The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 863

Chapter 863: The Past

Chapter 863: The Past

The Past . . .

Yue Gongxue couldn't help but be taken aback by Jun Yinglian's cryptic words. They left her in a state of confusion and anxiety. Trembling with disbelief, she leaned closer to Jun Yinglian and stammered, "What? What do you mean?"

With her composure restored, Jun Yinglian calmly poured the emerald-green tea into a translucent jade teacup and replied in a measured tone, "I can still remember the day we first met... It was when you were carrying a child."

"When your son was born, and you both had to flee, I offered my assistance. However, owing to other obligations, I couldn't stay with you throughout your journey. I had to pursue my own path. I'm sorry for not being able to do more for you."

Yue Gongxue composed herself and said, "Please, don't apologize. The world was against us, and you were the only one who extended a helping hand. Even his clan turned against him. You were the sole person who truly aided us. I couldn't have asked for more."

"It was a rather straightforward act on my part. If I could have done more, perhaps you wouldn't have ended up in such dire straits," Jun Yinglian lamented, shaking her head.

"Perhaps it didn't mean much to you, but you saved our lives. I'll never forget it, and I realize that I can never repay the favor," Yue Gongxue expressed her gratitude.

"Afterward, I sent a message to Moon Queen, using both mine and Xiao Monarch's names... We implored her to spare your lives," Jun Yinglian explained. "At that time, our names still held considerable sway. Afterward, I learned that your husband had been exiled to the lower realm, and you were imprisoned... I never imagined that Qiong-Hua Palace would be so unyielding."

Yue Gongxue had an epiphany. "I see. I often wondered why they didn't execute me, given my betrayal of the sect. It was your message that saved us!"

Thanks to Jun Yinglian and Cha Eun Xiao's appeal to Moon Queen, she, her husband, and her son were spared from execution and remained alive. It was a revelation that came too late for her to express her gratitude to Cha Eun Xiao, who had already passed away.

She said with hope, "My situation isn't ideal, but as long as they're still alive, there's hope."

A bittersweet smile tugged at Jun Yinglian's lips as she confessed, "That's correct. As long as they're alive, there's hope."

However, her thoughts drifted to Cha Eun Xiao, and her heart ached as if pierced by a sharp blade.

Yue Gongxue, despite the immense suffering she had endured, now had knowledge of her husband and son's continued existence, offering her a glimmer of hope.

But what about Jun Yinglian? "I am the one who is still alive. And then what? Does that mean there is hope?"

"I recall that you once considered entrusting your son to me to ensure his safety," Jun Yinglian recalled with a faint smile. "Regrettably, my own preoccupations kept me from protecting him."

Yue Gongxue remained grateful. "Even so, you provided us with valuable advice. You suggested giving our child the name of a world-renowned figure."

"After much contemplation, we decided to name him after Xiao Monarch... After all, my husband's name is Cha," Yue Gongxue explained. "Although it may have been an affront to Xiao Monarch's legacy, we believe he would have endorsed it, considering you sent the message in his name."

"That's correct. He undoubtedly supported my decision. That's why I could use his name to write that letter," Jun Yinglian confirmed. "Although it was my idea, Qiong-Hua Palace, no matter how much they disapproved, wouldn't dare to confront both of us. They were forced to make a decision in the end."

Yue Gongxue expressed her gratitude once more. "Thank you so much, once again."

"However, the mighty Xiao Monarch is no longer with us," Jun Yinglian stated with sadness. "So, the name Ye Xiao, meant to shock the world, may not be enough to protect your son. In fact, it might even endanger his life."

Yue Gongxue raised her head, her eyes reflecting a deep sense of sorrow. She gazed into the distance and let out a sigh. "I understand. But... I don't even know where... where my son is. I have no idea if he's happy... I believe he's still in the lower realm."

Jun Yinglian, in a hushed tone, began to address Yue Gongxue with a question that weighed heavily on her heart, "I've come here with a purpose... Your son... did you name him Cha Eun Xiao?"

Yue Gongxue felt a touch of embarrassment as she replied, "Yes."

A fleeting expression of anguish flickered across Jun Yinglian's face, only to vanish just as quickly. She pressed further, her voice filled with longing and uncertainty, "I have some knowledge about your husband and son. You mentioned that they reside in the lower realm. Is it the Land of Han-Yang?"

Yue Gongxue clenched her teeth, her eyes revealing the agony she endured, and she nodded in affirmation.

The Land of Han-Yang was a place that had remained distant to Yue Gongxue, yet it had been an integral part of her dreams and hopes for many years. This place held profound significance for her, for it was where her husband and son resided.

Jun Yinglian, chilled to the bone, chose to remain silent, allowing the conversation to hang in the air. It was as though the two questions she had posed were the only answers she sought in the world. Everything else seemed inconsequential.

While Jun Yinglian embraced the silence, Yue Gongxue couldn't bear it. The two questions Jun Yinglian had asked, though she didn't entirely understand their significance, pertained to the two most important men in her life. The silence was unbearable.

After enduring the quiet for a while, she sensed that Jun Yinglian had no intention of speaking further. Panic seized her.

"Are you here solely to inquire about my son's name?" She pondered. "Why won't you share what transpired? This uncertainty is tormenting me..."

Jun Yinglian, however, was disinclined to elaborate at this moment. She had come seeking answers, and she had obtained them. Before her arrival, she had held onto a faint glimmer of hope, a fragile belief that existed outside the bounds of reality. She wasn't entirely convinced it could be true...

Yue Gongxue's response had extinguished that fragile hope completely, leaving Jun Yinglian feeling utterly hopeless and frustrated. Her sole remaining purpose was a relentless pursuit of vengeance.

But she had underestimated the depths of a mother's longing for her son. Yue Gongxue hadn't seen her child for seventeen years.

Seventeen long years... Finally, someone had come to her and uttered her son's name, and she couldn't let this opportunity pass by.

Her heart pounded in her chest, and she summoned every ounce of her courage to speak, her voice trembling with anticipation, "Master Jun, the words you mentioned... Did you... did you encounter my... my dear child?" josei

Jun Yinglian, her expression calm and indifferent, shook her head and responded nonchalantly, "No."

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