The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 530

Chapter 530: Extreme Sin!

Chapter 530: Extreme Sin!

Extreme Sin! . . .

Bing-Er was determined to extract the truth from the men. Her inquiry was direct: "Follow orders? Under commands… Whose orders? Whose commands?"

The leader of the men hesitated under her unwavering scrutiny. His gaze darted from Bing-Er to Cha Eun Xiao and Song Jue, both wearing sinister smiles that sent shivers down his spine. His fear of these formidable opponents prevented him from fabricating falsehoods.

With trepidation, he confessed, "It's… Second Prince."

Intrigued by the revelation, Song Jue probed for further information. He couldn't fathom why Second Prince required so many women. The notion of a prince having an excessive number of consorts seemed implausible.

Bing-Er's question had unraveled the man's reluctance. He began to divulge the sordid details of Second Prince's dealings. His motives were twofold: indulgence and profit. Second Prince operated a clandestine establishment known as the Voluptuous Flower Building. Within its confines, a chilling selection process transpired. Fifty girls were presented to Second Prince at a time, from which he would choose the ones that pleased him. These fortunate few were reserved for his personal use or given as gifts to his followers. The others, those he didn't favor, were condemned to a life of prostitution within the establishment.

As the man recounted the callous operation of the Voluptuous Flower Building, Cha Eun Xiao's anger welled up. Second Prince's wanton disregard for human dignity, not to mention his exploitation of women for financial gain, disgusted him.

Song Jue found the situation perplexing. Second Prince was of royal lineage, which should have afforded him a life of luxury without resorting to such unsavory pursuits. "He is the king's son indeed. He gets quite a lot of money from the royal house, but that money is only enough for his daily expenses," the man explained. "To gain support from officials, to hold secret activities, to pay men from noble clans, it is far from sufficient."

Cha Eun Xiao contributed to the discussion, shedding light on Second Prince's motives. "Second Prince doesn't want to just be a prince. He wants more. That is why he tries everything he can to earn money." His grim assessment of the situation was scathing. "That brothel is actually his most powerful tool to earn money! That is such a ridiculous and sad joke!"

As the revelation unfolded, Bing-Er couldn't believe her ears. "A noble-born prince… a son of the king, actually forces women to sell their bodies just to earn him money?" She was incensed. "Money for him to spend lavishly? To devote for his own ambition?"

She clenched her small hands into fists, her anger palpable. The group then questioned the extent of the Voluptuous Flower Building's presence, hoping to uncover the full scale of its abhorrent operation.

Understanding Cha Eun Xiao's objective, the man hesitated to reveal more but relented under his pressure. He recounted the gruesome martial art technique used for torment, the Death or Life Hand.

The situation became ever more grave, with dark secrets emerging that demanded justice.

Cha Eun Xiao's opponents were destined to experience profound misery when struck by his techniques. His skills, notably the Death or Life Hand, were a level above the formidable Bone Twisting Hand. The Death or Life Hand possessed the capacity to compel its victims to yearn for death, representing the epitome of brutality in the realm of human torture.

With measured composure, Cha Eun Xiao completed the intricate gestures required for this sinister technique. He continued to manipulate his fingers, striving to generate an eerie symphony. In a cool, detached tone, he addressed his captive, "You would be wise to divulge the information promptly. I am not known for my patience, especially under these circumstances. I assure you, there will be no second chances today."

The leader of the men was shrouded in a dark cloud of despair. He hesitated for a moment and then clenched his teeth, saying, "The Voluptuous Flower Building in the capital has an annual output of approximately twenty thousand girls."

"Twenty thousand girls a year!" exclaimed Song Jue.

The Second Prince's insatiable greed became evident, but this was merely the count of one establishment within the capital. When accounting for all the branches throughout the kingdom, the numbers became truly horrifying. It was an indication of the scale of the atrocity, signifying that twenty thousand girls entered the brothel, and twenty thousand departed, every year.

Cha Eun Xiao drew in a deep breath and closed his eyes, pondering the grim implications. "Such a staggering number. What becomes of those who no longer serve any purpose to the business?"

"The fortunate ones may find themselves sold to smaller brothels, where they may eke out a survival," the man in black replied, his voice growing increasingly subdued. josei

"And the unfortunate ones?" Bing-Er inquired, her voice laden with fury. She ventured a guess but held out hope for a different answer, though her cold countenance and darkened eyes betrayed her true emotions.

"Those with ill luck... sadly, they meet their end. Their bodies are obliterated, leaving nothing behind," the man in black revealed, his eyes reflecting a somber gloom.

"Are you responsible for these 'after works'?" Cha Eun Xiao inquired, his tone deceptively calm. Yet, a seething undercurrent of anger lurked beneath the surface, poised to erupt at any moment.

The revelation was beyond Cha Eun Xiao's comprehension. In Chen-Xing City, a place that exuded an illusion of happiness and leisure, such an insidious, insane, and agonizing sin thrived. What astounded him the most was that the hand of this malevolence extended from the royal household, no less—the second son of the king, one of the legitimate heirs to the throne. This inconceivable revelation raised alarming questions about the future of the kingdom under such a man's rule.

"No wonder the Second Prince exudes such confidence. His unwavering belief in his prospects has confounded all observers. With the Crown Prince already designated, his relentless pursuit of the throne hints at a hidden ace card." These thoughts raced through Cha Eun Xiao's mind.

None of the enigmatic men in black dared to respond to Cha Eun Xiao, their backs drenched in cold sweat.

Cha Eun Xiao continued with another inquiry, "You refuse to answer. Very well. Tell me, who forms his alliance? A plan of this magnitude exceeds a prince's capacity to execute discreetly. It necessitates a vast network. Who else is involved?"

The man in black tentatively provided a few names of implicated officials. "These individuals are all I know. Undoubtedly, there are others involved. Wang Zhong, the Second Prince's most trusted confidant, possesses more comprehensive knowledge."

Cha Eun Xiao nodded, his gaze directed skyward as he closed his eyes. The pent-up killing intent within him could no longer be contained. It surged forth with an intensity that was impossible to suppress.

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