The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 73

Chapter 73: Divine Weapon With Demonic Edge!

Chapter 73: Divine Weapon With Demonic Edge!

Divine Weapon With Demonic Edge! . . .

The shopkeeper listened attentively as Cha-Eun Xiao critiqued the sword, his initial indifference slowly giving way to genuine appreciation. Observing that Cha-Eun Xiao was about to take his leave, the shopkeeper hurriedly urged him to stay, his voice filled with sincerity. "Please, sir, do stay a while longer. You speak with the wisdom of a seasoned swordsman. We reserve our finest wares for distinguished guests such as yourself. These weapons displayed in our showcase are merely for show, meant to impress visitors. As for our true divine weapons... why, they cannot be flaunted openly before the public eye. You are a man of distinction, sir, and your earnest pursuit of weaponry has earned you a place in our inner sanctum."

Cha-Eun Xiao's eyes gleamed with intrigue, and he replied, "I always believed that the Divine Arms Mill was more renowned than it deserved to be. It appears there are hidden treasures within its walls. Very well, I accept your invitation."

Privately, he mused, **I had a hunch you weren't entirely forthright. You'd never reveal your true treasures unless compelled.**

The two of them proceeded to the rear of the shop. A burly man in cyan robes opened a concealed door, and another in white robes unveiled yet another hidden passage. After traversing these concealed corridors, they reached the entrance to the secret storage.

The shopkeeper personally unlocked the door, ushering Cha-Eun Xiao inside. The doors were promptly secured, and several formidable cultivators stationed themselves outside. It was evident that the security measures were exceptionally stringent.

Inside the secret storage, they encountered a spacious chamber adorned with weapons hanging on the walls or leaning against them. However, only three weapons were displayed.

On the front wall, a sword took pride of place, while the left wall featured a knife. On the right wall, a spear stood prominently, its blade resting against the surface. Nearby, a small chest lay on the floor, and a collection of unremarkable metal pieces adorned the opposite side of the room.

The sword and knife were both sheathed, while the spear's handle lay on the floor, its blade seemingly surveying its domain like a sovereign.

"Well, at least these weapons have earned the right to be seen by my eyes," Cha-Eun Xiao remarked, nodding in satisfaction.

However, upon closer examination, he found himself shaking his head once more.

The spear was impressive, suitable for formal battle and offering exceptional maneuverability. Nonetheless, among superior cultivators, the use of spears was relatively rare. Although it lacked spiritualization, it remained a divine weapon, ideal for a soldier to cleave through ranks of enemies and seize flags.

Yet, while the sword and knife were of significantly higher quality and value than the so-called 'Sword of Kings,' they still lacked the spiritual essence Cha-Eun Xiao sought.

It was as if that spiritual connection had been severed or lost.

"It seems the divine weapons produced by the Divine Arms Mill are only of note in the Land of Han-Yang," Cha-Eun Xiao mused, choosing not to press further.

Given the state of the Land of Han-Yang, the sword, knife, and spear already ranked at the pinnacle of divine weaponry. Judging them by the standards of the Qing-Yun Realm would be inappropriate.

"Are these all you have to offer? Anything else?" Cha-Eun Xiao asked with a tinge of disappointment. "Even smaller items would suffice—throwing knives, sleeve daggers, throwing needles, or perhaps..."

Cha-Eun Xiao had quickly discerned the young man's professional expertise in smithing despite his youth. Yet, as the young man perused the weapons on display, even the most prized items in the shop seemed beneath his discerning gaze. The shopkeeper felt a pang of humiliation, struggling to find words that could salvage the situation. "The offerings in my modest establishment might not meet the expectations of a connoisseur like yourself," he began. "I apologize if our selection falls short. However, we do have smaller items available, although they carry a unique history. These are the last remnants of our departed master, Shen Lian-Zi, whose final works remain unfinished. They have remained unsold in our shop, akin to souvenirs."

With indifference, Cha-Eun Xiao inquired, "The last works of a deceased smith? That sounds intriguing. Perhaps you could show them to me?"

The shopkeeper did not hesitate, presenting a small leather bag. As the bag was opened, Cha-Eun Xiao's eyes sparkled with intrigue. Inside, 108 gleaming needles lay. Each needle appeared incredibly slender, delicate in shape, and emanated an unsettling chill that could send shivers down one's spine. Yet, there was a glaring flaw; the needles lacked points, rendering them incapable of injuring foes or defending the wielder. Despite this imperfection, the needles exuded an extraordinary aura.

Cha-Eun Xiao murmured thoughtfully, "The needles are imbued with spirit—something truly remarkable. But they lack points. Why is that?"

