The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 985

Chapter 985: Is She Ugly?

Chapter 985: Is She Ugly?

Is She Ugly? . . .

Cha Eun Xiao whispered, "Miss Xuan, you undoubtedly possess more knowledge of the Qing-Yun Realm than I do. Perhaps you can offer a hypothesis. In this world, who holds the power to orchestrate such a vast organization?"

Xuan Bing wore a rueful smile as she replied, "That's a challenging question. In truth, the top-tier sects across the world could all potentially have the power to manage an organization of this scale. However, the cost involved would be astronomical... I'm afraid there aren't many willing to pay such a price."

A smile tugged at Cha Eun Xiao's lips in agreement. Managing an organization capable of executing such meticulously crafted schemes would indeed be a formidable task for most factions, regardless of their available resources. This venture demanded a substantial investment of time and effort. Furthermore, it went against the collective will of the world. Any minor error could lead to exposure, making them vulnerable to destruction.

Yet, this organization operated with such flawless precision that it remained entirely undetected. It hinted at profound, world-altering secrets underpinning its existence.

"Nevertheless, now that they've initiated these attacks, it won't be long before they step into the public eye," Xuan Bing's voice carried a weighty undertone of vengeance. "Before they acted, they remained unnoticed, which was expected. However, once they escalate their activities, a trail leading to the truth will emerge." josei

"This organization, when it is finally revealed, will also be the day of its downfall," she declared with unwavering determination. "When that time comes, I will undoubtedly be among those who join forces to eradicate it."

After three days of uneventful travel, they neared the Oracle District.

During this time, aside from Han Bingxue's infamous loquaciousness, nothing unusual occurred. His ceaseless chatter prompted yet another scuffle between him and Xuan Bing, ending with him beaten and a mouthful of fish soup.

Frustrated by Xuan Bing's perpetual aura of mystique, Han Bingxue decided to confront Cha Eun Xiao, asking, "Is Miss Xuan so hideous that she can't show her face to others? What do you think, Boss?"

Cha Eun Xiao found himself at a loss for words. He refused to respond to the query.

Unsatisfied with the lack of an answer, Han Bingxue inquired a few more times, yet Cha Eun Xiao remained unresponsive. Eventually, unable to contain himself, Han Bingxue blurted out, "Is she truly that ugly?"

The moment he voiced those words, everything changed drastically.

Before Han Bingxue could complete his sentence, calamity struck. His head was unceremoniously plunged into his bowl of soup, followed by a forceful kick that propelled him out of the restaurant with soup dripping down his face.

But that was just the beginning.

Xuan Bing did not show mercy; instead, she followed him outside to administer a thorough beating.

In that instant, Xuan Bing's anger reached an alarming level. Cha Eun Xiao, observing the scene, wisely refrained from intervening, for he knew better than to involve himself.

For any woman, being called ugly was the ultimate offense. She could withstand insults about her wealth, strength, or other aspects, but comments on her appearance were utterly intolerable.

Thus, Han Bingxue had unwittingly provoked her fury, and he was the one who paid the price.

His face swelled to such an extent that he appeared three times larger than usual, reminiscent of a buffet gone awry.

Cha Eun Xiao watched the altercation unfold with silent amusement, privately relishing the spectacle.

The following day, as they resumed their journey, Han Bingxue was still nursing the effects of yesterday's altercation. He could barely walk and was groaning in discomfort, while his companions had a distinct lack of sympathy for his predicament. Xuan Bing had, quite literally, taken Han Bingxue to task and subjected him to excruciating pain, making his bones, meridians, and channels throb relentlessly. The ordeal had left him reeling in agony, a profound reminder to be more circumspect with his words.

With his body aching and tormented, he could hardly bear to take another step. Nevertheless, the prospect of being left behind was even more unappealing. He would be alone, vulnerable, and susceptible to potential dangers lurking on their path. It was a truly miserable situation. As Han Bingxue continued to limp along, Cha Eun Xiao couldn't help but suppress his laughter.

Inwardly, Cha Eun Xiao mused that perhaps Han Bingxue should be more discerning in choosing his friends, reflecting on the advantages of selecting companions like himself.

"Can we... take a break?" Han Bingxue finally beseeched, unable to endure the torment any longer.

However, Xuan Bing was in no mood to grant respite. She was keenly aware that they had stumbled upon vital information related to the mysterious organization, knowledge that could influence the future of the entire realm. Urgency prevailed, and she saw no reason to halt their progress. She turned down Han Bingxue's plea, questioning his apparent fragility. She pointed out that Cha Eun Xiao had been keeping up just fine and hadn't sought a break.

Tears welled in Han Bingxue's eyes as he silently implored, *"Sister, please, you can simply say that you want to torture me. Don't pin such an accusation on me. We've indeed discovered vital information about the secret organization, which could affect the realm's future, but is there a pressing need for haste? What's the plan?"*

Han Bingxue protested, *"I'm not fragile, honestly. There's no visible injury, and I can still channel my spiritual energy. But this... this agony is unbearable. The ache isn't limited to the pain; it's a deep-seated soreness that's insufferable!"*

Xuan Bing's mastery in the art of torture was on full display. She had used the Bones Interlaced Art to its maximum potential, optimizing control while minimizing damage. This art inflicted suffering but did not inflict physical harm. It was a high-level skill that demanded a top-tier cultivation level, mastery of the art, and impeccable control.

As Cha Eun Xiao observed her techniques, he couldn't help but appreciate her skill. Even in his prime as the Xiao Monarch, he had not possessed the capability to perform such intricate manipulations. It was a stark reminder of the vast difference in their abilities. Han Bingxue, for his part, trudged on with tears in his eyes, enduring the excruciating torment that Xuan Bing had so meticulously devised.

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