The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 821

Chapter 821: Beginning of Hell!

Chapter 821: Beginning of Hell!

Beginning of Hell! . . .

In the realm of the sect, no one else dared to address the venerable Feng Wuying and Yun Piaoliu as "little bastards." Such a moniker was reserved solely for Lei Dadi, who had a unique rapport with them.

Lei Dadi found himself submerged in contemplation at that moment, his mind drifting back to the bygone days when they had cultivated, played, and shared countless moments of camaraderie within the sect.

Feng Wuying and Yun Piaoliu had retained their endearing traits from their earlier years, and in truth, Lei Dadi had not changed much either.

"Time is a fleeting thing... Will that day arrive soon?" Lei Dadi mused, shaking his head and emitting a sigh. With that, he retired for the night as well.

As the special training was scheduled to commence the following morning, both Cha Eun Xiao and the three elderly masters had readied themselves thoroughly. Throughout the ensuing three months, it was conceivable that the masters would exert even greater effort than the young disciple.

By chance, Cha Eun Xiao had selected a bed that belonged to Lei Dadi, necessitating the older master to locate an alternative spot to rest. He headed to Feng Wuying's dwelling but did not locate him in his bed. A cursory scan of the room revealed the two older men slumbering soundly on the floor.

Given that the bed was insufficient for two individuals, they had resorted to the floor for rest.

"Little bastards! How could you sleep on the floor? Where are your manners? You are the esteemed grandmasters of Cold Moon Palace… Yet you appear as though you are two pups huddling for warmth in the winter," Lei Dadi chided in hushed tones. Regardless, he drew near and joined his fellow disciples on the floor.

He then closed his eyes.

As they lay side by side, Lei Dadi couldn't help but experience a sense of déjà vu, evoking memories of their earlier days. Their master had brought the four orphans to the sect, and on that initial night, they had shared a bedroll on the floor. Upon awakening the next morning, they discovered that they had instinctively gravitated toward one another to maintain warmth during the night.

Lei Dadi's expression transformed, a broad, warm smile gracing his countenance as he reminisced about the past.

As he contemplated those cherished bygone days when the four friends had frolicked together, a childlike innocence infused his smile. In this moment, his eyes sparkled with a youthful enthusiasm, much like those of a child. "Those were the days of happiness... If only Dian Changkong were still among us, we might have the chance to lie here together once more... That would be splendid... Ah..."

He released a wistful sigh before closing his eyes.

Within the confines of their cottage, an arrangement of wheatgrass served as their bedding.

Three elderly gentlemen, with their silvered beards, snuggled together on the floor.

Each bore the serene smile of a child.

They cherished the sense of togetherness, transcending life and death.

Before the break of dawn!

Cha Eun Xiao stirred from his slumber and noticed a set of garments glistening with an icy, dim radiance. These were garments crafted from Star Steel, a material as precious as the stars themselves. Star Steel was derived from meteorites fallen from the heavens, each piece far heavier than conventional iron or steel. The attire before Cha Eun Xiao was entirely forged from Star Steel and weighed in excess of one thousand five hundred kilograms.

"Are you awake? Get out of bed and don these garments. It's new attire for you—Star Suit! A highly coveted possession!" Lei Dadi greeted with a friendly demeanor.

Cha Eun Xiao blinked and responded, "Master Lei, I'm profoundly grateful for this gift of attire. The Star Suit appears to be quite exceptional, but I surmise that it's exceptionally heavy as well. Am I correct?"

Lei Dadi retorted, "Not particularly. It weighs merely one thousand seven hundred and seventy kilograms. Given your status in the initial stages of Spirit Origin, you should be able to manage it. Rest assured, from this point forward, I expect you to wear it at all times. Even if you feel on the brink of collapse, you must persist in wearing it."

"What will occur afterward?" Cha Eun Xiao inquired.

"You will continue to wear it. Every moment counts! Your mission is to keep going for as long as you can," Lei Dadi instructed in a composed manner.

"I understand. I must persevere in wearing the Star Suit until the conclusion of the three-month training period," Cha Eun Xiao affirmed with resolve.

"Indeed. The 'three months of hell' truly constitutes an existence resembling a living nightmare. Your future hinges upon the outcome of this special training. Your ability to transcend to the heavens or remain bound to the mortal realm is contingent on this experience," Lei Dadi conveyed in a solemn tone. "The entire process is designed to refine your bones, channels, dantian, and spiritual power. Understand that only by emerging from this crucible of torment will you gain the opportunity to reach celestial heights. Do you grasp the gravity of the situation?" josei

Cha Eun Xiao adopted a resolute disposition. "Yes, I comprehend."

Cha Eun Xiao couldn't help but murmur to himself, "Only when I emerge from hell can I seize the opportunity to ascend to heaven. That's the essence of it. Easy victories yield no meaningful rewards, and without struggle, there can be no progress. The more arduous the journey, the more significant the achievements."

His eyes sparkled with newfound determination.

"Hell and heaven, they exist as neighbors. But it's from the depths of hell that one can ascend to the heights of heaven, and it's from the peaks of heaven that a fall leads to the abyss of hell."

These simple truths resonated deeply within him, representing the dichotomy of success and failure, life and death.

Lei Dadi collected the Star Suit and assisted Cha Eun Xiao in donning it. While Cha Eun Xiao was certainly capable of putting it on by himself, it would consume additional time and energy. Given the importance of conserving Cha Eun Xiao's energy, Master Lei stepped in to help him don the suit.

Meanwhile, Yun Piaoliu and Feng Wuying observed the proceedings with solemn expressions, anticipation gleaming in their eyes.

The Star Suit comprised a weskit, a waistcoat, and two leggings—a total of four pieces. As Cha Eun Xiao adorned it, he experienced the sensation of bearing a considerable burden. Currently a fifth-stage Spirit Origin cultivator, he should have been more than capable of handling the suit's weight. However, the difference in gravity between the Qing-Yun Realm and the Land of Han-Yang became immediately apparent. Although he could wear the suit and move about, he was aware that it would slow him down substantially. The sheer heft of the Star Suit, weighing over a thousand kilograms, exceeded twenty times his own weight.

Such a load was by no means manageable for everyone.

"For the next three months, you must never remove the suit," Lei Dadi emphasized. "To begin, take two hours to acclimatize yourself. Wear the suit, ascend that nearby mountain as quickly as you can, fetch water using the Star Steel bucket placed there, and empty it into the large vat here. Your objective is to fill the vat within the allotted two hours. Moreover, you are to abstain from consuming food, elixirs, medicine, or even water during this time."

Lei Dadi introduced a sandglass and declared, "The task begins now."

Cha Eun Xiao wasted no time. Without hesitation, he charged out, aware that this was just the beginning. Nevertheless, the start of his arduous journey was marked by a formidable challenge.

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