The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 83

Chapter 83: To be Shameless to an Incredible Extent!

Chapter 83: To be Shameless to an Incredible Extent!

To be Shameless to an Incredible Extent! . . .

As Cha-Eun Xiao approached the Crown Prince's Palace bearing cucumbers, grapes, and apples, the atmosphere among those present took an unexpected turn.

[Is this some kind of jest? Does he believe he's visiting a commoner's dwelling? Bringing humble offerings worth a mere three wen to the esteemed Crown Prince's Palace? And daring to suggest that our revered Crown Prince should accept them?]

The Crown Prince felt an unusual stiffness creep across his face, thwarting his attempts at a smile. Nevertheless, he managed to force his mouth into a strained grin and uttered, "Please, Lord Cha, do come inside."

"Your Highness, you're too formal," Cha-Eun Xiao laughed heartily, though his actions were anything but conventional. Casually, he entrusted the fruit basket to one of the guards, saying, "You there, take these and put them away for the Crown Prince. They're genuinely exquisite."

The guard remained stunned, clutching the basket of fruit uncertainly, uncertain about whether he should proceed.

Meanwhile, Cha-Eun Xiao redirected his attention to the Crown Prince, chuckling as he inquired, "I've already arrived; of course, I'll come inside. Hehehe. I'm curious about the fine spirits you've prepared, Your Highness..."

Without a moment's hesitation, he strode past the door, declaring, "It's often said that all lands belong to the king, and all men should bow before the king. The royal family is the wealthiest in the realm, with access to the finest liquors, cuisine, and precious creatures. I've heard of my dinner invitation and abstained from eating since yesterday noon, saving room for today's extravagant feast. My prayers seem to have been answered, as I intend to dine until I burst!"

As he moved forward, nearing the presence of the Crown Princess, Cha-Eun Xiao was taken aback. He drew a deep breath and gazed upon her exquisite countenance with genuine admiration. Compliments flowed naturally from his lips, "You must be our esteemed Crown Princess... Greetings. Our Crown Prince is indeed a fortunate man. I've heard rumors of your unparalleled beauty, which the sight of you today confirms. In truth, you surpass all descriptions—an absolute marvel. Ahem... Truly a vision of loveliness. Your Highness, you must lead a charmed life with such a captivating wife."

While speaking, his roving eyes seemed to undress the Crown Princess in their wandering appraisal. It was as though he had shed 150 grams of his own bone weight upon witnessing such beauty.

After surveying her visage, his gaze dipped lower, examining her form from head to toe, then traveled upward once more from her feet to her face. josei

It was as if he were scrutinizing a selection in a brothel, but he refrained from uttering the words, "Undress and let me take a closer look." It would have been the perfect cap to his lecherous act.

Yet, given his extended period of celibacy, he lacked the audacity to voice such a brazen request, making it challenging for him to convincingly portray a lascivious character.

The Crown Princess couldn't tolerate his behavior any longer and intervened with a tone of disdain, "Lord Cha, kindly mind your manners."

The Crown Prince was equally displeased.

[What manner of man is this? Does he not recognize the Crown Princess's status? Can he truly address her in such a manner?]

However, Cha-Eun Xiao remained unfazed. He laughed heartily and addressed the Crown Princess, "You extended an invitation to me, and I view you as family. Your Highness, hehe... You're indeed quite lovely..." His eyes wandered to her slender neck, and he couldn't help but think, [Her neck appears so delicate; it might snap with a mere flick of my fingers...]

The guards standing nearby seethed with anger upon hearing his comments, their faces contorted with fury as they radiated an intimidating aura.

[This scoundrel! Three of our comrades met their end because of him, and one remains missing. Now he has the audacity to besmirch our Crown Princess with such lewd words? He's insufferably audacious and unscrupulous!]

"Lord Cha," a middle-aged man with long sideburns interjected, his expression grim, "This is the Crown Prince's Palace. I implore you to exhibit proper respect."

Nevertheless, Cha-Eun Xiao remained impassive, casually instructing, "That's perfectly alright. Please, everyone, come inside. Make yourselves comfortable."

While he invited others to enter, he strode into the middle hall without waiting for them, his demeanor exuding an air of casual entitlement.

The atmosphere within the Crown Prince's Palace took on an unusual stillness, characterized by stunned silence, as Cha-Eun Xiao, the guards outside the door, the Crown Prince, the Crown Princess, and their trusted subordinates found themselves caught in a surreal moment.

These were individuals well-acquainted with courtly etiquette, having encountered their fair share of shameless individuals, but never before had they witnessed such unabashed audacity on display.

It was a level of shamelessness that defied imagination.

Indeed, there was always someone wittier, the sky could always stretch higher, someone more competent, and, as it appeared today, someone who could outshine even the most shameless.

"A man who knows nothing of the sky's expanse and the earth's depth—a truly shameless and ignorant individual," mused a middle-aged man, shaking his head. He felt an inner annoyance at having been assigned to interact with Cha-Eun Xiao. Those present shared this sentiment, believing that their personal worth had diminished by being forced to engage with such a foppish buffoon. Questions lingered about the Crown Prince's judgment.

