The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 541

Chapter 541: World-shocking Case!

Chapter 541: World-shocking Case!

World-shocking Case! . . .

Shortly after Liu Changjun and his contingent of assassins departed, the very earth beneath their feet began to tremble. It was an old adage that law enforcement often arrives after a criminal departs, and it appeared that the royal guards of Chen-Xing City adhered to this pattern. However, Cha Eun Xiao's team had executed their operation with such incredible speed that even the royal guards seemed comparatively sluggish in their response.

The royal guards, alerted to the incident, were making haste from a considerable distance. However, Cha Eun Xiao and his companions had conducted their mission with lightning-like swiftness, reflecting a combination of precision and celerity.

Eun Xiao muttered in a tone of mild exasperation, "The expected arrivals are now here, and it is time for us, who have concluded our mission, to depart. Secure these individuals, and let us be on our way."

With haste and purpose, Cha Eun Xiao, Ning Biluo, Zhao Pingtian, Song Jue, and Bing-Er seized the six survivors and vaulted onto the palace walls, disappearing as if they were mere specters.

A cacophony of marching feet resounded as the army arrived from all directions. Competent cultivators soared into the yard, but they were arriving too late, grievously tardy in their intervention.

The scene that greeted them was nothing short of horrifying.

"Is this truly a prince's palace?" one observer pondered aloud, and what lay before them was a courtyard drenched in blood. Amidst the gruesome tableau, piles of headless bodies were arranged meticulously, gender and height being the basis for their organization. josei

Remarkably, the severed heads lay in neat stacks, reminiscent of watermelons at a bustling market. If these heads had indeed been fruit, the owner of such an establishment would be deemed remarkably prosperous. But in reality, this was a chilling testimony to the assailants' gruesome labor.

The pungent odor of blood hung heavily in the air, as if it had condensed into a palpable presence, suffusing the entire palace, rendering it an eerie, silent chamber of death.

The general who led the royal guards was both astonished and incensed. Tremors ran through his body as he surveyed the macabre scene before him.

"This... this is..." he stammered, unable to complete his thought.

"Sir, the Second Prince and his two maids are nowhere to be found. Everyone else is dead, including the concubines. Their heads have been severed," reported a soldier, checking a list of names.

The general, incensed and appalled, responded by delivering a resounding slap to the soldier's face. "You imbecile! Must you use such crass language? Can you not say 'murdered' instead? Do you insist on using 'heads off' and similar phrases? I swear, I'll have your head if you persist!"

The chastised soldier, nursing his stinging cheek, meekly retreated. He reflected, [It was you who insisted on the specific terminology! You said, 'If their heads are severed, you must clarify that.' So, I said, 'Heads off.' But now you blame me for it? What a farce...]

The general, his anxiety intensifying, exclaimed in a fevered tone, "A case that will shock the world!"

Sweat poured from his brow, saturating his garments. His eyes resembled blazing bulbs as he contemplated the situation, stunned and overwhelmed.

This heinous incident had transpired within the capital, within the Second Prince's palace, no less. It had left an indelible mark of horror. It was an astounding, world-shattering case.

The palace was the residence of the king's son, and now it stood as a grim testament to unfathomable violence. What could he possibly convey to the king about this unparalleled tragedy?

"Seal off the city! Launch a manhunt for the perpetrator!" the general roared, his voice straining as if his very throat might rupture. His fury was palpable.

[Why, oh why, must such a calamity occur on my watch?]

[Is fate conspiring against me?]

"This... We must convey this matter to the Ministry of Penalty and... the king," the general uttered, his voice laden with distress. "It's over for me... it's all over..."

The assembled soldiers exchanged glances, their expressions reflecting a sense of bewilderment. Their collective thoughts revolved around the same pressing question: [Who could the Second Prince have antagonized to warrant the annihilation of his entire family in a single night?]

[During the incident involving the two great sects breaching the palace, they didn't suffer such a complete obliteration.]

[The perpetrator behind this must wield extraordinary power to execute such an audacious act.]

Dawn heralded a renewed period of turmoil in the capital. These two consecutive nights had been nothing short of disastrous. The first night had plunged the city into chaos, marked by a high death toll, and the Royal House had nearly faced ruination. Despite an entire day dedicated to recovery efforts, the kingdom still grappled with residual turbulence.

The following night had witnessed the utter decimation of the Second Prince's palace.

[What does this signify?]

[Was the assailant solely targeting the Second Prince, or were there other intended victims? Does this extend to the entire royal family, or is everyone a potential target?]

[Will there be further victims?]

Before the sun graced the sky, the capital had plunged into disarray. The blaring of horns and the clatter of horse hooves resounded through the city. The doors of the capital were sealed shut, while mounted soldiers systematically scoured the city, initiating a grand and sweeping manhunt.

The king received this astonishing news while reviewing his morning reports. Upon hearing it, his physical demeanor betrayed his inner turmoil. His visage paled, and he clenched his teeth as he uttered a single word, "Pursue."

With that terse command, he set aside the matter and proceeded to address other affairs. He exhibited an air of indifference, at least outwardly, to the grave news. In the presence of concerned officials, the king maintained a semblance of composure and directed the kingdom's matters with methodical precision.

By late morning, the court proceedings had concluded, and the officials took their leave. All reports had been addressed, and the king rose from his throne to exit the royal hall. His steps were resolute and unwavering, exuding a sense of regal strength.

[What an exemplary monarch! Such unwavering stability! How remarkable!]

To the watching officials, the king appeared deeply affected by the tragic news. However, he continued to prioritize the welfare of the kingdom above all else, keeping his personal grief concealed.

As the officials departed, none of them were privy to the fact that, once the king returned to his private chambers and the facade fell away, he stumbled and spewed forth a torrent of blood.

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