The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 436

Chapter 436: Life Bond Sword

Chapter 436: Life Bond Sword

Life Bond Sword . . .

Cha Eun Xiao stroked his chin as he pondered, "If Bing-Er were to reach the Dao Origin Stage someday, she wouldn't need to ascend to the pinnacle of that stage. Achieving level 8 would be sufficient for her to become invincible within the Qing-Yun Realm."

With a sigh of relief, he continued, not fully comprehending the significance of the matter but feeling a sense of accomplishment, "I can finally put my mind at ease."

Turning his attention to Bing-Er, he suggested, "Bing-Er, how about we call this sword the 'Star Ice Soul Sword'?"

Bing-Er nodded with satisfaction, clearly pleased with the name chosen by Cha Eun Xiao. She gazed at the sword with delight, her joyful smile lighting up her face. Suddenly, she jumped up and planted a kiss on Cha Eun Xiao's cheek.

"Thank you. From now on, my sword is the Star Ice Soul Sword! I will be with it forever!"

Bing-Er cherished the sword so much that she couldn't bear to part with it even for a moment. Cha Eun Xiao was left in disbelief, musing, "Be with it forever... What do you take me for, someone special?"

Later that afternoon, Bing-Er resumed her sword practice in the yard. As she spent more time with the sword, her affection for it grew. She couldn't bring herself to set it aside.

Meanwhile, Cha Eun Xiao, finally finding a moment of respite, retired to his room for a much-needed nap. The days had taken a toll on him, dealing with Master Bai, confronting the God Slayer Team, and forming bonds with Zhao Pingtian. He needed to rest both his body and mind, fully aware that the coming days would be far from peaceful.

Little did they know just how formidable the sword Cha Eun Xiao had crafted would prove to be. He remained ignorant of the special outer space iron's true nature and significance. For him, crafting the sword had been an impulsive act, a gift for Bing-Er. He couldn't fathom that this seemingly ordinary decision would lead to a cataclysmic upheaval in the future.

This sword marked the beginning of the legend of a near-invincible devil.

As Bing-Er practiced, she discovered a unique quality of the sword. It appeared deceptively light, yet it weighed over fifteen kilograms. It exceeded the weight of most known heavy weapons. Without the use of spiritual qi, even a robust individual would struggle to lift it. If they somehow managed to lift it, wielding it with precision would be a nearly impossible feat.

However, when Bing-Er infused her spiritual qi into the sword, it seemed weightless, effortlessly responding to her movements. As she held it, the blade occasionally emitted golden qi, which invigorated her and kept her spirited. josei

What astonished her even more was the sword's ability to replenish her spiritual qi. Typically, after prolonged practice, exhaustion would set in. She should have been fatigued from channeling her energy into the sword, but there was no such weariness. She couldn't explain it, but this sword had a unique feature. When her spiritual qi was depleted, it could return some of it to her, revitalizing her and even accelerating her spiritual qi recovery.

Bing-Er might lack experience, often appearing confused, but even she recognized that a sword capable of restoring spiritual qi was nothing short of legendary.

Intrigued, she decided to test the sword's mysterious quality. She stopped moving it, her expression a mix of recollection and uncertainty. Placing the blade against her finger, she made a small cut, causing a drop of blood to fall onto the sword's surface.

Remarkably, the blood merged with the sword in a magical, seamless integration, leaving no trace of the incision. Bing-Er didn't fully comprehend her actions but believed that it was in her best interest to do so. Deep down, she felt a soothing pulse, reassuring her that it was the right choice.

"Why did I do that? Cutting my finger didn't really hurt much, but I still felt pain. I wonder why I did it…" Bing-Er mused, her gaze fixed on the immaculate, blood-free sword. She failed to notice that she hadn't employed any spiritual qi, yet the hefty, over fifteen-kilogram sword felt as light as a feather in her grasp.

In a way, the sword seemed to have become an extension of her body, an inseparable part of her. Nothing could sever their connection.

Meanwhile, Cha Eun Xiao remained sound asleep, having descended into a deep slumber that lasted from the afternoon until nightfall. His dreams were filled with a medley of strange and bewildering sensations. He experienced significant suffering throughout the dream, which culminated in a peculiar encounter with Bing-Er. She gazed at him intently as if on the verge of saying something but then underwent a dramatic transformation. While still Bing-Er in appearance, her personality had shifted drastically. She now resembled a sinister and malevolent entity, brandishing the sword with menacing intent. In an instant, she thrust the blade into Cha Eun Xiao's chest, its speed defying the very concept of light, leaving him no time to evade the impending strike.

Under the ethereal radiance of the sword, it pierced through Cha Eun Xiao's heart in a ghastly nightmare.

In the throes of terror, Cha Eun Xiao's anguished cry shattered the stillness of his slumber, forcibly ejecting him from the clutches of death's grim shadow.

When he awoke, the outside world had already descended into nocturnal darkness, casting long shadows across his room.

"What in the heavens are you shouting about? Having nightmares?" Song Jue's voice resonated from beyond the door, heavy with irritation. "Why are you bellowing as if you've glimpsed phantoms? It's late at night, and you're disturbing everyone's peace. If you can't sleep, that's your problem. Don't keep the others awake."

"Uncle Song, you're back?" Cha Eun Xiao expressed his surprise at Song Jue's unannounced return.

Song Jue responded with an annoyed snort, clearly perturbed by Cha Eun Xiao's outburst.

Cha Eun Xiao quickly donned some clothing and stepped out. He questioned, "Uncle Song, where have you been? Why didn't you inform anyone about your absence? You've been away for quite a while, and I was genuinely concerned..."

"Nonsense," Song Jue retorted sharply. "What do you have to worry about? Do you think I'd get lost at my age? You disappear for days on end without a word, yet you expect me to report my whereabouts? It's been merely a few days. What's the cause for concern?"

Song Jue's demeanor had taken a hostile turn, and he locked his gaze on Cha Eun Xiao, exuding an air of volatile tension, like a barrel of gunpowder teetering on the edge of detonation.

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