The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 980

Chapter 980: Boss?

Chapter 980: Boss?

Boss? . . .

Cha Eun Xiao couldn't entirely comprehend Xuan Bing's unwavering resolve to kill those men, but he was resolute about not allowing this incredibly powerful female cultivator to bear the guilt for her actions.

He was well aware of the potential consequences of her emotional turmoil on her cultivation progress. Distractions, especially those rooted in guilt, could hinder her journey to greater heights.

However, his concerns extended beyond Xuan Bing's cultivation progress. Cha Eun Xiao fretted that the pursuit of vengeance might become a mental burden for himself and Li Wuliang. Both of them had fixated on the idea of retribution, and he didn't wish for a future where they had no adversaries left to seek vengeance against once they were fully restored to their prime.

"What if all our enemies are gone?" he pondered.

With a resounding cry, Cha Eun Xiao urged Xuan Bing to reconsider. In response, she humphed, then abruptly retreated like a swift whirlwind.

The roiling clouds ascended into the sky with lightning but soon dissipated.

Xuan Bing repositioned herself beside Cha Eun Xiao and inquired gently, "Why?"

She still concealed her visage, and her eyes remained hidden, but Cha Eun Xiao gazed at her warmly, convinced of the sincerity in his voice. "If you proceed down this path, you risk cultivating a demonic heart. It's not worth it," he said tenderly. "Just let them go. More opportunities will come."

He implored her to follow a moral and ethical code: "Kill the unbending but spare those who kneel."

Acknowledging her status as one of the world's preeminent cultivators, he urged her to reconsider her intent, emphasizing that she needn't undertake such actions for the sake of those men.

Xuan Bing's eyes softened, stirred by the warmth in Cha Eun Xiao's words. His heartfelt concern touched her.

Is he... showing concern for me? She pondered.

He doesn't want me to succumb to a demonic heart?

Gradually, the murderous intent that had surrounded her began to dissipate, replaced by an unexpected warmth that resonated deep within her heart.

In agreement, Han Bingxue spoke up, supporting Cha Eun Xiao's perspective. "That's right. By taking this path, we would also risk succumbing to a demonic heart."

As a fellow expert in cultivation, he recognized the validity of Cha Eun Xiao's concern and believed it was imperative to address the broader implications. His concurrence affirmed that this concern was not exclusive to Xuan Bing; it extended to Cha Eun Xiao and Han Bingxue as well.

However, Xuan Bing remained unswayed by their pleas, uttering a humph as she retorted, "I care not for cultivating a demonic heart. You might fall prey to it due to your weak cultivation and a fragile mindset. But that is not my concern."

Although her words came across as cold and dismissive, there was no trace of the prior murderous intent. It had waned, leaving a palpable absence of hostility.

Meanwhile, on the other side, the eighteen men displayed ashen faces. Xuan Bing's recent actions had profoundly shaken their souls.

Bai Bufan's warning had arrived too late, and they had not had the opportunity to form a defensive array. In reality, even if they had managed to activate an array, it would not have been sufficient to counter Xuan Bing's power.

At that moment, the imminent arrival of death loomed in their minds. Every one of them felt the aura of death drawing nearer, step by step.

Though Xuan Bing had halted before inflicting any lethal blows, her prior actions had already sown terror within their souls. The lingering fear etched in their hearts would persist as haunting nightmares for the remainder of their lives.

For cultivators of greater strength, the sensation of impending death grew even more pronounced, akin to the feeling of hellish torment and the experience of death itself.

The horror they experienced on this day would become a lasting specter that haunted their lives, an indelible imprint etched in their hearts.

However, they had never imagined that the renowned Xuan Bing, whose reputation echoed throughout the world, would halt the impending battle on account of a young man's words.

For now, at least, she had temporarily called a ceasefire.

As the group of men looked upon the young man, their eyes brimmed with gratitude.

"What a truly noble man. So remarkably generous."

"We were about to kill you, yet you've saved us."

"It's as if you embody the essence of virtue."

Cha Eun Xiao was left speechless under their earnest gazes.

"I genuinely intended to kill you all," he thought, "but I also couldn't bear the thought of Li Wuliang's disappointment when he emerges and finds none of his desired targets alive."

"Actually, I wish for your survival. It's for my sake, for Li Wuliang, for Han Bingxue, and for my brothers. Well, Xuan Bing too, I suppose."

Xuan Bing heaved a lengthy sigh and declared, "I won't kill them, but they deserve punishment. All those who insulted me, slap yourselves one hundred times and each of you will part with one arm. Then you may leave."

Shortly thereafter, several severed arms lay on the ground. The men expressed their gratitude to Cha Eun Xiao and departed from the area.

Cha Eun Xiao, however, wasn't pleased with the compliments he had received from those men before they left. Phrases like "Like father, like son," "Hero father, hero son," or "Good father, better son" were hardly to his liking.

Xuan Bing was well aware of his aversion and couldn't help but be amused by his discomfort. After everything had been resolved, she casually remarked, "Let's go."

Han Bingxue, perhaps sensing the tension, moved ahead to guide the way.

Xuan Bing slowed her pace to walk alongside Cha Eun Xiao and asked, "Explain why you let them go. Eradicating threats in advance is a prudent strategy before the main confrontation. Don't you agree?"

Cha Eun Xiao simply smiled and refrained from answering.

Hearing their conversation, Han Bingxue, who had not ventured far, chuckled and chimed in, "I concur with the Boss. If we killed them all, it might not lead to a favorable outcome. Furthermore, we risk developing demonic hearts due to unjustified killings. Our enemies should meet their demise at our hands. It's a matter of honor and persistence. I'm sure you understand."

Xuan Bing nodded her agreement. But then her gaze sharpened as she fixed her eyes on Han Bingxue and questioned, "Boss? Did you just refer to him as... Boss?" josei

Both Cha Eun Xiao and Han Bingxue were taken aback.

In light of recent events, Han Bingxue had begun to regard Xuan Bing as an ally, and thus he hadn't been particularly cautious about concealing this designation. He had openly referred to Cha Eun Xiao as 'Boss,' a matter that presented a complication.

"Why did you, Han Bingxue, a powerful cultivator in the realm, call him 'Boss'? What are you keeping from me?"

If Han Bingxue denied it, Xuan Bing would hardly be convinced.

Upon hearing Xuan Bing's inquiry, Cha Eun Xiao remained silent for a moment, then responded nonchalantly, "There is indeed a reason for this, but it's a secret between us. Please pardon us."

Xuan Bing was left speechless.

"It's our secret!" Cha Eun Xiao had said.

That response, cleverly crafted to deflect any further probing, left Xuan Bing with little recourse.

"If I continue pressing for answers, I would become a relentless and impolite interrogator," she realized.

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