The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 936

Chapter 936: Stars Sword!

Chapter 936: Stars Sword!

Stars Sword! . . .

Cha Eun Xiao realized that he had been in the dark about the Tempest-thunder Golden Hawk's unique nature. Unlike typical avian species, this golden hawk was not hatched by the female; it had to endure an onslaught of countless lightning strikes to hatch from its golden egg.

The two golden hawks from three thousand years ago couldn't have done much other than watch the egg and hope for lightning to strike it. The process was fraught with uncertainty.

As Cha Eun Xiao contemplated how the baby hawk managed to survive in the unforgiving world, he heard the hawk emit a long, exultant cry. Suddenly, a lightning bolt descended with the speed of a snake, a rapid and deadly trajectory.

Remarkably, the hawk didn't evade the bolt; instead, it surged upward to meet the lightning in a swifter motion. josei

When the lightning struck the hawk, it emitted a joyful cry, displaying no signs of pain. Inexplicably, the hawk's feathers appeared brighter after each bolt. The lightning strikes didn't harm the hawk; instead, they seemed to invigorate it. The hawk reveled in its electric feast, becoming more spirited with each bolt.

Cha Eun Xiao marveled at this extraordinary creature and couldn't help but murmur, "What a remarkable being. It consumes thunderbolts, the most powerful forces in the world. Perhaps it isn't only the cold that suppresses Wu Fa's needle; thunder plays a significant role as well."

After the lightning ceased, the hawk approached Cha Eun Xiao and cooed apologetically, "Sorry, I forgot to share with you. I was so enthralled by the feast. Next time, I'll make sure to bring some for you!"

Erhuo, perched on Cha Eun Xiao's shoulder, responded with indifference and disdain, "Big deal! Once my blood fully awakens, I'll host a grand feast that will open your naive eyes."

The hawk, unaware of Erhuo's sarcasm, rejoiced in its innocence, believing that Erhuo had humbly turned over.

Cha Eun Xiao decided to explore the wooden houses. Despite being frequently struck by lightning, the houses remained intact, exhibiting remarkable resilience.

He touched the wood and found it as hard as steel, with a refreshing scent that invigorated the mind. Drawing his sword from the Space, Cha Eun Xiao struck the wood, but to his amazement, the sword only penetrated one inch, unable to cut any deeper.

This wood was unlike any he had encountered, possessing both lightness and extraordinary durability. He reluctantly abandoned the idea of dismantling the houses, considering their historical significance and his inability to fathom the wood's purpose.

The hawk accompanied him as he examined the structures, seemingly asserting its ownership by incessantly "talking" to introduce various objects, but Cha Eun Xiao paid no heed, engrossed in his exploration. Erhuo, meanwhile, rolled its eyes in disdain, unimpressed by the hawk's behavior.

Erhuo wasn't one to mince words in its feline heart as it observed the events unfolding. "Stupid bird!" it thought disparagingly.

After the hawk had showcased every nook and cranny of its dwelling, Cha Eun Xiao made his way out of the wooden house, yet the hawk didn't immediately follow. It took its time before emerging, holding in its beak a sword and a book.

The hawk approached Cha Eun Xiao, cooing joyfully and flapping its wings in excitement. Cha Eun Xiao was intrigued by the hawk's offerings and asked, "What is this?" He picked up the sword, which, despite appearing light, was remarkably heavy, weighing at least fifty kilograms.

Cha Eun Xiao swiftly discovered that appearances could be deceiving when it came to swords. When he unsheathed the blade, it emitted a bright blue light that illuminated the surroundings. Even when the sword remained stationary, the blue light flowed along the blade like waves in the sea.

"Nice sword!" Cha Eun Xiao commended, admiring the sword's brilliance. Upon inspecting the hilt, he found the word "Stars" inscribed on it. When he turned the sword over, the blue radiance intensified, revealing star-like patterns shimmering within the blue light. It was a spectacular sight.

Upon testing the sword's strength by clashing it with the one he had retrieved from the Space, there was a small, almost imperceptible sound. Suddenly, the precious sword he had brought shattered into two pieces, leaving Cha Eun Xiao stunned.

His eyes widened as he pondered, "How sharp is this sword?" He knew he hadn't reinforced one sword over the other, and the sword he retrieved from the Space was crafted from the metal essence of the Gold Space, making it exceptional. Yet, it had easily succumbed to the divine power of the Stars Sword, breaking with barely a sound of metal clashing.

Cha Eun Xiao was truly captivated by the Stars Sword's incredible might. Feeling bold, he couldn't help but inquire, "I suppose I should consider this as a gift from you?"

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