The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 816

Chapter 816: Genius in Conservation!

Chapter 816: Genius in Conservation!

Genius in Conservation! . . .

A fortuitous soul, newly arrived in the upper realm, had achieved an extraordinary feat. Cha Chongxiao, having consumed the inner core of a Golden-scaled Dragon Fish, acquired a remarkable cultivation foundation and ascended to the status of a personal disciple to the three renowned cultivators. Yet, he was under no illusion about the difficulties that lay ahead in honing his cultivation.

Realistically, reaching the pinnacle of Spirit Origin Stage within a mere year and a half was an astronomical goal. The three revered grandmasters, seeing the skepticism in Yue Changtian's eyes, offered a defensive challenge. "Don't believe it? You'll witness it," they declared, prompting a diplomatic response from their Prime Master. Yue Changtian could hardly refute their claims, even though he harbored his reservations.

But in the grand scheme of things, it was a momentous occasion. The three old grandmasters had finally secured a personal disciple who possessed extraordinary potential, ensuring the continuity of their legacy. For them, it was a dream come true, and their jubilation was evident. However, the joyous celebration was swiftly interrupted when a group of previously exited individuals returned, their expressions grave and preoccupied.

Lei Dadi, appearing taken aback, inquired if they intended to reclaim their new disciple. Zhan Yunfei, feeling both amused and irked, clarified that they had forgotten to discuss an exceedingly crucial matter.

The topic that had eluded them was far more significant than Cha Chongxiao becoming their disciple. It pertained to a secretive organization that held sway over everyone's lives, including the future of their sect. It was an oversight that carried grave consequences.

Feng Wuying and Yun Piaoliu emphasized the critical importance of maintaining absolute secrecy regarding Cha Chongxiao's exceptional talent and the heavenly selection. Anyone found guilty of violating this decree would face severe penalties for betraying the sect.

Yue Changtian, inquired about the need to make an official announcement within the sect regarding Cha Chongxiao's unique status. Yet, the grandmasters vehemently opposed it, much to his frustration. To them, the Prime Master's role seemed superfluous, which irked him deeply.

As the grandmasters clustered around Cha Chongxiao, they departed the main hall, leaving Yue Changtian with a bitter aftertaste. While he pondered their audacious dismissal of his role, he realized the significance of his position and the responsibilities it entailed.

It was then that he issued a decree – strict secrecy was to be maintained. The sect would not divulge any information about Cha Chongxiao's participation in the ground competition until after the grandmasters had trained him for three months. This was to preserve fairness during the competition, as all disciples believed he was a newcomer.

There was a mix of emotions among the gathered disciples as they contemplated the impending three-month trial, a brutal initiation to the sect. Not all had passed through this crucible in their earlier days, but it was the foundation of their progress.

Yue Changtian, displaying a sense of hope and anticipation, spoke of the potential that Cha Chongxiao held. However, this was no ordinary aspiration; he hinted at the possibility of a true Saint emerging if Cha Chongxiao could conquer the trial of hell. An incredulous silence enveloped the assembly, as the prospect of a Saint seemed too remarkable to contemplate. The onus now rested on Cha Chongxiao to prove his mettle in the trying months ahead.

They held great expectations for Cha Chongxiao, as his talent surpassed that of anyone they had ever known. His extraordinary potential meant that the sect's future could potentially rise to unparalleled heights. josei

However, sharing the identity of his personal masters posed a delicate problem. Zhan Yunfei expressed his concerns, stating, "If we reveal that the three grandmasters are his personal masters, it essentially announces to the world that we possess an exceptionally gifted disciple." The gravity of such a revelation weighed on everyone's minds.

Others understood the implications all too well. Disclosing Cha Chongxiao's true lineage might lead other sects to resort to extreme measures to neutralize this formidable threat. Even with Cold Moon Palace's united front, there was no guarantee of success.

Considering the weight of their expectations, they recognized the imperative to protect Cha Chongxiao at all costs. Yue Changtian then put forward a suggestion. "Xiao Mufei once had a disciple named Fang Dalong, right? Let's inform the public that Chongxiao has become Fang Dalong's personal disciple, as a gesture of repaying Fang Dalong's sacrifice."

However, there remained the issue of his name. Cha Chongxiao's notoriety was inevitable after consuming the inner core of the Golden-scaled Dragon Fish. The other sects would undoubtedly covet any information about him. They were forced to strike a balance between revealing and concealing aspects of his identity.

Yue Changtian devised a plan to downplay his importance. By indicating that he was merely following in Fang Dalong's footsteps, they would paint Cha Chongxiao as a cultivator who prioritized friendship over ambition. This strategic choice would reduce the attention the other sects paid to him. Furthermore, it conveyed the image that he was not an immediate threat to their interests.

Yue Changtian's decision received praise from one of the elders, lauding his wisdom and leadership. However, the Prime Master quickly steered the conversation back to the task at hand.

As they concluded their discussion, Cha Chongxiao began to follow the three grandmasters toward a prominent mountain within Cold Moon Palace. This mountain's summit housed three simple, thatched cottages, the humble abodes of the three grandmasters.

Their choice of accommodation was striking, as it was unlike what one would expect from the most powerful figures in the sect. Despite the grandeur of the palace itself, these esteemed individuals chose to reside in these unassuming cottages atop the mountain.

Cha Chongxiao couldn't help but express his astonishment at this peculiar sight. "You are from the lower realm. I thought you should be more experienced and steady than the other young generation. It turns out you just talk like that. You are not experienced. You just looked like so! You are just older!" commented Lei Dadi, noting Cha Chongxiao's candid reaction.

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