact that the individuals I eliminated were villains, it was still a form of homicide. So, with every earned sum, I retained a portion for my own sustenance and generously bestowed the remainder to those in need."

He paused, his smile growing warmer. "In particular, I extend my generosity to young couples struggling to afford their wedding expenses, providing them with greater support. My hope is that every pair of true lovers can find happiness and a happy ending."

His gaze shifted toward the empty space beside him, evoking the memory of lost loved ones and the lives he had touched with his benevolence.

As he knew that Rou-Er was by his side, Zhao Pingtian kept gazing gently in her direction, even though he couldn't see her with his eyes. Likewise, Rou-Er lingered in that ethereal place, well aware that Zhao Pingtian couldn't perceive her presence. Their gazes seemed to bridge the divide between two different worlds, one living and the other departed.

Zhao Pingtian may not have seen her, but he felt her in his heart. In this silent communion, Cha Eun Xiao inhaled deeply, his words unspoken, for none were needed. He grasped Zhao Pingtian's emotions more intimately than anyone else. After all, it was this profound understanding that had impelled him to assist Zhao Pingtian. There were moments when Cha Eun Xiao contemplated the memory of someone he had failed in the past, a beloved one who had also languished in sorrow. Theirs had been a love tragedy, a pain he couldn't bear to relive or witness again.

Deep in his heart, Cha Eun Xiao understood that aiding Zhao Pingtian was, in essence, an act of self-redemption. His thoughts turned to Jun Yinglian, the poignant memory of another lost love.

"I will wholeheartedly assist you. I will do everything in my power," Cha Eun Xiao whispered with unwavering determination. His sincerity resonated in his voice, and both Zhao Pingtian and Rou-Er could feel the resolute commitment he held for their cause. Gratitude welled within them.

"Brother Zhao, let us labor diligently on this endeavor," Cha Eun Xiao looked at Zhao Pingtian, his eyes ablaze with purpose. "Regardless of the chosen plan, you must reach the Dao Origin Stage, perhaps even higher."

Zhao Pingtian's gaze mirrored this determination as he nodded slowly, discerning the unspoken implications of Cha Eun Xiao's words.

"You are not truly worthy of my assistance until you attain the Dao Origin Stage. It's not just about your worthiness; it's about achieving equality, even as allies and friends. No tiger allies with a rabbit, for the rabbit is too feeble to be an ally or even prey. In this martial world, such equality is paramount, especially given the constant challenges and conflicts," Cha Eun Xiao contemplated.


"Feng Monarch, to be frank, you've given me the most significant and luminous hope I've ever had in my life. I don't know how to repay you," Zhao Pingtian expressed earnestly. "Right now, I won't offer empty words of gratitude, for they mean little. For the sake of Rou-Er, our future, and the hope you've ignited, I pledge to be a sword at your service."

With these words, Zhao Pingtian had declared his unwavering allegiance, understanding that mere gratitude could not sufficiently convey the depth of his commitment to Cha Eun Xiao.

"For the days to come, let's face the impending crisis together," Zhao Pingtian spoke with unwavering resolve, his words carrying the weight of their shared destiny. "If we can't overcome it, I will stand by your side until the end. If we succeed, I will rely on you to help me and Rou-Er."

Cha Eun Xiao didn't reject Zhao Pingtian's offer, recognizing that declining might wound Zhao Pingtian's sentiments. Besides, there were tasks where Zhao Pingtian's assistance would prove invaluable. He needed information on how to save Rou-Er's soul and more.

And Cha Eun Xiao had his own needs at this moment; refusing Zhao Pingtian's help wouldn't be wise.

"Excellent!" Cha Eun Xiao clapped his hands together. "With your assistance, Brother Zhao, our chances of surviving this crisis have significantly improved."


Cha Eun Xiao and Zhao Pingtian methodically made their way back to Ling-Bao Hall. They hadn't ventured far from the Hall, so returning quietly and stealthily should have been a straightforward task.

However, Zhao Pingtian had different plans. He was brimming with newfound strength and needed an outlet for the exhilaration and joy coursing through him. He felt the compelling urge to release his pent-up energy, ensuring it didn't turn into debilitating depression.

Cha Eun Xiao initially found this idea puzzling, but upon reflection, he saw the advantages of having such an exceptional guardian by his side. Zhao Pingtian's mere presence was enough to deter potential assailants, making them think twice about challenging the seemingly invincible Feng Zhiling. So, appearing as Feng Zhiling, Cha Eun Xiao confidently swaggered his way back to Ling-Bao Hall.

Their journey was akin to stirring a hornet's nest, as hordes of assassins emerged to confront them.josei

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