The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 765

Chapter 765: Crowd of Snakes!

Chapter 765: Crowd of Snakes!

Crowd of Snakes! . . .

Cha Eun Xiao, though in the Spirit Origin Stage, faced a challenging predicament against three deadly snakes. He realized that while he might manage to defeat two of them, the third would certainly be beyond his reach. Killing it was out of the question, but he couldn't afford to let it linger either. His only recourse was to push it back and await a better opportunity to deal with it later.

This struggle wasn't unique to him; everyone was grappling with more than three snakes simultaneously. The group had to continually fend off the serpents, opting to knock them away rather than slay them outright. Such a strategy, though necessary, drained their energy considerably. After an hour of relentless combat, the thirty individuals stationed on the perimeter were already showing signs of exhaustion.

Their ordeal wasn't just physical; they had to endure the foul stench of dead snakes and the poisonous mists emanating from their mouths. Despite their preparations, the exposure was taking a heavy toll on them.

"Switch!" bellowed Xiao Mufei.

Rotating their positions was essential; without it, they would swiftly succumb to the relentless onslaught of snakes, resulting in devastating losses. The thirty disciples, upon hearing Xiao Mufei's order, withdrew and were promptly replaced by thirty fresh combatants who rushed forward, brimming with energy. In a matter of seconds, they had annihilated more than a hundred snakes.

But the new recruits soon found themselves drained as well. They could no longer maintain the pace of extermination and resorted to simply repelling the snakes, causing their defensive line to contract once again.

Despite their precarious situation, they managed to hold on for the time being, even though they were hemmed in by a ceaseless swarm of snakes. The serpents seemed fearless, relentlessly attacking the defenders. Every minute, snakes were dismembered, but new ones kept arriving, undaunted.

The silver ocean of snakes extended as far as the eye could see, their radiant scales glistening like speeding horses. An unending horde kept crashing against the defensive line. The piercing whistles in the distance continued to command the snakes.

Xiao Mufei had estimated tens of thousands of snakes, but in reality, their numbers exceeded that—more than one hundred thousand.

Cha Eun Xiao furrowed his brow, recognizing the gravity of the situation. It was a perilous trap. If he didn't devise a solution quickly, he and the three hundred men would perish within this forest. While Xiao Mufei might be capable of escaping if he were fortunate, after prolonged combat, he, too, would eventually fall to the snake onslaught.

The predicament demanded swift, practical thinking.

He contemplated a potential course of action that could liberate them from this dire predicament. Yet, he couldn't share this strategy with the others because it might lead to questions about his true identity. This challenge necessitated discretion.

He was well aware of the snake's vulnerability, not in its neck but in the caruncle. Slicing through the caruncle would be an instant death sentence for the snake. This knowledge could save them, but he had to weigh the risk of exposing his identity.

"You are a young man who has just arrived in this world. How do you possess knowledge about this snake's vulnerability?" The question hung in the air, leaving Cha Eun Xiao uncertain of how to respond.

The situation was delicate. The truth was, he had prior knowledge of the snake's weakness, and he understood that revealing this could raise suspicions about his origins. In the powerful sects, such suspicions were often enough to warrant execution. The potential threat of an enemy was dealt with swiftly.

Cha Eun Xiao, however, wasn't inclined to make such a blunder. The lives of the three hundred men hung in the balance. He grappled with the dilemma, realizing that if he didn't divulge this critical secret, they would all likely meet their doom. And with their deaths, his own chances of survival would diminish considerably.

He continued to mull over potential solutions. He aimed to relay the secret without directly implicating himself.

Suddenly, Erhuo, his newfound feline companion, raised its head. Its silver eyes locked onto the shimmering horde of snakes. The tiny cat seemed utterly astounded. - Mia! - it exclaimed, its silver fur bristling. Its wide eyes were filled with wonder.

"Why?" Cha Eun Xiao inquired, perplexed. "Are you scared, too? You? A peerless spiritual creature, fearing mere 'mortal' beasts?"

Erhuo rolled its eyes, refusing to respond to Cha Eun Xiao's taunts.

Then, Erhuo's ears flicked with curiosity.

[What do my eyes behold?]

[By the heavens and the hells...]


[Look at those snakes... their scales!]

Erhuo's ears twitched with newfound fascination, and its whiskers quivered with indecision.

[Are they as delectable as fish? Look at those scales!]

It continued to ponder, unable to make up its mind.

[Should I... give it a try?]

[What if they are incredibly delicious?] josei

[There are so many of them...]

[There's surely enough for a meal!]

[I haven't enjoyed a single decent meal since following this needy master. How could I pass up such an opportunity?]

Erhuo paused and appeared lost in contemplation. Then, it stroked its whiskers again, wavering.

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