The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 546

Chapter 546: I Will Carry the Sin!

Chapter 546: I Will Carry the Sin!

I Will Carry the Sin! . . .

Cha Eun Xiao waited with bated breath, his heart pounding with anticipation. He longed to catch a glimpse of his beloved on the 5th of July, a date significant due to the alignment of Yin and Yang, which held a special place in their hearts. Little did he know that an astonishing transformation awaited her, triggered by the consumption of numerous Soul Gathering Dan beads.

Her excitement mirrored his, and he watched her with eyes brimming with tears as she darted about, scaring away unwelcome intruders. Though she was unaware of her newfound visibility, she was determined to protect herself and exact revenge.

Cha Eun Xiao held back his emotions, not wishing to disrupt her valiant efforts, even though his heart overflowed with gratitude for her presence. He silently expressed his thanks, feeling indebted to her.

As the investigation concluded, an entire day had passed, and darkness settled once more. The Second Prince and his cohorts had been reduced to gruesome remnants of flesh and blood. Cha Eun Xiao examined an account book he had acquired from the Second Prince's Palace, part of a collection of over a dozen such books, albeit devoid of any crucial information. Vital knowledge was seldom documented in such volumes; it resided within the hearts of those in power.

His gaze turned cold and piercing, as he realized the true importance lay in that which remained unrecorded. Ning Biluo, his confidant, confirmed that the inquests had yielded consistent testimony, reducing the likelihood of deceit.

Cha Eun Xiao nodded in agreement, resolved to proceed meticulously. He needed to determine the precise number of individuals to be dealt with, ensuring no one escaped their retribution. The weight of his responsibility weighed heavily on him, and he felt the fatigue in his bones.

Contemplating the countless innocent lives destroyed by greed and cruelty, Cha Eun Xiao couldn't help but feel a profound sense of despair. Second Prince was just one player in a sinister game of human trafficking and brutality. The enormity of the task ahead weighed on him; he questioned whether it was possible to cleanse the world of such sins and protect the vulnerable. How could he ensure that no more innocent lives would be sacrificed to the avarice of others? It was a challenge that haunted his thoughts.

"Even though Cha Eun Xiao acknowledged the impossibility of eradicating every trace of evil, he remained resolute. His voice, infused with a fierce determination, cut through the air.

"Accounting completed," replied one of his loyal advisors.

"How many?" Cha Eun Xiao inquired.

"In the capital, there are six officials, including one from the Penalty Ministry and one from the Revenue Ministry. Additionally, there's a general and two ministers," the advisor reported.

"Exterminate their entire lineages. Leave no one untouched," Cha Eun Xiao commanded.

"Yes, my lord," the advisor affirmed.

"In the capital, there are two Voluptuous Flower Buildings, totaling... one thousand five hundred and forty-six individuals," the advisor continued.

Cha Eun Xiao's response was unyielding, "Annihilate them all, along with every member of their clans. Pay special attention to the Discipline Supervisors; make their deaths agonizing. I want them to suffer before meeting their end. Remember, every person in their clans must be eliminated. Such men should not be allowed to bring offspring into this world."

"Yes, my lord," the advisor responded.

"The network of Voluptuous Flower Buildings outside the capital is vast, involving local officials and martial practitioners. Their numbers exceed eighteen thousand," Zhao Pingtian remarked, his voice heavy with sorrow.

The Voluptuous Flower Building had claimed countless lives, attracting a host of nefarious and contemptible individuals driven by personal gain.

"Anyone found guilty must meet their demise," Cha Eun Xiao ordered. "Assign separate tasks to the assassins from Ling-Bao Hall. I want these men to die, to experience torment before their deaths, to anticipate their descent into hell. I want them to taste remorse before they perish."

Cha Eun Xiao's hatred had never been more intense. Not even the three factions of the Qing-Yun Realm had stirred such vehement loathing within him. josei

This gruesome act committed by the Second Prince and his associates had ignited a thirst for retribution in Cha Eun Xiao's heart. Every order he issued bore the intention to kill.

Ning Biluo and Zhao Pingtian made a solemn pledge, "Rest assured, my lord. None of these men shall escape our wrath."

"Listen carefully. The assassins from Ling-Bao Hall shall operate in four groups—east, west, south, and north. They will receive specific lists of targets. Kill anyone on the list, and bring back evidence. Those on the list are irredeemable; their entire clans must be eradicated, without mercy."

Cha Eun Xiao's eyes glinted with a fierce, unrelenting spirit.

The deaths of eight hundred thousand innocent women had incited his wrath. Among them were wives and daughters of soldiers fighting at the front lines, extinguishing the last traces of mercy in his heart.

He no longer found it too cruel to obliterate their entire clans, even if a few innocents remained among them. In his eyes, no one could be more innocent than those women.

His rationality had been consumed by anger, and he could not find solace.

"In this world, there is no law that can deliver righteous punishment to these abominations. Justice is tardy, and the law cannot provide it. Therefore, I shall bring justice to this world."

Rising from his seat, Cha Eun Xiao's gaze bore the weight of his determination. With every word, he declared, "The heavens, the mortal realm, and society, I will enforce justice where no one else can. I am willing to bear the sin of murder."

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