The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 476

Chapter 476: Woeful

Chapter 476: Woeful

Woeful . . .

"What a lamentable circumstance. Neither of them has the opportunity nor the qualification. Your master lacks a formidable opponent who can elevate his cultivation. It's a misfortune they both share, rendering them incapable of ascending to the world's highest echelons. Such is the whims of fate..." Ling Wuxie sighed deeply.

"This is indeed a woeful state of affairs," Wan of the Clouds and Xiu of the Heavens concurred, exchanging glances laden with resignation.

Indeed, Feng Monarch possessed a wealth of cunning and wisdom, coupled with remarkable skills, ruthlessness, and a broad perspective, all hallmarks of a great cultivator. However, his primary drawback was his origin; he hailed from a realm too humble, far lower than the lowest. In the life of a superlative cultivator, the most crucial element wasn't found in friends, family, or lovers. Instead, it was the presence of a worthy opponent.

An equal-level adversary served as the most potent motivator, spurring them to greater heights. Having such an opponent was the dream of every formidable cultivator. The Four Dominators in the Human Realm Above Heavens occupied their eminent positions because they'd engaged in relentless battles from their youth, ceaselessly challenging one another to rise to new heights. The pursuit of each other drove them to unparalleled achievements, culminating in their domination of the Human Realm Above Heavens.

Their continuous rivalry and unwavering determination to surpass each other were what perpetuated their meteoric ascent. This longing for an equal adversary was deeply rooted in the hearts of great cultivators. It was both a lonely and isolating experience to be invincible, yet at the same time, to be devoid of worthy opponents.

It was the loneliness of standing at the pinnacle, a sensation only they could truly understand. This yearning for a motivating adversary was why Master Bai pursued the Heavenly Mystery, an extreme path to self-improvement. In the absence of a suitable opponent, it was a regrettable choice.

He was inherently destined for greatness and required an equal-level opponent to fuel his ascent. Now, such an opponent had emerged, though it was a pity that this remarkable figure hailed from a lowly realm.

Wan-Er and Xiu-Er couldn't help but sigh in the face of this cruel reality. The question that lingered was, how long would it take for this newfound opponent to develop the strength necessary to enter the Human Realm Above Heavens and truly challenge Master Bai? When that day arrived, it might be too late, and everything would be irrevocably changed. josei

"Nonetheless, maintaining control through bluster is not a lasting solution. It won't endure forever," Ling Wuxie mused, his brows furrowed in contemplation. "Feng Monarch doesn't possess the capacity to overcome the sixty-three individuals below. While he may appear to hold the upper hand and exert control, if he pushes too hard, each of them can easily overcome him. Feng Monarch is undoubtedly on the brink of failure... How will he navigate this predicament?"

Despite pondering the issue, Ling Wuxie couldn't conceive of a viable solution. He believed that if he were in Feng Monarch's shoes, he would have succumbed to the current circumstances three times over. Nonetheless, he retained faith that Feng Monarch had a contingency plan in place to address the impending challenge. The nature of that plan, however, remained a mystery.

The two competent individuals he had dispatched on a mission, Ning Biluo and Zhao Pingtian, would offer limited assistance even if they returned. Moreover, their presence would hasten the revelation of Feng Monarch's true capabilities. His potent poison had already been expended, and the distance between the cultivators allowed for swift evasion in case of further usage. They had been forewarned and could escape without difficulty. Despite projecting an image of power, Feng Monarch remained deficient in the face of the present predicament.

Cha Eun Xiao had indeed managed to astonish his foes temporarily, yet it was abundantly clear that his triumph came at a substantial cost. The loss of a pivotal figure had left his adversaries bereft of a compelling rationale to retreat, and the inevitable clash loomed ominously on the horizon.

Intriguingly, Ling Wuxie found himself perplexed by one particular facet of the situation. Feng Zhiling had ostensibly gained the upper hand and could have exerted his dominance with an imposing display of power. Instead, he emanated an unnervingly dense aura of killing intent. This choice appeared counterintuitive, for it had the potential to provoke desperate measures from any of the cultivators who perceived the danger. Ling Wuxie pondered whether this approach was in Feng Monarch's best interest.

Meanwhile, restlessness and impatience brewed among the individuals hailing from the two prestigious sects. Those affiliated with the Starlight Sect appeared to handle the situation with more poise, though inwardly, they couldn't conceal a degree of satisfaction. After all, Bu Jingtian's demise had removed a long-standing obstacle for their sect, and while it was a tragic occurrence, it paved the way for their own ascendancy within the Land of Han-Yang.

Conversely, the members of the Sunlight Sect were in turmoil, grappling with a profound internal conflict. Their emotions vacillated between fury and despair, as they found themselves unable to reconcile the brutal loss of their guardian with their present circumstances. Retreat was not an acceptable option, for it would expose them to disgrace and retribution at the hands of formidable adversaries.

Yet, the prospect of confrontation was equally untenable. Feng Monarch, the man who had effortlessly dispatched Bu Jingtian, stood before them, an intimidating enigma whose prowess had been concealed until now.

Despite the anger that simmered within the elder of Sunlight Sect, there was an unmistakable tremor in his voice. While he feigned reasonableness, the undertone of fear was unmistakable. He sought verbal acknowledgment or appeasement from Feng Monarch, craving some semblance of closure or understanding regarding the situation that had unfolded.

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