The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 64

Chapter 64: It’s Predetermined; Here Comes The Trouble

Chapter 64: It’s Predetermined; Here Comes The Trouble

It's Predetermined; Here Comes The Trouble . . .

Despite Su Ye-Yue's earnest attempts to explain herself, the old princess insisted on inspecting her daughter's body. In the end, the princess realized that her imagination had run wild due to excessive worry. A wave of relief washed over her.

"However... Humph! Her skin became so exquisite after just one night," the old princess thought to herself. "Even if 'that kind of thing' didn't happen, other things must have definitely occurred. Otherwise, how can a girl suddenly become so radiant? If these 'other things' continue, then that 'thing,' which concerns me the most, will happen eventually. Although the two kids have been engaged for a long time, such laughable things should never be allowed to happen!"

Determined, the old princess resolved to take action.

As a result, it surprised no one when Su Ye-Yue found herself grounded. She spent days in her room, raising a fuss, but the restrictions remained firmly in place, much to her chagrin.

Being grounded was something Su Ye-Yue had never considered, not even in her wildest dreams. Unbeknownst to her, it was all because of that one sentence she had uttered in a moment of self-praise. She would only learn the truth about her punishment much later.

Meanwhile, in a bamboo forest surrounded by mountains, a solemn meeting took place.

"Xiu-Er has acted recklessly this time. I ask for your punishment," Xiu-Er, dressed in white, bowed her head before a man also clad in white, who was sitting in a wheelchair.

The white-clad man sighed, his eyes half-closed, and replied, "Xiu-Er, your actions have caused considerable damage to our plan this time. The Mu Clan has suffered greatly as a result. They will no longer dare to return to the capital, even if we don't initiate an attack."

Xiu-Er kept her head down and replied, "Yes."

"However, Mu Zi-He dared to harm you. His death was deserved; it was a just act," the man in white said with a faint smile. "But no matter. I had intended to use the events involving the House of Cha-Eun Xiao to create turmoil in this world. Now, although the plan has been delayed, it doesn't seem entirely unfavorable."


"But your actions inadvertently benefited the House of Cha-Eun Xiao, providing them with a respite from their troubles and helplessness," the man in white continued. "Superficially, everything appears to be the result of reasonable circumstances and coincidences. Yet, I can't shake the feeling that there was a mediator, someone who fueled the fire to ensure this outcome."

Xiu-Er lowered her head further and spoke, "If there was indeed someone involved, it must have been Feng Zhi-Ling."

"Feng Zhi-Ling..." the man in white mused with a bland smile. "Investigate him thoroughly."


"Also, keep a close watch on the affairs of the three kingdoms. Stir up conflict and war as soon as possible," the man in white stated with a meaningful look. "When the House of the Chaotic Storm intervenes, the overthrow of the royal court will follow. This time, you inadvertently revealed our identity. Perhaps it was destiny."

"Only the fall of the dynasties can generate the necessary bloodshed for my recovery. Seize the opportunity."


"Xiu-Er, you will be responsible for fanning the flames of conflict between the three kingdoms. Ensure that the war begins promptly."


"Wan-Er," the man in white addressed another person in the room.

"Yes, master."

"After the auction, those alchemists must have returned to their sects by now, correct?"

"Yes, Master, you have a keen sense of observation."

"Hmm. But most individuals from those sects haven't left yet, have they?"

"No, they haven't."

"They are staying here to establish connections with noble clans and even the royal clan, aren't they?"

"Yes, Master. You have an astute understanding of their motives."

"It's nothing remarkable. These individuals wouldn't leave their territories without securing some gains each time they venture out. Noble clans, officials, and the royal clan are precisely the ones who can offer them the benefits they seek."

A hint of disdain flashed across his face as he continued, "This world is truly peculiar. Noble clans view the royal clan as a gullible entity, while those sects consider noble clan members to be fools. Meanwhile, the royal clan sees the other two as simpletons. It's like a group of fools engaged in a recurring, foolish game."

"Noble clans exploit the royal clan, using its power to maintain their lifestyle and bloodlines. In their eyes, the royal clan is nothing more than a tool they can manipulate at will."

"Sects believe that noble clans have no future and are still struggling to sustain their bloodlines after thousands of years. So, in the sects' eyes, noble clans are fools."

"The royal clan thinks it holds supreme power and can, when necessary, unite with noble clans to oppose sects or use sects to suppress noble clans. They believe they can benefit from both sides and maximize their gains. Consequently, they see both sects and noble clans as tools and fools."

"However, in my view, these three foolish forces merely maintain a precarious balance."

He spoke with a blank expression but a deep look in his eyes. "As long as this unstable equilibrium is disrupted, the situation will instantly shift, leading to the suppression of the current dynasty. Regardless, the present state of the Land of Han-Yang is destined to lose its balance."

"A new dynasty will undoubtedly rise, and inevitably, the previous one will fall."

After expounding at length, he appeared somewhat fatigued, leaning on his wheelchair as he spoke slowly, "How to disrupt the balance... Wan-Er, that's where your role comes in."

