The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 824

Chapter 824: Blade Sharpening!

Chapter 824: Blade Sharpening!

Blade Sharpening! . . . josei

Completion of eighty percent of the challenge marked one as an exceptional individual. The majority of participants managed to reach only seventy percent, with some settling at the halfway point.

The initial two-hour challenge had seen the three elderly grandmasters expect Cha Eun Xiao to complete a mere eight rounds. They would have been content if he had managed to achieve this modest goal. In fact, even if Cha Eun Xiao had accomplished just seven or six rounds, they would have deemed it a success. After all, in their own youth, the three of them had managed to complete only six or seven rounds.

Cha Eun Xiao, however, had proven himself to be a true powerhouse. He had surpassed all expectations by completing more than ten rounds, going so far as to complete an eleventh round to fulfill the instruction of "completely filling the vat."

What astounded the three elderly grandmasters even more was that, after these eleven rounds, Cha Eun Xiao still had several minutes remaining. Their minds raced with incredulity.

"What manner of extraordinary individual is this young man turning out to be? A being capable of defying the heavens?" they wondered.

Despite Cha Eun Xiao's seemingly frail appearance, they marveled at his unwavering toughness and perseverance.

Lei Dadi, with his extensive cultivation experience, recovered from his initial astonishment and, even though he was profoundly shocked, did not outwardly display it. He declared, "The next challenge will focus on enhancing the flexibility of your Jing and Mai."

In an instant, he extended his hand, and Cha Eun Xiao's utterly drained body levitated into the air.

"No matter how excruciating the pain, you must not utter a sound or cry out," Lei Dadi sternly admonished.

Then, a tremendous and rapid surge of power infiltrated Cha Eun Xiao's body, coursing through his Jing and Mai, saturating every nook and cranny of his muscles. It felt as though innumerable razor-sharp blades were meticulously carving into his body, slowly enhancing every aspect of it.

"This is the honing of a blade," Lei Dadi explained.

Lei Dadi maintained control of the pure spiritual qi, directing it within Cha Eun Xiao's body to stimulate every cell, a task fraught with danger. The spiritual qi had to be neither too meager nor too excessive; a lackluster quantity would yield no improvements, whereas an excessive amount could potentially rupture Cha Eun Xiao's Jing and Mai. Every moment was a gamble.

This process wouldn't elevate Cha Eun Xiao's cultivation, but it would perfect his physical state, ensuring that his body remained in optimal condition for the future. Crucially, this challenge would expel any vestiges of useless matter from his body.

Cha Eun Xiao felt as if every muscle was undergoing microscopic dissection. He had experienced something similar many times before, especially in his current life. When he first cultivated the East-rising Purple Qi and when he first consumed the supreme dan bead, he had endured several bodily purifications.

Initially, when Lei Dadi had mentioned that this challenge would enhance the flexibility of Cha Eun Xiao's Jing and Mai, he had considered it a futile endeavor. He had believed that his body was already in a state of perfection, with no room for further improvement. While he was confident in his ability to endure the pain, he remained uncertain about the benefits this challenge might offer. Nonetheless, the pain surpassed his worst expectations, far more excruciating than the sensation of being slowly and methodically torn apart.

Under no circumstances could he utter a sound; doing so would drain away the spiritual power Lei Dadi was channeling into his body through his mouth, which would result in failure. This was a realization that struck him like a bolt of lightning.

The challenges he faced in the present were precisely what had been missing in his past life. He refused to let this opportunity slip through his fingers, even if he harbored doubts about its usefulness. He was determined to give it his all, no matter what.

He clenched his teeth and sealed his lips, his visage contorted in an almost unbelievable display of determination. Not a whimper or cry escaped him, and this left the three venerable grandmasters deeply moved.

Even iron would bend like soft noodles when faced with such overwhelming power, and it was only natural to expect some sound, a gasp, a groan. Yet, Cha Eun Xiao remained resolute and silent.

His endurance and willpower were nothing short of extraordinary.

Lei Dadi explained his ongoing actions while he worked. "Even with the Natural Exquisite Body, no matter how talented you are, your body still requires sustenance, hydration, and breath... It remains a flesh-and-blood vessel, and impurities will inevitably accumulate. No matter how many ablutions you undergo, impurities will persist."

"What we aim to do is maintain the absolute purity of your body every second over the course of these three months," Lei Dadi continued. "This will serve as the ideal foundation for you, one upon which your cultivation and very life will rely."

"Endure it! No matter how unbearable it may seem, you must endure. If you cannot accomplish this, you will never have the chance to ascend to heaven."

Lei Dadi continued the process for approximately half an hour, after which Feng Wuying took his place. Lei Dadi rested for a while before it was Yun Piaoliu's turn.

In the final half-hour, all three grandmasters worked together, pushing the power of "sharpening" to its zenith.

Over the span of two hours, Cha Eun Xiao remained suspended in the air, subjected to the relentless pain that tormented every inch of his body. Throughout this trial, he made no sound, his willpower and resilience truly awe-inspiring.

This challenge transformed Cha Eun Xiao's understanding of the human body. While he had believed his body to be perfect after countless ablutions, this process revealed hidden impurities within him. Although these impurities were minuscule in comparison to his overall body, they still existed and had the potential to disrupt his cultivation in the future. Gradually accumulating, they could significantly hinder his progress.

This realization shed light on why disciples from prominent sects appeared to possess greater potential than he had in his previous life. The human body was an enigmatic treasure, and this second challenge further elevated his physical state, enhancing it with each passing moment.

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