The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 467

Chapter 467: Death Knocking on the Door!

Chapter 467: Death Knocking on the Door!

Death Knocking on the Door! . . .

Cha Eun Xiao's perception of Bu Jingtian was anything but reverent. While the No. 1 cultivator of the Land of Han-Yang might have held a certain status there, within the broader Qing-Yun Realm, his importance was diminished, possibly relegated to the second tier. It was an unflattering and disheartening realization, but it was the stark reality.

In Qing-Yun Realm, Bu Jingtian was far from the influential figure he imagined himself to be in the Land of Han-Yang. The distinction was cruel, yet undeniable.

However, for the Sunlight Sect in the Land of Han-Yang, Bu Jingtian was nothing short of an essential pillar. They couldn't afford to let him falter; the risks were too immense. Allowing Bu Jingtian to set foot in Chen-Xing City, as dangerous as it was, seemed a more prudent choice than the alternative.

Their predicament lay in the certainty that Bu Jingtian's time was running out. He had been in seclusion for an extended period, attempting to break through his cultivation limits and ascend to the Qing-Yun Realm to extend his life. Unfortunately, the passage of centuries in isolation had failed to grant him the breakthrough he so fervently sought. Instead, he faced a grim prospect.

His impending death drew nearer with each passing moment. josei

Bu Jingtian had indeed surpassed the limits of this realm, but for some enigmatic reason, he had been thrust back, unable to take the final step into the Qing-Yun Realm. His soul had been grievously damaged in the process, and now, he teetered on the precipice of mortality.

In seclusion, he had made desperate efforts to heal, to restore himself to a semblance of normalcy. But the reality remained harsh – he had a mere three months left to live.

With his life hanging by a thread, the urgency to break through the limits and extend his existence became paramount. Rumors of a man in Chen-Xing City capable of crafting supreme dan beads had reached his ears, and the news was nothing short of miraculous to Bu Jingtian.

He didn't hesitate for a moment. Regardless of the danger presented by potential House of the Chaotic Storms' members, he embarked on his journey without delay. If he had to face a premature demise in combat, so be it. But if all went well, he might secure those elusive supreme dan beads, granting him a longer lease on life.

The prospect of hope gleamed before him, and he wasn't ready to let it slip away. This was his last opportunity, a gamble against the inevitable.

Bu Jingtian wasn't just seeking the dan beads from the five clans; he had a specific target in mind. He aimed to recruit the man who crafted these miraculous artifacts, Feng Zhiling, to create dan beads that could prolong his life. It wasn't just for his own sake; it was also for the betterment of Sunlight Sect.

After all, he bore the titles of No. 1 Cultivator and No. 1 Slaughterer. The legend and prestige attached to these titles held immense power in this world. Even to threaten a skilled dan-maker like Feng Zhiling or a king from any of the three kingdoms, Bu Jingtian's reputation and prowess were more than sufficient.

However, his arrival in Chen-Xing City had taken an unexpected turn, one that defied his carefully laid plans.

Cha Eun Xiao, known as Feng Monarch, displayed an unyielding nature that bordered on arrogance and pride. He seemed to reside in an ethereal realm, entirely unconcerned by the threats posed by Bu Jingtian. There was a distinct touch of obstinacy and even an unappealing temperament about him.

His eyes, sharp as blades, saw past the fa?ade Bu Jingtian had built for himself, revealing the truth about the No. 1 Cultivator's physical condition.

Bu Jingtian couldn't fathom how Feng Zhiling's keen perception had penetrated the layers of deception, unraveling the dire state of his physical health. To him, it was almost inconceivable that Feng Zhiling had such a grasp of his condition, laying bare the symptoms of his deteriorating body.

"Feng Monarch, choose your words carefully!" Bu Jingtian's expression darkened as he attempted to exert control over the situation. He was taken aback by the accuracy of Feng Zhiling's observations and couldn't help but feel increasingly uneasy.

Eun Xiao's voice remained devoid of emotion as he continued his precise diagnosis of Bu Jingtian's condition. He pointed out over a dozen unfavorable symptoms, each utterance further deepening the lines of worry on Bu Jingtian's face. It was evident that he was astonished and disconcerted by the degree of insight Eun Xiao possessed.

The No. 1 Cultivator's furrowed brow, dilated pupils, wrinkled skin, and intermittent stops in his speech were all scrutinized by Eun Xiao, who unraveled the intricacies of his physical state with an unsettling precision.

Eun Xiao's dispassionate assessment continued, revealing the perilous state of Bu Jingtian's energy channels, or Jing and Mai. He explained how the pressure of absorbing spiritual qi was wreaking havoc on these vital pathways, putting Bu Jingtian on the brink of collapse. If he made even the slightest mistake, the consequences would be fatal.

In recognition of Bu Jingtian's formidable cultivation, Eun Xiao emphasized how it had pushed his Jing and Mai to their limits. He affirmed that while Bu Jingtian could undoubtedly face him in combat, his ultimate fate was sealed. After each killing spree, Bu Jingtian would meet his demise, with his victim and he both departing from this world.

Eun Xiao's words carried a profound warning. He informed Bu Jingtian that when he perished, it would be imperative to ensure that he wasn't near anyone he cherished or in places of significance to him. Otherwise, his death would trigger a cataclysmic release of pent-up qi within his body, resulting in a cataclysmic explosion. This explosion would eclipse the force of his most potent attack, with the potential to annihilate Sunlight Sect entirely.

With calculated confidence, Eun Xiao unveiled a crucial truth: in the entire world, only one individual held the power to rescue Bu Jingtian from his pitiful fate, and that person was none other than Eun Xiao himself.

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