"These 108 needles and 12 knives were crafted by the great Shen Lian-Zi using Deep Sea Frigid Metal," the shopkeeper explained. "No other materials were used. However, the appropriate material to create the edges has yet to be discovered. The fusion proved exceedingly challenging, leading to their current state."

"I see," Cha-Eun Xiao replied, setting down one of the needles. He picked up a throwing knife next, admiring its exquisite craftsmanship. Each knife was finger-length with an elegant curvature. The blade was sharp, exuding a sinister radiance, yet it too shared the same defect—the absence of an edge.

Deep Sea Frigid Metal!

Cha-Eun Xiao recalled the Spiritual Essence of Gold he had acquired earlier, obtained at the cost of 1 million silver bars. After a brief contemplation, he declared, "These will suffice. I will purchase them. Please name your price."

The shopkeeper was taken aback. Over the years, countless individuals had admired these items upon sight, only to be deterred by their lack of edges. Most regarded them as decorative pieces, appreciating their aesthetic value but recognizing their impracticality. Many would offer kind words about the craftsmanship, then move on.

However, the young man before him was different—he wanted to buy them.

"I am serious," Cha-Eun Xiao affirmed.

The shopkeeper sighed with a hint of bitterness. "I must apologize, sir, but these items cannot be acquired with currency. Before Shen Lian-Zi's passing, he declared them to be Divine Weapons with Demonic Edges—weapons of kings that should only be wielded by monarchs. He insisted that they were meant for a destined owner, and if such an individual came forth, they should be gifted freely. Otherwise, their value should not be less than ten thousand gold pieces. Our only hope is that the rightful owner will extend us a favor in the future, should the Divine Arms Mill ever err or encounter difficulties."

As he spoke, the shopkeeper's demeanor remained detached.

[These flawed items are deemed... weapons fit for a monarch?]

What a preposterous situation it was!

The excuses about these weapons being unsellable due to their inherent flaw sounded rather hollow. But in the end, the words of a deceased craftsman had dictated their fate. Fortunately, the man standing before them had standards that soared to such heights, rejecting anything less than perfection. Thus, presenting these items to him seemed like the right course of action. After all, it wasn't as if they were going to fly off the shelves anytime soon. Building a connection with such a discerning individual could prove invaluable in the long run.

As Cha-Eun Xiao contemplated the shopkeeper's words, his interest in the needles and knives deepened. "Divine Weapon with Demonic Edge... Weapon of the monarch... What do these phrases truly signify?" he pondered.

These enigmatic labels stirred memories of his past life, particularly the title he had held—the Xiao Monarch. The thought danced in his mind: could these weapons be connected to him, a monarch? Or did it allude to a different monarch, one in the mortal realm?

Cha-Eun Xiao studied the needles and knives more closely, sensing the latent hostility emanating from these unusual items. He grew convinced that they were far from defective or unfinished. The departed smith, Shen Lian-Zi, must have poured his heart and soul into crafting these 120 extraordinary weapons, and their creation might have contributed to his eventual demise. There was an undeniable sense of urgency in Shen Lian-Zi's message, a plea for someone to comprehend their destiny.

After much contemplation, Cha-Eun Xiao broke the silence. "Since Master Shen Lian-Zi left behind these words, and I find this set of weapons quite captivating, I pledge that if the Divine Arms Mill ever crosses me, I shall spare you."

The shopkeeper could only offer a wry smile.

[This individual speaks with such arrogance, riding the coattails of the pillar I've inadvertently created... "Spare us?" Who does he think he is? This...

I'm at a loss for words!] josei

Nevertheless, as the words belonged to a deceased master, reiterated by Cha-Eun Xiao himself, they couldn't be easily dismissed. Thus, the shopkeeper found himself wearing an expression as if he had just swallowed something unpleasant.

Cha-Eun Xiao, on the other hand, smiled as he carefully tucked the 108 needles and 12 knives into his clothing. Astonishingly, these remarkable pieces fit snugly within a small bag.

"And the spear," he declared, directing his gaze towards the weapon.

The spear served a different purpose. Cha-Eun Xiao had once heard Su Ye-Yue mention that her father, Prince Hua-Yang, excelled in spear combat. His collection of weapons could almost rival an entire armory, primarily comprising spears. Knowing that the Prince Hua-Yang lacked a proper weapon, Cha-Eun Xiao decided to procure this spear as a gift—a gesture of appreciation for the years of covert protection provided by the prince.

To bestow a spear upon him was a meaningful and well-considered act.

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