The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 70

Chapter 70: Assassination On The Street

Chapter 70: Assassination On The Street

Assassination On The Street . . .

"I couldn't discipline you before. I wanted to, but was unable," the steward asserted firmly, his voice tinged with a threatening edge. "But from this point on, if you dare to run amok again, I will not hesitate to take you to task. You tell me, do I dare?"

His words carried a stern tone, yet there was something different in the way he spoke. It was no longer the tone of a steward addressing his master; it resembled more the tone of an uncle cautioning his nephew.

It was evident that during his weaker moments, Song Jue had questioned his ability to protect Cha-Eun Xiao and felt unworthy of being called an 'uncle.' Therefore, he allowed Cha-Eun Xiao to indulge in his reckless behavior. However, with Song Jue's regained cultivation, he felt an overwhelming sense of confidence.

"If anyone dares to harm my nephew, I will eliminate them!" he declared with newfound self-assurance, recapturing the immense confidence he had lost in recent years.

The phrase "I wanted to, but was unable" perfectly encapsulated the emotions he had harbored all this time. Now, with the capability to fulfill his duties, he was determined to make amends for his past shortcomings by protecting Cha-Eun Xiao and becoming the dependable figure the young lord needed.

In response to Song Jue's threat, Cha-Eun Xiao chuckled and reassured him, "Uncle Song, there's no need to worry. Am I the type of person who constantly causes trouble?"

Song Jue couldn't help but roll his eyes.

[This sounds eerily familiar. Didn't he say the same thing before?]

"If you're not the type to cause trouble, then who is?" he mused, internally sighing at Cha-Eun Xiao's penchant for mischief.


Cha-Eun Xiao, now flush with a significant amount of wealth, felt the itch to spend his money. He couldn't resist the urge any longer and decided to venture out. His destination was a market known for trading metallic materials.

Despite the rising prices of metals, Cha-Eun Xiao understood that rare items tended to surface during such periods. Businessmen often hoarded goods to maximize profits when prices soared. Therefore, he brought his entire savings with him this time.

He embarked on a shopping spree, scouring the entire street for metallic materials.

However, the results of his shopping expedition left him dissatisfied. Despite spending nearly 200 thousand silver bars, the increase in the quantity of items stored in the Gold Space was minimal, weighing less than 2.5 kilograms.

Cha-Eun Xiao couldn't hide his disappointment. The items he had purchased with intimidating names like 'Soul of Irons,' 'Hundred-tempered Steel,' and 'Stone from The Heaven' had promised much but delivered little in terms of absorbed essence.

Even when combined, they could only release a minuscule amount of metallic qi.

Cha-Eun Xiao felt his impatience growing as he aimlessly wandered the marketplace, the bright sun warming his body and slightly enhancing the power of the East-Rising Purple Qi. He mused internally, "I had high hopes when I set out, but I've gained so little despite spending a fortune. Have I exhausted all my luck after receiving so much these past few days?"

As Cha-Eun Xiao aimlessly wandered through the crowd, his thoughts meandered through various musings and nonsensical notions. He had lost himself in the throng of people, blending in like any ordinary citizen. However, he soon began to notice a peculiar trend—the crowd was growing denser, surging with people who seemed to be rushing toward a common point.

Curiosity piqued, Cha-Eun Xiao furrowed his brow and directed his gaze toward the source of the commotion.

[Why is everyone flocking to that street corner?]

There, at the street corner, stood a grand carriage adorned with a prominent sign that read 'Divine Arms Mill.' The carriage was neither small nor overly imposing, but the throng surrounding it consisted of individuals with eager expressions and fervent anticipation.

Observing the crowd, Cha-Eun Xiao discerned a diverse mix of people. Some were martial world practitioners, others appeared to be government officials, and a few were elegantly dressed, likely hailing from noble clans. josei

The Divine Arms Mill!

Renowned as the Land of Han-Yang's premier weapon manufacturer, it had crafted six of the legendary top-ten swords, according to tales. These fabled weapons were known for effortlessly slicing through iron as if it were mud and cleaving gold and jade with ease. With the Divine Arms Mill's arrival in the capital, it was hardly surprising that it had stirred up such a fervor.

Excitement ignited in Cha-Eun Xiao's eyes as he contemplated the scene. [Even if I haven't found any noteworthy metallic materials, acquiring a good sword to serve as a temporary weapon would be beneficial.]

In Cha-Eun Xiao's view, any top-quality weapon in the Land of Han-Yang would pale in comparison to what he truly desired. He intended to use it temporarily until a more suitable opportunity presented itself for replacement.

Resolving to investigate further, he joined the throng making their way toward the Divine Arms Mill.

However, as he advanced through the crowd, Cha-Eun Xiao suddenly sensed a malevolent presence, a palpable killing intent swiftly converging upon him from all directions.


He was taken aback by the revelation.

[In broad daylight, on a bustling street teeming with people, I'm encountering an assassination attempt?] Cha-Eun Xiao rapidly pieced together his thoughts. [This decision to come here was entirely spontaneous. How long have these assassins been tracking me?]

