The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 533

Chapter 533: Raging Over

Chapter 533: Raging Over

Raging Over . . .

The old man, seemingly content with the arrangement, nodded approvingly and remarked, "Excellent, then my progress will remain unhindered."

Meanwhile, the Second Prince sat before a chessboard, his thoughts entangled with the strategic placement of a chess piece. His mind wandered back to an encounter eight years earlier, a fateful meeting with the enigmatic old man who had since become a pervasive presence in his life. From the moment the old man learned of his royal lineage, he began to tantalize the prince with alluring promises.

"I can assist you in ascending the throne," the old man had whispered.

"I can impart the secrets of esoteric martial arts to you."

"I can extend your life."

"I can offer you... everything your heart desires, and all I ask in return is your cooperation."

The allure of the throne was irresistible, and the Second Prince, fueled by ambition, saw a multitude of opportunities at his disposal, including the prospect of overthrowing his brother's rule. Their alliance was forged, even though the prince remained unaware of the nefarious deeds that lay ahead.

The Second Prince was cognizant from the start that the path ahead would be marked by ruthlessness and callousness. He harbored no illusions about the brutality that would unfold as part of their plan to create the Voluptuous Flower Building. Still, as wealth poured in, supporters multiplied, and he grew more capable of challenging his elder sibling, the notion of retreat dwindled. His ambition eclipsed his initial reservations.

"A successful man doesn't dwell on trivialities," he consoled himself. "I'll need to sacrifice a few hundred thousand girls for the sake of my grand achievement. Victors claim the land. All subjects belong to the king. The kingdom will be mine one day. History is written by the victors. Who will bother with such trifles?"

"People are dying in the war."

"People are dying for the new king."

Snatching the crown from the Crown Prince was no easy feat, but with the unwavering support of the old man, the Second Prince found the path to be a smoother ascent.

"As long as I can ascend to the throne, every sacrifice is justified," he convinced himself.

Guilt once gnawed at him, but it soon gave way to pleasure, then satisfaction, followed by relief, and ultimately, lunacy and shamelessness. This transformation occurred in the span of a mere year and a half.

By the time he had come to terms with it, he rationalized, "No woman in this world retains her virginity forever. Since it will be lost eventually, what difference does it make who takes it? Why not me? It's my prerogative! I am a prince, of noble blood!"

"I am the future king! Bestowing upon them the privilege of surrendering their virginity to me is a blessing. Their sacrifices contribute to a king's rise, and they should be content even in the afterlife."

Guilt no longer held sway over him, and he relished his activities with an absurd rationale.

"They belong to me, and while they may no longer be virgins, they still possess value to their owner."

Thus, the girls descended into prostitution, ultimately being sold and disposed of in the most ruthless fashion.

Their deaths, however, yielded profit for the Second Prince, affording him the means to acquire horses and weaponry. And now, he sat before the chessboard, lost in thoughts far removed from the game.

The girl from the House of Ye had captivated him like no other. His mind was consumed with thoughts of her.

"I shall derive immense pleasure from her," he mused. "She's not like the others. Perhaps I should keep her in my chambers."

"I could maintain her presence for a few years. When her allure wanes, I can arrange to sell her... Or, if she remains as obedient and beautiful as ever, she could become a favored concubine."

He envisioned a plan that he considered to be a profound act of benevolence for a destitute girl.

As the old man observed the Second Prince clutching the chess piece, he offered a bland remark, "I surmise you've developed a particular fondness for the girl slated for tonight."

The prince responded with a cautious nod, "Indeed, I hold a deep affection for her."

The old man inquired further, "Is she still a maiden?"

The Second Prince's expression darkened.

[Wasn't it clear that I had developed a deep affection for her?]

The Prince couldn't help but be exasperated. [I've already made my preferences clear. Why does he have to ask me this? Isn't he ruining my enjoyment?]

The Second Prince decided to be forthright in his response. "She should be," he declared. "I have a deep fondness for her. Master, why don't you let me have her."

He opted for honesty in this matter. josei

The old man chuckled in response. "Since you have such strong feelings for her, I won't contest it. I'm curious, though, just how beautiful is she to captivate you to this extent? You're even willing to risk upsetting a high-ranking official for her!"

The Second Prince's smile took on a lascivious gleam as he replied, "It's going to be an unforgettable night. The martial art you taught me, which involves intimate relations, I've finally found a girl on whom I can practice."

The old man's laughter resonated. "Oh? Is she truly that skilled? If that's the case, you're a fortunate man. Just hearing about it has piqued my interest as well."

As these two individuals indulged in their licentious banter, an unwelcome interruption came. A voice, devoid of mirth, interjected, "I'm not so certain about your good fortune. Tonight is indeed going to be unforgettable, but it's also the night you both will meet your end. I'm absolutely certain of that!"

As the voice echoed, a chorus of moans filled the air.

The old man's demeanor shifted to one of apprehension. He turned around and demanded, "Who's there?"

- A thunderous explosion -

The grand hall's gates disintegrated into ash.

A young man, clad in cyan robes, and a young woman, resplendent in white, made their entrance.

The young man stood with a casual air, hands resting behind his back, his expression one of indifference. In contrast, the young woman gripped a snow-white, cold-glowing sword in her hand, radiating a formidable aura.

The Second Prince rose to his feet in astonishment. "Cha Eun Xiao? How did you..."

The old man seemed to pay no heed to the prince's exclamation. Instead, he fixed his gaze upon Bing-Er's countenance from the outset.

His surprise gave way to elation, and he burst into laughter. "Such an exquisite beauty exists after all! Excellent! A beauty has come to me of her own accord! I must claim her for myself! Hahaha..."

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