The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 618

Chapter 618: Unbelievably Wise

Chapter 618: Unbelievably Wise

Unbelievably Wise . . .

"Isn't he overly self-assured? Where does he find such unwavering confidence?" Cha Eun Xiao pondered before speaking aloud, "I mean, what's next? What's your plan? While I'm still in this world, share your intentions, and perhaps I can assist."

"I believe you should steer clear of this matter. No matter what you do, it tends to be grandiose and attention-grabbing," Zuo Wuji responded. "Crown Prince and Second Prince have both been dealt with. The most formidable adversaries are out of the picture. The sole possible obstacle left is the powerless Third Prince. He's an excellent training tool for Chen Zhi..."

Zuo Wuji went on, "So, please entrust the role of training Third Prince to me. It should be a simple task to eliminate him. If you eliminate him, it would be incredibly disappointing..."

Cha Eun Xiao gave a rueful smile. "Really? Am I that ruthless? To be honest, Third Prince is weak, frivolous, arrogant, and ignorant, but he hasn't committed any wrongdoings. Why would I kill him?"

Zuo Wuji scoffed, "Haven't you investigated him already?"

Cha Eun Xiao sheepishly rubbed his nose, wearing an uneasy smile.

"What if he proves to be just like Second Prince? Would you still stay uninvolved?" Zuo Wuji asked, a cold smile on his lips.

Cha Eun Xiao continued to rub his nose, unable to make a promise. If Third Prince were as wicked as Second Prince, he might feel compelled to eliminate the entire royal family.

A few princes of the Kingdom of Chen meeting their demise wouldn't concern him, and he would have no qualms about the extinction of the entire princely lineage.

"You're essentially a harbinger of death!" Zuo Wuji grumbled.

Cha Eun Xiao suddenly laughed. "Come on, Wuji! Well, one should aspire to achieve loftier objectives. While Third Prince may be a useful training subject for Chen Zhi, he is not the most significant adversary. In fact, it should be the king. Well, I... I helped the King a few days ago. He should have at least another thirty years left."

Zuo Wuji appeared gloomy. "I don't know what to say to you now. You've slain two of his sons and granted him decades more of life. It may be a cause for sorrow for ordinary people, but it's absolutely a boon for a king."

"With several decades ahead of him, he can raise as many princes as he desires. Don't wear that 'I'm sorry' expression around me. I was aware of this from the beginning. Don't gaze at me in that manner. I'm not a fortune-teller. I'm no magician... The old man returned home yesterday. He noted that something seemed amiss. The king, in a fit of rage, razed the Crown Prince's Palace and executed everyone. Several servants and eunuchs in the royal household also perished, along with a few royal concubines and their entire families."

"My grandpa believed there was a scandal involving the royal family... likely connected to the Crown Prince. Nonetheless, he only alluded to it, as it was a sensitive topic..."

Zuo Wuji's revelations astounded Cha Eun Xiao. Such a well-concealed secret had, unbeknownst to him, stirred the suspicions of seasoned courtiers, who had made remarkably accurate deductions based on minor clues.

"My grandpa was not unduly troubled by these covert operations. What kept bothering him was that... the king's health had been deteriorating. He was convinced that the king was nearing the end of his life. The elderly statesmen in the court were also aware of it and anxious about the prospect."

"However, when the king heard of these revelations, he should have coughed up blood and taken to his bed in a state of distress, leading to his demise. Yet, after venting his fury, he remained in perfect health. There was no sign of any health issue. The king is fine, without any ailment..."

"That is perplexing. My grandpa was aware that the king had visited Ling-Bao Hall, and he believes that Feng Monarch, the grandmaster of elixirs, healed the king! Feng Monarch must have cured the king's ailment..."

"My grandpa was overjoyed about it. He imbibed quite a bit and mumbled phrases like 'may God bless the Kingdom of Chen.'"

Zuo Wuji scrutinized Cha Eun Xiao. "Is there anything amiss with these events?"

Cha Eun Xiao could only shake his head. "No, there isn't. You're absolutely correct."

Cha Eun Xiao marveled at the profound insights of Zuo Wuji and his grandfather. With just a few faint clues, they had unraveled the entire truth, an astounding display of their deductive prowess.

"Nevertheless, the king was never an adversary. He isn't now, and he never will be... He has fully recovered, and he possesses the ability to govern the kingdom with benevolence. Extending his life by a few more years is indeed a positive development. After all, Chen Zhi is still quite young..." Cha Eun Xiao mused.

Zuo Wuji furrowed his brow and added, "I believe it would be ideal for Chen Zhi to ascend to the throne when he turns thirty... It's the prime of his life. The kingdom should be thriving in peace at that time, providing an excellent backdrop for him to assume power and establish a legacy of prosperity."

"However, Chen Zhi can afford to bide his time, but I cannot. The king was on his deathbed, so I endeavored to secure whatever I could for the future king. Now, I see no reason to wait twenty more years to contribute to the kingdom. I must make my mark in the court soon. By the time Chen Zhi ascends the throne, I should wield significant influence."

"I must forge my own sphere of influence to ensure a smooth transition for Chen Zhi. Given the king's recovery, it's impossible to predict how many more princes may emerge in the coming years."

Zuo Wuji continued, "Furthermore, Chen Zhi should shed his introverted image. It's time for a transformation."

"He should step forward to play the role of a devoted son. The king will undoubtedly appreciate the comfort in these special times..." Zuo Wuji expounded upon his strategic vision.

Cha Eun Xiao couldn't help but be impressed by Zuo Wuji's foresight and grasp of the situation. Zuo Wuji seemed to have concluded that Cha Eun Xiao had not merely alleviated the king's ailment but had completely cured him. This realization had prompted him to outline his future plans, which spanned the next two decades.josei

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