The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 550

Chapter 550: Crazy Slaughter!

Chapter 550: Crazy Slaughter!

Crazy Slaughter! . . .

Confusion reigned among the officials as they observed the king's abrupt departure and withdrawal from the scene. They remained uncertain about what had transpired or why the king had reacted in such a manner, but not a soul dared to inquire further. They silently complied with the monarch's instructions.

Upon the king's command, a grim task was undertaken. An individual was tasked with the unenviable responsibility of retrieving Second Prince's dismembered body, gathering the severed limbs, flesh, and blood, and attempting the futile effort of reassembling them to recreate a semblance of the deceased prince.

Nonetheless, it was an endeavor destined for failure. It had been an act of mercy that had ended Second Prince's life swiftly, and no attempt could restore his body to completeness.

Within the confines of the Royal House, a deafening sound reverberated as the king vehemently struck his white jade desk. The venerable desk, which had served him for countless years, lay shattered into pieces, mirroring the king's disheveled state. His visage had turned an ashen hue, and his eyes blazed with an intensity akin to the resounding toll of copper bells. josei

Having read the scroll's entire contents, the king was overcome by a mounting fury. His anger had been simmering since he began to peruse the document, and by the time he reached its conclusion, it had erupted into an inferno. As a man of unwavering resolve, he had retained his composure and channeled his wrath throughout the reading.

Now, however, the conflagration of anger surged within his chest, and he unleashed it upon the jade desk, seeking an outlet for his turbulent emotions. By his side, Royal Consort Hua, who had been weeping and trembling, found herself paralyzed by terror. Her trembling lips opened slightly, but she remained at a loss for words.

She was Second Prince's mother.

Earlier, the king had attempted to console her, yet now he did not even spare her a glance. His mind was consumed with thoughts and concerns that overruled any solace he might offer. He pushed aside the scroll and issued a command in a voice of cold authority.

"Make a copy of it, and uncover the truth," he ordered, and a eunuch swiftly seized the scroll before departing with a lowered head.

"Your Majesty, my son met such a gruesome end, and I…" Royal Consort Hua's tears continued to flow, and she tried to express her anguish.

"Be gone!" The king's outburst was a torrent of anger. He raged like a tempest, and in his fury, he rose to his feet, thrusting objects to the floor, among them the treasured Royal Jade Ruyi that he held in high regard.

The Royal Consort stood in shock, trembling even more than before, unable to utter a word. Eunuchs and maidservants assisted her exit, and the room was left in disarray, the remnants of the king's tumultuous outburst strewn about.

Alone in his study, the king quaked with emotions, his eyes smoldering with pent-up anger.

Deep down, he understood that delving into the matter was unnecessary. He held no doubt as to the veracity of the document's contents. The evidence before him was irrefutable, and there was no need for further inquiry. Such heinous accusations were not fabricated, and it would be an unparalleled farce to falsely implicate a prince and orchestrate the annihilation of his entire family in the Land of Han-Yang.

Within the span of a single night, an overwhelming surge of murderous intent swept through the city, and the scent of blood filled the air. Voluptuous Flower Building's branches, located within hundreds of miles surrounding Chen-Xing City, had been obliterated. The staff met gruesome fates, with death stalking them in the most unusual and brutal ways. In some instances, their entire clans had been eradicated, leaving an indelible mark of retribution.

Nevertheless, amid the scenes of carnage and the pervasive stench of blood in various locations, an incongruity became evident. Unlike the two sites within Chen-Xing City, where chaos and death prevailed, certain areas stood in stark contrast.

Within these premises, where lifeless bodies bore testament to the brutality inflicted, there existed a perplexing order. The books and clandestine documents, typically hidden deep beneath the floorboards, had been conspicuously placed on tables in the main hall. These confidential records unveiled the sordid dealings of Voluptuous Flower Building.

In meticulous detail, the documents chronicled the brothel's daily earnings. While they retained a meager ten percent for their expenses, the bulk of their proceeds was meticulously accounted for as it flowed into various other entities. Those who had perished in the night's reckoning had their financial ledgers presented on the very table, providing a detailed account of the monetary transactions.

These transactions formed a complex and intricate web of wealth distribution. Its labyrinthine path was so ingeniously devised that scrutinizing a single juncture within its course yielded no conclusive results. It seemed almost insurmountable to trace the money to its ultimate destination.

Only when a meticulous audit was conducted, examining the finances of Second Prince's Palace, did the truth come to light. It was a staggering revelation that over twenty thousand lives had been extinguished in a single night.

The unveiled atrocities sent shockwaves rippling across the entire kingdom. However, the tide of violence had only begun. Commencing within the capital of the Kingdom of Chen, it swiftly rippled outward, sparing no branch of Voluptuous Flower Building in its path. Those who were privy to the impending doom and had attempted to evade their fate by hiding found themselves summarily dragged out and put to the sword, alongside their entire families.

It was akin to a malevolent tempest that laid waste to an entire forest, where none could escape the uncompromising hand of justice. Even those small and insignificant figures were ensnared by their deeds, as Cha Eun Xiao made his stance unequivocally clear.

"I have informed you, the government, and the royal house," he declared. "But I simply do not trust you. Evil must be eradicated. We will be the instruments of their descent into hell. Who knows how long it would take for your investigations and their eventual culpability. We do not wait. The million souls of the young women cannot wait. Justice for all the world's people cannot wait. We will act now."

In the royal court, the king was in the throes of profound agitation. Through tears, he implored, "I... I am ashamed. I am deeply sorry to my ancestors and my people. My son was a monstrous, conscienceless being. He was unscrupulous. This is a grave misfortune for the Kingdom of Chen, an indelible stain on the royal clan, and a source of immense grief for my people. His guilt remains unalleviated, even if he were cut into a thousand pieces."

The officials who bore witness to this tumultuous confession stood in solemn silence. They refrained from offering words of solace or seeking to assuage the king's turmoil, as was customary. They dared not voice excuses, for under such damning revelations of atrocities that defied belief, there was nothing left to say.

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