He had no doubt that this was a meticulously planned, long-term assassination scheme.

Four ominous currents of cold wind bore down on him from the front, rear, left, and right, akin to venomous serpents lurking in the grass, surging through the crowd like lightning.

It was a meticulously crafted kill zone.

With just a single glance, Cha-Eun Xiao identified his would-be assailants—four individuals garbed in unassuming gray attire, resembling ordinary cultivators. They had blended seamlessly into the crowd. In fact, their presence coincided with the arrival of the Divine Arms Mill while Cha-Eun Xiao happened to be present.

[The Divine Arms Mill's visit can't be the cause, as they couldn't have foreseen my presence here. The only logical explanation is that someone has been planning to deal with me for some time.]

The imminent danger pressed in on him. Finally, four cold beams of light gleamed beneath their clothing, simultaneously hurtling toward him.

A tense moment hung in the air as the four assailants closed in on Cha-Eun Xiao, each directing their swords with deadly precision at his chest, back, left subcostal, and right subcostal regions. In the midst of the bustling crowd, this coordinated attack was nothing short of ruthless.

Such tactics, executed with a merciless intent, would have spelled certain doom for an ordinary cultivator of the Grade of Diyuan, even one at level 6. The eyes of the four assassins gleamed with cruelty and the satisfaction of impending success; in their minds, Cha-Eun Xiao was already a dead man.

Escaping this simultaneous assault appeared impossible.

However, a sly grin curled at the corner of Cha-Eun Xiao's mouth. He swiftly lowered his head and took a rapid step forward, leaning to the side. The four swords struck simultaneously, piercing his body. -SWISH!-

Front, back, left, and right, the blades deftly slid through the gap between his skin and clothing, leaving eight holes in his garments. Astonishingly, Cha-Eun Xiao's flesh remained unscathed. It was as though his body was suspended by the four swords, their razor-sharp edges unable to inflict even a scratch.

Before the four assassins could comprehend this peculiar turn of events, Cha-Eun Xiao reached out and seized the wrist of the assailant before him. With a vice-like grip, he harnessed a frigid power that surged through the man's body, rendering him powerless to react or even open his mouth.

In an instant, three slender ice knives materialized, vanishing into thin air as they sped towards the trio of assailants positioned to his left, right, and rear. A chill swept over them, and their advancing forms suddenly halted, disbelief evident in their eyes.

Slowly but surely, their bodies began to crumble, collapsing to the ground.

With unwavering confidence in the outcome, Cha-Eun Xiao didn't spare a backward glance. He simply shook his body, and the four swords silently returned to their concealed positions within the assailants' clothing.

But Cha-Eun Xiao's actions didn't end there; he held the assailant before him, the man's clothing bearing four discreet holes that were imperceptible. Casually, Cha-Eun Xiao blew a breath over the man's head, and the assailant's hair transformed to a shade of grey.

In that moment, it appeared as though they were merely two friends engaged in a hushed conversation, whispering with lowered heads. They strolled away from the crowd leisurely, exuding an air of elegance.

Behind them, voices clamored in the marketplace. "Stop pushing! The Divine Arms Mill is right there. They won't disappear... Just bring your money. Pushing and shoving won't help if you don't have the funds..."

The three lifeless bodies had yet to hit the ground; they remained suspended in their descent.



One of the bodies tumbled to the ground.

"Stop pushing already! Someone fell down..." Voices rang out in the crowd.

"Another one fell... Damn it! I told you not to push... Don't step on people..."

"As if his frail physique could handle buying divine weapons here. What's the point?"

"Exactly! You said it..."

Amidst the disdainful complaints of onlookers, one observant person noticed that the three fallen men made no effort to rise. They didn't struggle; they simply lay there. This person reached out to check their pulses but found none; their bodies had grown cold. A shiver ran down their spine, and they cried out in a voice that seemed almost inhuman, "Oh no, oh no... They're dead... three men, pushed to death..."

"Nonsense! I've seen worse crowd situations where no one died."

"Eh... Oh no... They're really gone..."

"What the... How did these guys stop breathing? Are they really dead?"

As the news of the fatalities spread, the crowd dispersed abruptly, creating an empty circle around the three lifeless bodies. Though their bodies bore no visible wounds, they lay lifeless, as if the sheer force of the crowd had snuffed out their lives.

The sight sent shivers down people's spines. In an instant, they retreated like a receding tide. No one wanted to be entangled in a lawsuit, especially in the capital city.

"It's not my fault..."

"I didn't push at all..."

"Oh dear, someone really died."

"What in the world? They died from being pushed? Is that even possible?"

"This is terrifying. Let's get out of here."

"I still want a divine weapon..."

"Forget it! The authorities will be here soon. If you get caught, you'll wish you were dead. Hurry!"

"Quick, let's go. I don't want any part of this mess."

"Oh my..."

Within moments, the entire street seemed to empty as people hurriedly departed, leaving behind only the three lifeless figures in their twisted positions.

No visible wounds, no trace of blood.

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