"Yes, Master, I understand," Wan-Er replied.

"Hmm, have you formulated a plan?"

"I know that if we eliminate one or two key figures from those sects currently present in the capital and leave false clues, it will shatter the sects' balance. Subsequently, we will draw the noble clans into the turmoil within the sects, and the royal clan will inevitably become involved. After that, regardless of the consequences, the balance will be broken, and significant rifts will emerge for us to exploit. However, our next steps can only be decided after assessing the final outcome."

The man in white nodded approvingly. "Your strategy is sound. That's the way it should be. Nevertheless, you overlooked something. There are still wise individuals within the royal clan. The royal clan is the source of all trouble..."

He spoke with half-closed eyes. "Regarding the current Kingdom of Chen, the reigning king is quite elderly, and the crown prince is rather impatient, particularly with the other two princes now grown and ready to take action."

"The disturbance should commence here. It's the most..."

He abruptly ceased speaking about the matter.

However, Wan-Er's eyes sparkled as she said, "Yes, thank you for your guidance, Master. I now understand what needs to be done."

"Hmm. Stop calling yourself 'the maid' in my presence; it makes me uncomfortable," the man in white said gently to Wan-Er and Xiu-Er. "Just use your names."

Simultaneously, both Wan-Er and Xiu-Er displayed ecstasy in their eyes, their cheeks tinted with a blush, as they replied, "Wan-Er/Xiu-Er complies with your request."

"Disrupt the balance, and the dynasty changes. A new equilibrium will form quickly..." The man in white watched the drifting clouds in the sky and spoke calmly. "Disturbance, it's as simple as that."

Meanwhile, on the other side of the capital, Cha-Eun Xiao wasted no time in pursuing his cultivation.

The capital appeared considerably more peaceful. The Prince's Palace ceased its provocations, and since the demise of those individuals from the Mu Clan, the Crown Princess remained in silence.

On the surface, it seemed that matters had been settled, and all conflicts had concluded. However, there was still one place enveloped in chaos.

The atmosphere in the Ling-Bao Hall Salesroom was tense and filled with worry. Even Guan Wan-Shan couldn't hide his anxiety, and the thought of extreme measures crossed people's minds.

Anxiety was etched on everyone's faces as they gathered in the salesroom. The reason for this anxiety? The head honcho of Ling-Bao Hall had unexpectedly arrived in Chen-Xing City.

Upon his arrival, Wan Zheng-Hao, the big boss of Ling-Bao Hall, wasted no time and immediately confronted Guan Wan-Shan with a pressing question. Without the courtesy of conventional greetings, he blurted out, "My Cosmic Hades... You didn't sell it, right?" josei

The urgency in his tone was palpable. It was as if the fate of the world depended on the answer.

Guan Wan-Shan found himself momentarily dumbstruck by the unexpected inquiry. He couldn't comprehend the true intent behind Wan Zheng-Hao's question.

[What does the big boss mean by this? We never even intended to put the Cosmic Hades in the auction in the first place. It was his insistence that forced us to try selling it in every major auction. We were under strict orders to get rid of it, regardless of the cost, to save his face. Now that we've managed to sell this 'hot potato,' he arrives to inquire like this. What's going on?]

After collecting his thoughts, Guan Wan-Shan replied cautiously, "It has indeed been sold."

"Sold?" Wan Zheng-Hao's body trembled slightly, and his face lost its color. He appeared as if he might lose control at any moment.

"To whom?" A man in black, who had never been seen with the big boss before, stepped forward, asking the question with an air of indifference.

His sudden appearance puzzled those present. But the moment he spoke, Wan Zheng-Hao visibly quaked, his expression turning one of terror. It was as if this man held a higher social standing than the big boss himself.

Who was this enigmatic figure?

"It was the individual who offered the supreme dan... He purchased the Cosmic Hades," Guan Wan-Shan responded carefully.

As he uttered these words, he noticed that Wan Zheng-Hao's corpulent frame was trembling, and his once-flushed face had turned a ghastly shade.

"It's all over..." Wan Zheng-Hao muttered in distress.

The man in black beside him furrowed his brow and inquired, "Is there any way we can locate this person now?"

"Yes, we most certainly can," Guan Wan-Shan replied confidently. "After the auction, he didn't withdraw all the money he earned. Most of it is still here in the salesroom... Even if he no longer intends to sell his supreme dan, he will undoubtedly return to collect his earnings. No one would willingly forgo such a substantial sum of money, especially when they are currently facing financial constraints."

Guan Wan-Shan's lips curled into a faint smile as he continued, "Money talks, and he's in dire need of it right now."

Both Wan Zheng-Hao and the man in black breathed sighs of relief in unison. They chuckled, simultaneously uttering, "That's fortunate. That's fortunate!"

"In that case, I suggest we remain in Chen-Xing City for some time. We can depart as soon as we've recovered the Cosmic Hades," the man in black swiftly decided.

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