The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 568

Chapter 568: Stalemate!

Chapter 568: Stalemate!

Stalemate! . . .

Nonetheless, the enigmatic adversaries remained hidden in the shadows, unwilling to reveal themselves. The oppressive aura they exuded persisted, an unceasing pressure on Cha Eun Xiao. It was evident that they had no intention of emerging until Feng Monarch succumbed.

No one was willing to take the risk of proximity that might lead to irreversible remorse. The legend of Feng Monarch's poison beads cast a chilling specter over the scene. To be touched by the dark fog, that shrouded malevolence, was to court an inexorable transformation into lifeless ashes. The name of Feng Monarch was synonymous with dread; none dared to approach him, even at a distance, lest a wayward breeze carried the deadly fog in their direction.

Death awaited any who encountered the toxic fog. With life hanging by a thread, the prudent choice was to maintain a cautious distance, for even a brief moment of proximity might seal their fates. Cha Eun Xiao paused, feigning extreme exhaustion as he gasped for breath, his hands clutching his knees. His deliberate theatrics conveyed the appearance of near-certain fatigue, disguising his observant vigilance.

The setting was a flat expanse, punctuated by two diminutive villages in the distance and a chain of modest mountains further beyond—a typical backdrop in the vicinity of Chen-Xing City. The enemies had evidently planned to funnel Cha Eun Xiao to this location, as part of a calculated strategy.

In truth, this location was more favorable for the adversaries to handle Feng Monarch. The suppressing power might have diminished somewhat in the open field, yet it remained sufficient to hold Feng Monarch captive. Twenty-four cultivators, each of them surpassing level eight of the Sky Origin Stage, wielded a substantial advantage, even with their powers curtailed. In his current state, Cha Eun Xiao was incapable of mounting a defense, no matter how much he reduced their strength.

As long as he failed to escape their encirclement, the battle was theirs to win. Cha Eun Xiao gasped for breath, assuming the appearance of vulnerability. He remained still, as if any one of the twenty-four opponents could readily finish him off.

Unbeknownst to them, the East-rising Purple Qi surged through Cha Eun Xiao's body, like a mighty river replenishing his strength. Moreover, boundless spiritual energy continued to amass within the Space, generating a tempest of spiritual qi that raged from the depths of Brother Egg.

At any moment, with the slightest indication, Cha Eun Xiao could unleash this formidable reserve, replenishing his energy within seconds, surging to a state poised for a decisive response. The encroaching suppression intensified, their combined forces tightening around him. It was a deliberate strategy, a calculated effort to snuff out his life slowly, rather than in an instant.

Their unspoken sentiment resonated, "We don't seek a swift victory, only a protracted demise. We need not expose ourselves; we can vanquish you from a distance. As long as you meet your end, all shall be well, and there is no need to hasten the inevitable."

Cha Eun Xiao inhaled deeply, attempting to convert spiritual energy into a protective shield. He engaged the first level martial art of East-rising Purple Qi, pushing back against the stifling suppression. However, the effort exacted a toll, manifesting in cold beads of sweat upon his forehead.

The adversaries remained in waiting, certain that Feng Monarch's downfall was imminent. Yet, unbeknownst to them, Cha Eun Xiao's resilience was unwavering. He awaited their emergence with a calculated patience, determined to wrest control of the situation when they revealed themselves. His sharp eyes, a testament to his unparalleled perception, scanned the horizon, ready to assess their individual strengths and weaknesses.

The moment they chose to unveil themselves would mark the inception of his counteroffensive. However, the suppressing force continued to escalate, and as of yet, there were no signs of their appearance. Cha Eun Xiao remained resolute, biding his time for the precise moment to seize the initiative.

Following a prolonged stalemate, Cha Eun Xiao executed a cunning stratagem. He deliberately conveyed an appearance of vulnerability, a masterful act that would go on to define the unfolding events. With deliberate intent, he projected an image of weakness, emboldening his adversaries to reveal their hidden numbers.

It was all an act, a ruse to incite his enemies into baring their full might. Cha Eun Xiao recognized that the trap set by the enemy concealed a more potent offensive, one that they had yet to unleash. His initial objective was to draw them out, compelling them to lay bare their final and most formidable move.

In response to this feigned vulnerability, the adversaries summoned reinforcements. Four additional individuals merged with the original twenty-four, their collective strength akin to the most potent of sledgehammers, poised to shatter the existing deadlock. josei

Yet, beneath the surface of this apparent impasse lay Cha Eun Xiao's calculated deception. He understood that, given the treacherous circumstances, his adversaries would eventually relinquish their restraint, compelled to employ their most powerful forces. Their reluctance to emerge from the shadows into the field was anticipated.

With the arrival of these new reinforcements, the situation escalated into an intense standoff. However, even with the added strength, the stalemate persisted, a revelation that confounded Cha Eun Xiao.

The individuals affiliated with the two great sects watched with astonishment as their adversary held his ground, their preconceived notions shattered. "He is undeniably a formidable opponent," they conceded. The killing of Bu Jingtian was no longer a mere rumor but an impressive feat that spoke to Cha Eun Xiao's capabilities.

Despite Cha Eun Xiao's gambit to lure his adversaries into revealing their final gambit, they hesitated, unable to bridge the divide between advantage and final action. It remained a precarious equilibrium, and Cha Eun Xiao, though maintaining a fa?ade of vulnerability, was far from complacent.

As the unfolding events transpired, the tension in the air was palpable. The twenty-eight men were thrust into a state of incredulity, provoked and agitated by the improbable turn of events.

They grappled with disbelief and perplexity, their thoughts echoing a singular sentiment: "What in the world is happening here?" Cha Eun Xiao had defied all expectations, his resilience a testament to his formidable nature. With every passing moment, the realization that they faced a truly exceptional adversary took root.

"This is an unyielding challenge," they acknowledged. Cha Eun Xiao, even when appearing drained, held steadfast against the combined might of the twenty-eight men. It was a testament to his exceptional abilities, one that left them in awe, grappling with the reality of confronting a veritable monster.

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