The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 818

Chapter 818: What I Lack

Chapter 818: What I Lack

What I Lack . . .

However, when the four eminent cultivators converged upon that mountain, they inadvertently evoked a colossal surge of overwhelming qi. This malevolent energy was so potent that it swept aside the hundreds of thousands of spectators who had gathered to witness the impending duel.

Their mere presence sufficed to emit a formidable aura capable of quelling ordinary individuals, rendering it impossible for anyone to remain nearby. Those who dared to stay were, in essence, risking their lives. Yet, even that daring resolve might lead to a premature death, long before the anticipated battle had even commenced.

Following this confrontation, much was lost—people and possessions alike. In the aftermath of the battle, Thousands Troop Mountain, the venerable stage for this epic clash, vanished without a trace.

The three esteemed practitioners of the Cold Moon Palace mysteriously disappeared, and Wu Fa himself shied away from the public eye, revealing himself sparingly.

"In that encounter, despite our collective efforts, we couldn't overcome Wu Fa," Feng Wuying confessed with a heavy heart. "He genuinely stands as the most formidable figure in the world. Yet, no matter how powerful he may be, he couldn't eliminate us without incurring significant injury. By the end of our grueling clash, the three of us were gravely wounded, and Wu Fa himself was not unscathed. It was a turbulent battle. When we resolved to perish alongside Wu Fa, he chose to depart, leaving behind a solitary word."

"My disciple unjustly tormented an innocent woman. He deserved to be executed. Despite having been under my guidance for numerous years, his actions were inexcusable. Nevertheless, since he was, at one point, my disciple, I assumed the responsibility for avenging his death by taking Dian Changkong's life. I did it out of a sense of duty forged through decades of mentorship."

"You seek to end my life to avenge your brother's death, and your reasoning is justifiable," he continued. "However, you lack the capacity to kill me, and in doing so, I would suffer significant injuries. This confrontation would not culminate in jubilation. Considering the circumstances and our shared motivations, why don't we lay our enmity to rest?"

"Adieu," Wu Fa concluded and took his leave.

"The three of us were grievously wounded," Feng Wuying resumed, his voice tinged with resignation. "We promptly returned to our sect to convalesce, but the wounds afflicted our life essence. We've struggled to recover ever since, and although we've managed to suppress our injuries, allowing us to cling to a semblance of existence, we inch closer to our inevitable demise. Complete recovery has eluded us, and our days ahead are grim. Our visages reflect the hardships we've endured."

With a profound sigh, Feng Wuying lamented, "The three of us willingly set aside our own pride to accept you as our disciple. We detected the spark of hope within you, a brilliant young talent. Perhaps you, as a gifted young man, can fulfill our aspiration. We harbor the dream that one day you will triumph over Wu Fa. This is the sole desire that remains in our dwindling lives." josei

The goal was clear: Defeat Wu Fa.

"Wu Fa and his Spring-mountain Mustard Art," Lei Dadi began, "are unbelievably potent. Only after experiencing it firsthand could one fathom the existence of such a formidable martial technique in the world."

Cha Eun Xiao discerned a subtle nuance in Yun Piaoliu's directive—defeat Wu Fa, not kill him. This distinction did not escape him.

"Masters, I have a question," Cha Eun Xiao inquired.

"I am but a newcomer to this world, with limited experiences," Cha Eun Xiao began, his voice contemplative. "Nevertheless, I hold the belief that all paths in cultivation ultimately converge towards a common objective. In the realm of Qing-Yun, the pinnacle of cultivation appears to be the Dao Origin Stage. During your confrontation with Wu Fa, I presume you had already reached the zenith of this stage. While Wu Fa stands as the most formidable figure in this world, his power, despite its extraordinary nature, should not surpass the confines of the Dao Origin Stage. Yet, the three of you engaged him..."

To this, Cha Eun Xiao speculated, "It could be a matter of experience and stratagem. However, in your respective echelon, supremacy is chiefly determined by sheer strength. Wu Fa confronted the three of you simultaneously. Experience, in this scenario, may not have significantly favored him. It parallels my experiences in the lower realm, where the peak of the Sky Origin Stage represented the utmost pinnacle. I had already attained the summit of the Sky Origin Stage, rendering me invincible against solitary adversaries. Yet, when faced with three equally formidable Sky Origin Stage cultivators simultaneously, victory consistently eluded me... My question is whether the Dao Origin Stage possesses unique attributes that differentiate it from other stages?"

Perplexed, Cha Eun Xiao raised an eyebrow and questioned, "Who conveyed that the ninth level of Dao Origin Stage constitutes the zenith of cultivation in Qing-Yun Realm?"

He was genuinely astounded this time, his incredulity evident. As the former Xiao Monarch who had previously stood at the peak of the ninth level of Dao Origin Stage, he considered himself well-versed in the realms of cultivation. Now, however, he was confronted with a revelation that defied his understanding of the hierarchical structure of Qing-Yun Realm's cultivation levels.

[This is inconceivable!]

While Cha Eun Xiao acknowledged his own limitations in martial skills and martial foundations, he retained a strong penchant for wisdom and insights. The revelations by the three elderly sages confounded his preconceptions, prompting him to reassess his understanding of Qing-Yun Realm's cultivation stages.

Lei Dadi offered a categorical response. "Indeed and yet, no."

"What you've been told regarding the hierarchy of cultivation stages is accurate," Lei Dadi affirmed. "In this world, the pinnacle is undeniably the ninth level of Dao Origin Stage, a universally acknowledged fact. However, those affiliated with venerable sects, entities that have endured for tens of thousands of years and reached the eighth level of Dao Origin Stage, possess knowledge that transcends this conventional wisdom. They understand that the pinnacle of the Dao Origin Stage is not an absolute limitation."

Feng Wuying contributed to the elucidation, explaining, "The ninth level of Dao Origin Stage indeed marks the threshold of cultivation stages in this world. There are no specific quantifiable levels or stages beyond the ninth level."

Nevertheless, he added a crucial point, saying, "However, this absence of quantifiable stages doesn't imply the absence of higher realms."

The mention of "higher realms" piqued Cha Eun Xiao's interest, leading to a furrowed brow.

"Individuals who undertake solitary cultivation typically fixate on ascending the ladder of levels and stages," Feng Wuying expounded. "Regrettably, they often disregard the holistic evaluation of their own strengths. Their cultivation foundation remains somewhat precarious, owing to their relatively humble origins. This is where the great sects distinguish themselves."

Feng Wuying's insight resonated deeply within Cha Eun Xiao. During his extensive travels, he had always sensed an intangible void within himself, a deficiency he had failed to identify.

It now became apparent that what he had been missing all along was the fortification of a sound cultivation foundation.

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