The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 959

Chapter 959: Beaten By A Cat

Chapter 959: Beaten By A Cat


Beaten By A Cat . . .

Erhuo's patience was wearing thin as Han Bingxue continued to appear utterly baffled. The feline had made the effort to communicate in a lower position, attempting to be kind, yet Han Bingxue's silence and confusion frustrated it.

With an air of irritation, Erhuo unleashed another meow, a question, and yet, there was no response. Han Bingxue remained in a perpetual state of confusion, completely unaware of the feline's attempts at communication.

Cha Eun Xiao found himself on the verge of passing out from sheer laughter as he watched this odd spectacle unfold before him. Erhuo and Han Bingxue resembled two absolute fools, each trying to convey their thoughts to the other. In reality, Han Bingxue couldn't understand a single word Erhuo was 'meowing.'

It was almost too perfect – Erhuo's name itself meant 'fool,' and in that moment, Han Bingxue embodied the essence of another 'Erhuo,' living up to his namesake.

However, Erhuo's patience had run its course. The feline was determined to teach this insufferable human a lesson, to assert its dominance.

With newfound determination, Erhuo executed another high-speed, inhumanly swift maneuver, catching Han Bingxue completely off guard. In a fraction of a second, it was perched atop Han Bingxue's head, wreaking havoc on his carefully combed hair.

A swift and precise assault followed, as Erhuo's small paws tore through Han Bingxue's hair, pulling it out and causing it to fall to the ground in a cascade. It was a bizarre and unexpected attack that left Han Bingxue in shock.

Startled and outraged, Han Bingxue attempted to reach for Erhuo, but the feline was too agile, moving with a grace and swiftness that was beyond his comprehension. His efforts to capture the cat were futile, as it danced around his head.

As Han Bingxue's frustration mounted, he began using his spiritual power in an all-out effort to seize Erhuo, who responded by moving even more rapidly. Han Bingxue was rendered helpless, his hands swiping at thin air, while his furious attempts only intensified Erhuo's agility.

The situation took a chaotic turn as Han Bingxue's flailing hands struck him repeatedly on the head. He struggled to control his emotions, as the frantic movements of his hands caused him to inadvertently strike himself dozens of times within seconds. His head was soon covered in painful lumps.

In a moment of desperation and agony, Han Bingxue was forced to relent. He sat down on the floor, a defeated man, and in a pitiful whimper, he pleaded, "Brother... Boss... I was wrong... I made a mistake... Boss... Please... Take this thing back... I won't do that again."

His plea was filled with pain and sorrow, and it was an incredibly humbling moment for the once-proud Han Bingxue.

Erhuo, victorious, continued to pull out Han Bingxue's hair, all the while exuding an air of disdain.

With uncontrollable laughter, Cha Eun Xiao couldn't help but revel in the sight of Han Bingxue, who had prioritized his appearance above all else, being left in such disarray by a mere cat. The dramatic and hilarious scene before him was too delightful to resist.

Finally, realizing that enough was enough, Cha Eun Xiao called out to Erhuo, demanding an end to the spectacle. The feline, now appearing quite pleased with itself, made its exit from Han Bingxue's head.

In an apparent show of victory, Erhuo waved its paws at Cha Eun Xiao and then cast a look of utter disdain in Han Bingxue's direction.

The message was clear: "This individual is utterly worthless, and I have no intention of wasting further time or effort on him."

As the laughter escaped Cha Eun Xiao's lips, the anger and tension that had previously enveloped the room slowly dissipated.

It was clear that Han Bingxue was far from pleased with the outcome of his encounter with Erhuo. He raised one hand, and a cascade of snow fell to the floor. The snow swiftly coalesced, forming a mirror that allowed him to glimpse his reflection. What he saw filled him with dismay and pain. Upon beholding his own visage, he couldn't help but exclaim in agony.

"You wretched, malicious cat... Ahhhhhhh..."

It was a sight that had left him devastated. The once-handsome and beautiful face he prided himself on had been marred. Numerous scratches adorned his visage, and his head bore over a dozen lumps.

Bitterly addressing Erhuo, he continued to vent his anger as they made their way onward. "You may not be worth our time... I would have turned you into a pile of flesh and blood if I truly wanted to defeat you... You're simply ignorant..."

Erhuo responded with a disdainful meow while waving its paw. [I couldn't be bothered. My claws would have dispatched you, even if it resulted in only a face full of scratches. By now, you would've lost an eyeball...]

Still seething, Han Bingxue began the arduous process of combing his hair and tending to the lumps on his head. However, despite his efforts, the hair loss could not be reversed. No matter a man's strength, hair growth remained a mystery that no one could solve.

One thing he couldn't fathom, much like why the scratches on his face wouldn't fade. Han Bingxue had always taken great pride in his handsome and beautiful countenance, and now it was marred by these scars.

Erhuo, as a peerless spiritual creature, possessed incredibly sharp claws. If it so chose, it could have made those scars permanent. Han Bingxue might have been left disfigured for life. But he was fortunate that his recovery was proceeding at a regular pace.

It was clear that Han Bingxue was profoundly grateful for Cha Eun Xiao's intervention in this matter, and he uttered these sentiments, albeit begrudgingly, as he glanced at Cha Eun Xiao with a face marred by unsightly scratches.

[Who would have thought that a level nine Dao Origin Stage master cultivator would be beaten by a mere cat...]

This thought weighed heavily on Han Bingxue's mind, leaving him feeling all the more dispirited.

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