The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 514

Chapter 514: Flunky!

Chapter 514: Flunky!

Flunky! . . .

Cha Eun Xiao received an unexpected visit from the Second Prince, and his arrival left Cha Eun Xiao perplexed.

"My lord, Second Prince came for a visit," a guard reported, which immediately caught Cha Eun Xiao's attention.

"Second Prince?" Cha Eun Xiao furrowed his brows, clearly puzzled. He couldn't fathom the reason for the prince's sudden visit.

[Why would the Second Prince come to me at this particular time?]

[The superior cultivators of the eight noble clans should all be incapacitated by now, and he hasn't made a move to claim credit for their deaths. So why is he here?]

[The entire capital is in disarray, yet he chooses to seek me out?]

Cha Eun Xiao was lost in thought, and while he was pondering the prince's motives, it was too late to usher Bing-Er back into her room.

Being a prince, and in a house belonging to a seemingly frivolous young lord, Cha Eun Xiao, in the absence of General Ye, found himself in a situation where he couldn't prevent the Second Prince from entering.

The guards might not have feared the prince, but they couldn't stop him either.

"Lord Ye, heh, heh, heh. It has been a long time," the Second Prince greeted, his voice devoid of sorrow but rather tinged with relief for the deceased.

Cha Eun Xiao frowned, his countenance darkening.

Ever since Brother Egg had given Cha Eun Xiao the milky liquid, he had felt the presence of another unique energy coursing through his body. It flowed and pulsed, carrying a sense of unease with it.

Once it burst forth, Cha Eun Xiao wasn't sure if he could control it. After issuing orders at Ling-Bao Hall, he had rushed home, intent on remaining calm and cultivating martial arts to harness and subdue the unfamiliar power. He believed that the East-rising Purple Qi could help absorb this unique energy or at least mitigate any adverse effects.

However, the Second Prince's unexpected intrusion had shattered his plans and heightened his anxiety, making it more challenging to maintain control.

Cha Eun Xiao felt a surge of murderous intent brewing within him, and he struggled to suppress it. The impulse to kill someone simply for entering the house without permission was far too violent, and he suspected it was the anxiety that was driving him to such extremes.

"Second Prince, your honor," Cha Eun Xiao said, trying to redirect the conversation back to its original purpose. "Your presence graces my humble abode. We are truly honored. What brings you here today?"

But the prince remained silent, his gaze focused not on Cha Eun Xiao but on someone standing beside him.

Confused, Cha Eun Xiao followed the prince's gaze and discovered Bing-Er hiding behind him, her face flushed.

Bing-Er possessed an ethereally beautiful visage that would captivate the hearts of any man in the mortal world.

Clearly, the prince was no exception.

Song Jue sensed that something significant was about to transpire and observed Cha Eun Xiao's expression, which resembled that of someone teetering on the brink of losing control.

Sighing internally, he wondered, [Why is it that so many people in this world seem eager to meet their demise?]

"Second Prince!" Cha Eun Xiao emphasized, attempting to draw the prince's attention back to the matter at hand. josei

His strategy seemed to work, and the prince regained his composure, albeit with a touch of awkwardness. He laughed somewhat self-consciously before delivering a string of flattery. "It has been a while, Lord Ye. You are still as handsome and elegant as ever. You appear to be in good health and have even grown taller...and you are positively glowing with vitality. Hahaha..."

Cha Eun Xiao's face darkened further, perplexed by the prince's odd and unnecessary compliments.

[What kind of flattery is that? What does he mean by "glowing"?] The prince appeared to be trying to alleviate his own discomfort by offering compliments he hadn't thought through.

Cha Eun Xiao was undeterred by the awkwardness and maintained a serious expression. "I'm curious, Second Prince. What has brought you here? Please enlighten me, your honor."

The prince returned to his usual demeanor but frowned in response to Cha Eun Xiao's direct question.

The people around Second Prince were well-acquainted with his desires. They had played this game many times before, and they knew precisely what the prince expected of them.

Their roles were clearly defined.

When Second Prince took an interest in a young lady, he didn't need to voice his intentions; his sycophants would take care of the dirty work on his behalf.

Among them, one man boldly stepped forward from behind the prince. He pointed an accusatory finger at Cha Eun Xiao and loudly demanded, "How dare you, Cha Eun Xiao! Is this how you address the prince?"

This man was known as Wang Zhong, Second Prince's most trusted confidant and the one who had carried out numerous unsavory tasks on the prince's behalf. Now, Wang Zhong stepped into the spotlight, raising his voice as if he were determined to earn new merits.

Cha Eun Xiao's gaze turned icy as he fixed his eyes on Wang Zhong, and he responded in a measured tone, "What's the matter, Second Prince? Have you come here to create trouble for me, or are you simply showcasing your authority in my home?"

The prince's visit was not about causing trouble but had a more significant purpose.

The three clans that had supported the three princes had all been dismantled by the two prominent sects. Many of their members had perished in the process, leaving the three princes on equal footing once again. This presented an excellent opportunity.

Second Prince had come to the House of Cha to extend his goodwill with a specific agenda in mind.

Upon laying eyes on Bing-Er's extraordinary beauty, he had momentarily lost himself. It was only Cha Eun Xiao's question that had snapped him back to reality. He scolded Wang Zhong with a stern expression, "You, step back! How dare you speak to Lord Cha like that?"

The prince's rebuke was sharp.

Turning to Cha Eun Xiao with a forced smile, Second Prince attempted to defuse the tension. "Brother Cha, I hope you don't take offense. These followers have been with me for a long time. They tend to overestimate their own strength and become quite audacious."

Cha Eun Xiao offered a smile, though it bore an unsettling quality. He responded in a measured tone, "No need to worry. Sycophants tend to act tough when their master is standing behind them. I can understand that."

Wang Zhong, the man who had initially spoken up, suddenly felt as though the ground had been pulled from beneath him. His face turned pallid.

He felt insulted.

After years of loyal service to Second Prince and having undertaken countless unsavory tasks on the prince's behalf, this was his reward?

Second Prince himself had used the term, and when Cha Eun Xiao reiterated it, the word "flunky" suddenly carried a distinct connotation. Second Prince immediately regretted speaking so candidly. He had intended to console Wang Zhong but found himself caught in an awkward position.

Sometimes, it was wiser to keep certain truths to oneself, rather than airing them in public.

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