The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 861

Chapter 861: Give a Hand

Chapter 861: Give a Hand

Give a Hand . . .

For over a year, Jun Yinglian had remained secluded from the world. People understood her motives well.

She hadn't simply chosen to let go of her profound resentment. Instead, she had been observing a period of mourning, as a wife should after losing her husband. The intensity of this mourning was what sent chills down the spines of those who knew her.

Had Jun Yinglian embarked on a quest for revenge from the outset, it might have been easier for everyone to digest. However, her period of mourning gave the impression of foreboding, signaling her inexorable return to the martial world and an impending reign of vengeance.

The impending bloodshed was to be a relentless and life-endangering quest for retribution. A woman whose heart had been extinguished was often more terrifying than any superior cultivator, and Jun Yinglian herself was a formidable practitioner, making her dreadfulness all the more pronounced.

Therefore, when Moon Queen of Qiong-Hua Palace received news of Jun Yinglian's presence, it was enough to strike fear into her heart. She was acutely aware that a single misstep, an ill-chosen word, or even an inopportune glance could be the catalyst for a deadly confrontation.

The outcome of such a confrontation was unthinkable, not just for Qiong-Hua Palace but for the entire realm. Even a powerful sect like Qiong-Hua Palace didn't dare to provoke such a woman.

Thus, Moon Queen personally went to greet Jun Yinglian, harboring a mixture of fear and anxiety. She pondered, "Why has the leader of Sky Ice Palace, who claims to be the departed Xiao Monarch's wife, come here?" josei

She resolved to adopt a humble approach in order to prevent any potential issues. Hence, Moon Queen paid little heed to whatever Jun Yinglian might say. As long as Jun Yinglian refrained from unleashing her full might, Moon Queen was content.

Jun Yinglian's sole request was to meet Yue Gongxue, a demand to which Moon Queen readily acceded. "Certainly, Master Jun. Please follow me."

Moon Queen graciously invited the striking beauty into the palace. Even if Jun Yinglian had requested to slap her, Moon Queen would have accepted it willingly. Her paramount objective was to ensure this formidable woman left her domain.

Despite possessing greater power in cultivation than Jun Yinglian, Moon Queen didn't dare to engage her in combat. She perceived the profound terror that emanated from Jun Yinglian.

A woman gone mad, particularly one as powerful as Jun Yinglian, could be a volatile force, willing to sacrifice her life to achieve her aims. This was not merely dreadful; it was horrifying.

Jun Yinglian may have appeared tranquil and serene, but she was, in fact, a dormant volcano that could erupt in a moment's notice, causing widespread devastation, possibly taking lives in the process.

Moon Queen was well acquainted with the potential horrors a woman could unleash, being a woman herself. Consequently, she decided to dispatch this ticking time bomb to the factions of the three realms. Her sole objective was for Jun Yinglian to depart from her realm.

Moon Queen reasoned, "A debtor is often left without options. I simply want her to leave."

In the Moon Penalty Cave.

Since her capture, Yue Gongxue had been incarcerated in this cave.

The cave was exceptionally frigid. As Jun Yinglian ventured deeper into its icy depths, she noticed the walls, covered in millennia-old ice, radiating a palpable chill. She couldn't help but frown as the cold bit into her skin.

Despite the extreme cold, she remarked, "I understand that this is a place for administering penalties, but it's excessively cold. Moon Queen, locking your own people in such an inhospitable place is cruel."

Moon Queen smiled, her response deceptively soft, "The girl has learned enough here. Since you've spoken, I'll have her moved to a warmer location."

While Moon Queen's tone seemed accommodating, it was clear she was not entirely willing to let Yue Gongxue go. Jun Yinglian, for her part, simply looked at Moon Queen with a bland expression, neither protesting nor acknowledging the matter any further.

The two women engaged in a silent standoff, their expressions concealing their inner thoughts. Moon Queen displayed an amiable demeanor, but it was evident that she had her limits. There were lines that could not be crossed, even when confronted by a figure as formidable as Jun Yinglian.

After a brief silence, Jun Yinglian broke it by saying, "You agree to move her to a warmer location, which is good. But why wait until tomorrow? Why not release her today? The cold here is unbearable. I can't stand it."

Moon Queen was momentarily flabbergasted by this statement. She contemplated, [Unbearable cold?]

[If anyone else were to complain about the cold here, it would be reasonable. It is genuinely frigid. But this is the very Sky Ice Palace, the coldest place in the world. She might not be its current leader, but she remains the same person. She must be acclimated to the cold. Claiming to be unable to endure it is a feeble excuse to aid Yue Gongxue.]

Maintaining her composure, Moon Queen responded with a gentle smile, "Master Jun, there seems to be a misunderstanding. I assure you, I'll arrange for Yue Gongxue's release and a meeting between the two of you. The difference of one or two days is negligible. Here's a proposal: come with me, and in two hours, you'll be reunited with Yue Gongxue at Flower Villa."

Jun Yinglian acquiesced and turned to leave. "Very well, there's no need for you to lead the way. Just send someone to guide me to the villa, and I'll await Yue Gongxue. I don't wish to impose on your time too much, and two hours should suffice for you to manage your daily matters."

Moon Queen, ever tactful, attempted to offer hospitality. "Master Jun, you've come to my domain, and I haven't extended the proper courtesies. Spending time with you is never a waste, and there are many beautiful sights here. Why don't we go on a tour? It would be more enjoyable than merely waiting for two hours."

She endeavored to be conciliatory, not affording Jun Yinglian an opportunity to express anger. Those two hours would provide ample time for Yue Gongxue to prepare herself, refresh her appearance, and make herself presentable.

The importance of this preparatory time was well understood among women.

After two hours had passed, Jun Yinglian and Moon Queen strolled together through Qiong-Hua Palace. Jun Yinglian, however, remained disinterested in the surroundings, her mind preoccupied with the impending meeting. At the entrance of Flower Villa, she halted and declared, "I came to see Yue Gongxue because I have a personal matter to discuss with her."

Her tone grew icy.

Moon Queen chuckled, her laughter somewhat forced, and said, "Very well. I won't interfere."

Having acknowledged Jun Yinglian's intent, Moon Queen gestured to her retinue, and they withdrew, leaving the two women alone.

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