The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 504

Chapter 504: Unsolved Puzzle

Chapter 504: Unsolved Puzzle

Unsolved Puzzle . . .

Hidden behind those inscriptions were more cryptic words, their meaning obscured by a haze that made them challenging to discern.

Master Bai strained his eyes, attempting to decipher a few fragments. "...World... For? Bet... Shh..." He inhaled sharply, his breath catching. "Two hosts of the universe; thirteen spirits in chaos; a bet of the world..."

However, the subsequent text remained elusive, slipping through his grasp like ephemeral mist.

Ling Wuxie approached, curiosity piqued, and inquired, "What does it mean? Do you have any idea?"

But Master Bai remained in contemplative silence. Blood trickled from his mouth, ignored as he delved deeper into his thoughts, his eyes unwavering.

Ling Wuxie sensed that Master Bai was akin to a celestial star, radiant and profound, as if he were unraveling the universe's deepest mysteries.

After a prolonged period, Master Bai expelled more blood, remarking, "Literally, it suggests... the existence of two individuals in the universe. Two hosts. Additionally, there are thirteen supreme spiritual animals... I wonder who these two individuals are and what these thirteen creatures represent..."

Ling Wuxie couldn't help but chuckle. "So you've pondered for this extended period, even spitting blood, and that's the extent of your insight? I can grasp this much, even without your dramatic flair. Do you truly need to cultivate an aura of mystique around it?"

Master Bai huffed, "Why don't you probe deeper? There can't be two suns in the sky, just as a nation can't have two kings. It's no different in the universe. There should only be one host of the universe. Yet, according to this inscription, there are two. Isn't that a peculiar deviation from the natural order?"

"The third phrase is blurry. I can only make out 'a bet of the world.' It's ambiguous. Perhaps the two hosts made a bet concerning the world, or perhaps there was a wager to spur them into combat until only one remains."

"Come on, Bai Chen! What's the distinction? I can't discern any significant difference between the two scenarios. Is it truly necessary to dwell on the wording? Are you simply trying to create an air of enigma?" Ling Wuxie grumbled.

Bai Chen appeared taken aback, then grinned. "I've told you, you're not astute enough. You fail to see the dissimilarity. They may sound similar, but there's a profound contrast. The former suggests that two hosts are engaged in a bet, which could pertain to anything, whether trivial or momentous. The latter indicates that the two hosts must battle until one succumbs, with the victor assuming control of the world. There's a significant disparity!"

"I see now. You're implying that there may be two influential figures vying for a single realm, or perhaps in some corner of the universe, two formidable individuals are vying for control over that realm. The victor seizes dominion?"

"Exactly. However, the term 'world' might transcend the boundaries of mere realms. Two possibilities exist, but I find the latter more likely... Two hosts in the universe, engaged in a battle for sole sovereignty of the universe."

Master Bai took a deep breath and suddenly staggered. Ling Wuxie rushed to his side, supporting him. josei

Ling Wuxie surmised that if Bai Chen were to collapse and hit the floor in his current state, the consequences might be dire. Even if he survived, it would likely entail severe injury. Holding another man in his arms wasn't something he relished, but Bai Chen was like a brother, and he was willing to make that small sacrifice.

At that very moment, two radiant streams of light streaked across the sky. One traveled from north to south, while the other traversed from east to west.

They shone brightly against the boundless, vacant sky before vanishing as though they had never been.

Master Bai, leaning on Ling Wuxie, gazed at the two radiant lights, his thoughts deep in contemplation.

Perhaps someone was unaware that at that very instant, when the two streams of light illuminated the firmament from north to south and east to west, every preeminent cultivator in every realm had awakened.

If they remained unawakened, it was an indication of their inadequate power.

Now, the two streams of light had vanished without a trace.

"I was correct," Master Bai murmured. "The obscured fourth phrase... Additional indistinct words... It must contain the unfathomable secret of nature. Only the chosen ones can lay claim to its revelation. You and I can only perceive the first three phrases..."

Ling Wuxie found himself struggling to grasp Master Bai's profound words. He gently rubbed his head and implored, "Brother, could you simplify it for the benefit of those less versed in such matters? I'm afraid I don't comprehend any of the concepts you've just elucidated."

Master Bai managed a weary smile, his strength waning, and he slumped into the supportive arms of Ling Wuxie. His voice was faint, as he continued to murmur, "Two hosts in the universe; thirteen spirits in chaos; a bet of the world... What do these enigmatic phrases entail? Who are these two hosts, and where do they reside?"


Cha Eun Xiao bade farewell to the three members of the House of the Chaotic Storms before retiring to the secluded chamber within Ling-Bao Hall, specially designated for his use. He issued strict orders that no one should disturb him. The need for rest was paramount, as was the necessity to unravel the swirling turmoil within his thoughts. The recent upheavals had left his mind in disarray, and the internal chaos grew increasingly challenging to sort through.

The jumble of thoughts seemed insurmountable, and the task of making sense of it all appeared daunting.

As he sat in contemplation, a sudden jolt of shock coursed through him. His eyes shot open, and he beheld two radiant streams of light streaking across the distant sky. His bewilderment was palpable. "What is happening?"

In the next instant, a resounding explosion shattered the tranquility. Cha Eun Xiao was assailed by a throbbing agony, and darkness threatened to overtake his vision. He fought against the pain and, with great effort, managed to keep his eyes open. To his surprise, words materialized before him.

He strained to read them, and the text came into focus: "Two hosts of the universe... Thirteen spirits in chaos? Oh? What... What does it mean?"

He struggled to concentrate, a sense of unexplainable dread creeping over him, originating deep within his bones and pervading his entire being.

Master Bai appeared perplexed by the words, but Cha Eun Xiao, for some reason, found himself less so. A connection sparked in his mind as he recollected the first phrase he had encountered in the Boundless Space, which read, "Peerless lord in the world; foremost spirit in chaos." Now, a different phrase presented itself:

"Two hosts of the universe; thirteen spirits in chaos!"

The question hung in his mind, "What does it signify?"

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