The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 953

Chapter 953: Coincidence

Chapter 953: Coincidence

Coincidence . . .

Han Bingxue, a master of pretentiousness to an unparalleled degree, could easily be mistaken for a seasoned actor of superstar caliber. He exhibited this extraordinary talent even in the face of mortal adversaries who had relentlessly pursued him with the intent to end his life. To them, Han Bingxue appeared strangely nonchalant, behaving as though he were an entirely different person. His facade was unbreakable, and Cha Eun Xiao couldn't help but be impressed.

Yet, it wasn't just his acting skills that set him apart; it was his improvisational prowess. The men who claimed to be from the Saint Sunlight Sect had barely uttered their affiliation before Han Bingxue masterfully interjected with a reference to Wu Huitian. He even quipped, "Is he still the Prime Disciple of your sect?"

It was a performance worthy of applause, leaving Cha Eun Xiao struggling to suppress his laughter. He mused internally, "Wu Huitian has held the position of sect leader for over eighty years, and yet here you are, speaking as if you belong to a bygone era."

Han Bingxue had demonstrated an indisputable truth: pretentiousness was not to be taken lightly; it was a craft that he had mastered to perfection, transcending all limits and boundaries.

In the realm of pretentiousness, Han Bingxue was a grand master. He executed his art with effortless finesse, projecting an aura of serene composure that left the disciples of the Saint Sunlight Sect utterly dumbfounded.

After a pause, one of them stammered, "Well… Uh… Do you know our Prime Master?"

Han Bingxue's brow furrowed slightly, and he reprimanded them with a hint of irritation, "Mind your language! Are all disciples of the Saint Sunlight Sect so lacking in respect? I am your senior, so why do you not address me with the appropriate honorifics? You there... Can't you call me 'master' or something of the sort? Do you genuinely believe it's acceptable to speak to me in such a manner?"

The members of the Saint Sunlight Sect paled in response. They were left wondering who this enigmatic figure was and why he had the audacity to berate them so.

Undeterred, Han Bingxue continued in his nonchalant manner, "Prime Master... Oh, that's intriguing. I never would have expected him to ascend to the position of your Prime Master... Not bad."

"Not bad." Those two simple words resonated deeply within Cha Eun Xiao, who felt like he was living a second life. He had endured countless trials in the lower realm and finally returned to this world. However, when Han Bingxue uttered "not bad," he couldn't help but marvel at the man's extraordinary pretentiousness. After all, such words were typically spoken by a superior to someone in a lower position.

Wu Huitian held the esteemed position of the head of the Saint Sunlight Sect, one of the most powerful among the seven great sects in the realm. Han Bingxue spoke as if he were casually addressing a young acquaintance. "Not bad" was an understatement when referring to the Prime Master of such a prestigious sect. Cha Eun Xiao couldn't help but wonder what would be considered "bad" or "good" in Han Bingxue's eyes.

The shock among the Saint Sunlight Sect disciples was palpable. They exchanged puzzled glances, questioning who this mysterious man was and the reason behind his peculiar speech.

One of them whispered, "Who is this individual, and where has he come from?"

Another added, "Why does he speak with such impudence, even in the presence of our sect's elders?"

Nevertheless, Han Bingxue remained calm and casual, sporting a faint smile as he continued, "I can still taste the memories of days long past... You see, I am quite advanced in years now, and as such, the exact timeline tends to blur in my recollection. Wu Huitian, that young lad... He possessed remarkable potential. He was passionately in love with a woman named Ning, utterly devoted. I always took pleasure in witnessing the union of two individuals deeply in love. So, I provided a bit of assistance... Though I had other matters to attend to and departed before he could share the joyful news with me. I wonder, did he ultimately marry that young lady? Is she now your Prime Master's wife?"

With these words, the men from the Saint Sunlight Sect suddenly adopted an air of solemn respect.

The tale of Wu Huitian's courtship of Fairy Ning, a young female disciple within the Saint Sunlight Sect, was a well-known and cherished story among the sect's members. It was celebrated as a beautiful love story, a testament to the enduring power of love. Wu Huitian, who would later become the Prime Master of the sect, had suffered greatly for the affection of his beloved wife when he was a young disciple.

However, after ascending to the esteemed position of Prime Master, the story became a hushed secret, forbidden to be uttered openly. Yet, the whisperings of gossip proved persistent, and the narrative continued to circulate throughout the sect. Each disciple was privy to the narrative, the unspoken history of their esteemed leader.

One disciple, overwhelmed by a sense of reverence, addressed Han Bingxue, saying, "Master, you are a friend to our Prime Master and his wife. We humbly seek your forgiveness for our ignorance. May I be so bold as to inquire about your name, Master?"

Han Bingxue, exuding an air of innate superiority, responded with a hint of condescension, "What? After everything I've mentioned, you still remain oblivious to my identity?"

He feigned disappointment and sighed, adding, "It appears the disciples of the Saint Sunlight Sect are regrettably lacking in common sense. Fortunately, I have cultivated patience over the years. Otherwise, I might have had to resort to a more severe method of instruction. Heh, heh... In any case, Saint Sunlight Sect finds itself in a perilous situation..."

Another sigh followed.

The Saint Sunlight Sect disciple, upon closer scrutiny of Han Bingxue's attire and demeanor, had an epiphany. His respect deepened, and he cautiously ventured, "Master, may I venture a guess, albeit recklessly? Could you possibly be the Mortal Ice, the Unique Star of the North... Master Han?"

A subtle smile graced Han Bingxue's lips, and he nodded in acknowledgment, as if commending the young man for his perceptiveness. "You possess keener insight than most," he responded. josei

The disciple, thrilled by the recognition, felt a surge of pride. "Your words are too kind," he humbly replied. "I happened to learn of your name by chance."

Han Bingxue, with an air of mystery, continued, "Oh? By chance, you say? Wu Huitian strikes me as a man who holds gratitude in high regard. At the very least, he remembers the assistance I provided during the bygone days and has allowed others to hear of it as well. I am heartened by that."

In truth, none of the disciples possessed any knowledge of Han Bingxue's role in aiding their Prime Master during his courting days. The young man's guess was merely based on Han Bingxue's attire and bearing, and the reality was quite different from the image painted by Han Bingxue's words.

The disciple was caught in a conundrum. He had no inkling of Master Han's involvement with Wu Huitian's past, but he dared not refute Han Bingxue's insinuations. Thus, he chose to leave the matter unresolved.

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