"Allowing the best of us to consort with Cha-Eun Xiao is akin to mixing fresh white snow with a pile of excrement," they lamented inwardly. It was truly disheartening.

However, the eldest among them offered a distinct perspective. He knitted his brows in contemplation and sighed softly. He was collecting his thoughts, convinced that Cha-Eun Xiao was neither ignorant nor shameless, but exceedingly confident to the point of overlooking everyone present. He was wild and unrestrained in his mannerisms.

"I must tread cautiously," he decided. "I need to observe more closely... What makes him so arrogantly confident?"

With that, he entered the hall last, keeping his musings to himself for the time being.

Once they were all seated, Cha-Eun Xiao decided to incite a bit of turmoil.

He glanced at the seat designated for him and stood up, addressing a man who occupied one of the host's seats. "Might I request an introduction, please?"

"This is Master Guan Zheng-Wen, the Crown Prince's foremost strategist," replied a middle-aged man, his face marked by annoyance.

"And... I hope you don't mind, but who might you be?" Cha-Eun Xiao redirected his query.

"I am Meng Zi-Xiao, just a soldier. You likely haven't heard of me," replied Meng Zi-Xiao with an air of modesty.

Meng Zi-Xiao had previously earned recognition as a talented youth in the Kingdom of Chen. He had performed admirably in the court's recruitment tests, excelling in five out of the six before narrowly missing the top position due to a failure in the final exam, which had irked the king. As a result, he had not secured a place in the royal court. Nevertheless, the Crown Prince had extended an offer of service to him, recognizing his potential.

Meng Zi-Xiao's remark about not being well-known was delivered with an undertone of humility, hoping to be acknowledged and praised. Deep down, he assumed, "Surely, you've heard of me."

However, Cha-Eun Xiao's response was entirely unexpected. He nodded and retorted, "No, I haven't... Referring to yourself as 'just a soldier' displays commendable self-awareness. Heh heh..."

Meng Zi-Xiao's fury welled up suddenly, constricting his throat. His eyes widened, seething with anger.

[I was merely being modest... Who would have anticipated such a rude response?]

However, Cha-Eun Xiao had already shifted his attention to another individual, completely disregarding Meng Zi-Xiao, who had turned purple with rage.

In a similar fashion, Cha-Eun Xiao continued to question each individual at the table, his tone reflecting growing bewilderment. Finally, he couldn't contain his incredulity any longer.

"Something is rather peculiar," he began, addressing the entire assembly. "Today, the Prince extends an invitation for dinner, and for all intents and purposes, I find myself the sole guest in attendance. Yet, here I am, seated below while all of you occupy the elevated positions. Is this the customary way the Crown Prince treats his esteemed guests? It truly leaves one baffled!"

He shook his head repeatedly, displaying visible displeasure at what he perceived as a lack of courtesy on the Crown Prince's part. His demeanor suggested that he deemed the Prince unworthy of his service.

These pointed remarks sent shockwaves through those seated at the table, leaving them momentarily incensed.

"Treat you politely? Are you jesting?" they thought. "Baffling? In what way?"

In truth, Cha-Eun Xiao had a valid point. He was the sole guest among a group of individuals who were, without a doubt, the Crown Prince's subordinates. His argument, though presented with an air of arrogance, touched upon a certain aspect of propriety.

Nevertheless, his 'reasonable' assertions only served to further infuriate the gathering. The Crown Prince's entourage, well-accustomed to their own decorum and etiquette, found themselves seething with anger. Even the Crown Prince himself could not mask his irritation.

As a Crown Prince, it was standard practice to invite talented individuals to dine, a customary occurrence. He had extended invitations to numerous noteworthy figures, yet he had never adhered to the conventional hierarchy of seating arrangements. The individuals present here served the Crown Prince directly; they were indeed renowned in their own right, possessing exceptional capabilities. Even high-ranking court officials had been seated in the same manner, as it had become an unspoken rule.

"You ignorant fool!" they inwardly raged, but no one dared to voice their grievances aloud. Cha-Eun Xiao's argument, on the surface, appeared sound, and any challenge to his assertions would only bring humiliation.

As Cha-Eun Xiao continued to speak, a tense silence settled over the room. People exchanged furious glares, but the standoff endured.

Undeterred by the hostile atmosphere, Cha-Eun Xiao persisted, lamenting the perceived lack of sincerity. "I am, after all, a guest of the Crown Prince," he lamented, his voice tinged with disappointment. "I am a prodigious talent, well-versed in the arts of warfare, strategy, and geography. I possess the capabilities to secure peace for this kingdom, and yet, I have not been afforded the dignity I deserve. What message does this convey?"

Their collective anger intensified, but still, none dared to confront Cha-Eun Xiao's audacious provocations. The situation remained a test of patience and restraint, with their disgruntled silence serving as the only response.

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