The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 874

Chapter 874: Survival!

Chapter 874: Survival!

Survival! . . .

Evidently, Wu Huitian's apprehensions grew, as he keenly detected Cold Moon Palace's burgeoning intent to retaliate. He feared that Yue Changtian might eventually make a momentous decision, and while Yun Xiran might escape unscathed, Wu Huitian was undoubtedly in the line of fire.

"Leaving is not an option!" A gleaming sword blade disrupted Wu Huitian's exit; it was Zhan Yunfei, blocking his path like an unwavering sentinel. His eyes mirrored the sharpness of his sword, and he declared, "You've taken the lives of so many of our sect members. Now you seek to depart with empty words? It won't be that simple! Compensation? What do you think you could offer to atone for Cha... for the dozens of elite lives?"

Zhan Yunfei's sword tip trembled, emitting a harsh sound as it amassed a formidable surge of energy, gleaming with chilling luminance. It was evident that Zhan Yunfei was prepared to stake his life in this confrontation.

In the background, several elders waited in silent vigilance behind Yue Changtian. They appeared composed and unaffected, exuding an air of tranquility. However, those familiar with their demeanor could discern that they were channeling spiritual qi into their palms, prepared to surge into action upon Yue Changtian's command.

All they awaited was the signal to launch their attack.

Yue Changtian continued to waver in his resolve.

He weighed the potential ramifications of this confrontation carefully. If hostilities were to erupt, it was certain that the eight intruders would meet their end within Cold Moon Palace's walls. To be unable to slay several cultivators within their own domain would be nothing short of absurd.

However, the impending consequences nagged at him.

[Is it worthwhile to sacrifice over one hundred thousand disciples and the legacy of tens of thousands of years to avenge Cha Chongxiao?]

Yue Changtian contemplated an alternative solution. Perhaps he could orchestrate the death of Wu Huitian alone. He was confident that Cold Moon Palace could assassinate Wu Huitian without objection from Yun Xiran. However, Cold Moon Palace would be required to serve as the vanguard once the conflict initiated. Subsequently, the battle would exact a toll on both Cold Moon Palace and Saint Sunlight Sect, while Saint Starlight Sect would emerge as the sole dominant faction, under Yun Xiran's leadership.

Yun Xiran and Saint Starlight Sect would undoubtedly relish such a development, yet it conflicted with Yue Changtian's principles.

Regardless of which course he pursued, the outcome would entail the demise of Cold Moon Palace.

Yue Changtian grappled with inner turmoil, torn between his devotion to Cha Chongxiao and his duty as the Prime Master of Cold Moon Palace. Should he gamble the fate of the entire sect for the sake of avenging Cha Chongxiao?

If he considered only himself, he would undoubtedly draw his sword and initiate the battle. However, in his capacity as the Prime Master, he bore the responsibility of safeguarding the lives of hundreds of thousands of disciples.

The decision was not one he could make recklessly.

His countenance remained stern and unyielding, refusing to permit the departure of the intruders and at the same time forestalling the outbreak of conflict. He resembled a stoic Buddha, outwardly impassive.

In truth, he waited.

Cha Chongxiao had suffered a grievous wound, a laceration through his chest. While most would have succumbed to such an injury, Cha Chongxiao still retained a pulse. There had to be a reason, a chance, and he clung to that sliver of hope.

He waited.

"Prime Master! What are you waiting for?" Zhan Yunfei implored, brandishing his sword and prodding Yue Changtian to action. If only Zhan Yunfei were powerful enough to challenge Wu Huitian and his three disciples, he would have taken it upon himself to do so. Yet, he was not, and he could not prevail against a single one of them. Frustration marked Zhan Yunfei's visage, his impatience evident, and yet, Yue Changtian remained mute.

"Wu Huitian, the time has come for a decision. What is your choice?" Yue Changtian inquired with a frigid composure, his gaze piercing.

Wu Huitian was a man of guile and recognized that a swift resolution was unlikely. While there remained a glimmer of hope for Yun Xiran to extricate himself from this predicament, Wu Huitian understood that a formidable confrontation awaited him. He prepared himself for the imminent confrontation, aware that he must be ready before Yue Changtian issued a verdict.

Nevertheless, Yue Changtian held his silence, his inner world having ground to a standstill.

Suddenly, a figure burst forth from the hall within, a veritable streak of lightning. It was none other than Zhu Jiutian, who stood as the fastest member of Cold Moon Palace. He had traversed an extraordinary distance to relay an urgent message to Yue Changtian through a mental connection. "He's alive!"

Upon hearing this, a wave of relief washed over Yue Changtian, though it did little to soften his grim countenance. He spoke, his tone unyielding, "Inevitably, the reckoning shall come to pass. We shall not forget the events of this day, Wu Huitian. There is no compensation you can offer that will suffice. You shall pay the price. Keep it firmly etched in your memory." josei

Yue Changtian's words held a ferocity that did not escape Wu Huitian's attention. He recognized that he would soon be granted leave, or Yue Changtian would not make such a declaration.

During the interminable wait, Wu Huitian, as a master cultivator and the Prime Master of a prominent sect, felt as though he had ventured through hell on multiple occasions. The ordeal seemed akin to a nightmarish journey.

"Yue Changtian, what an inflated ego you possess," Wu Huitian taunted, donning a facade of indifference while concealing his fear.

Yue Changtian's response remained stoic as he continued, "Wu Huitian, Yun Xiran, the events of this day are etched in our memory. It is time to bring an end to this. Do not tempt my patience further. If you continue to provoke me with insolent words, you will both forfeit the opportunity to see another sunrise tomorrow. Perhaps Cold Moon Palace will face its demise in the wake of such an act, but both of you will meet your end long before that occurs. What say you?"

Wu Huitian and Yun Xiran recoiled in fear, their resolve waning in the face of Yue Changtian's fierce declaration. His face blushed with anger, and his gaze held them in a steely grip, reaffirming the gravity of the situation.

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