The Eunuch is Pregnant

Chapter 156

Chapter 156: Le Yao Yaos decision

Chapter 156: Le Yao Yaos decision

If elder brother wants him, how could younger brother refuse?

The King of Hells voice was very light, but it lacked temperature.

Hearing his words, Le Yao Yao felt as if something inside of her had dropped and shattered. She felt emptiness and tasted fear.

Oh God!

The King of Hell is really going to give her to the Emperor?

She wants to leave him. But why is she so unhappy when she found out the King of Hell wants to send her away?

Le Yao Yao, whats wrong with you?

At this moment, Le Yao Yao felt depressed.

Her little face was low and she had no idea that her eyes were filled with disappointment.

Just as everyone thought the King of Hell was definitely going to gift his eunuch to the Emperor, Leng Jun Yu lightly took a sip of his tea and continued,

However, whether the eunuch will leave and serve elder brother is not up to younger brother.

Oh? So who decides?

Leng Zi Hao was accustomed to his brothers cold nature. However, deep down, he knew his brother was a loyal and emotional person once he had opened his heart. If his brother truly didnt care about the eunuch, he wouldve given him to him already. But since Leng Jun Yu was acting like this, Leng Zi Hao wanted to continue teasing his brother.

After all, Leng Zi Hao didnt have many siblings. Leng Jun Yu was his only brother and he was much too cold. This opportunity was once in a lifetime, so he must trigger him!

Leng Jun Yu didnt say anything else. However, his eyes were on Le Yao Yao.

Leng Zi Hao followed Leng Jun Yus glance and landed on Le Yao Yao again. His eyes flickered and he asked, Xiao Yao Zi, are you willing to follow this Emperor?

Right after the Emperor said those words, everyones eyes were on Le Yao Yao. Le Yao Yao became the center of attention and she was extremely stressed!

Aside from stress, Le Yao Yao also experienced fear. Because, she honestly didnt know how to respond. Although Leng Jun Yus face was expressionless, his eyes were staring into her soul.

It was an intense warning glare. It made her scalp turn numb, and back drenched in sweat.

Seeing this, Le Yao Yao really wanted to curse him.

Damn you! What are you looking at?! If you dont want to give me away, then say so yourself! Why are trying to act like you dont care and make me respond instead?! Now youre glaring at me? Ughhh!!

Le Yao Yao didnt understand why the King of Hell acting the way he was.

Does he care or not care about her?

But right now, there was no time to think about that stuff.

The audience was certain that Le Yao Yao will choose the Emperor. After all, he was the Emperor. He personally requested for him, so who would dare refuse?

However, Leng Zi Hao probably sensed Le Yao Yaos hesitation, so he laughed and continued, Xiao Yao Zi, youre a talented individual. This Emperor really admires you. Also, this Emperor is lacking talents like you on his side. If you decide to follow this Emperor, you will have wealth, reputation and power. What do you think?


Hearing this, Le Yao Yao was turning emotional on the inside.

Damn you! Youre trying to lure me on the spot, eh?

To be honest, Le Yao Yao was tempted by the Emperors words. Based on what the Emperor was saying, he must really value her! It really made Le Yao Yao feel overwhelmed by favour.

But while she was hesitating, she could feel the King of Hells eyes slicing through her.

His glare was like a shapeless knife that was tightly hanging by her neck. It was as if it will chop her if she said a wrong line.

Oh God! Damn you! You only know how to threaten people! josei

Le Yao Yao was mad. But deep down, she was also kind of happy. She wasnt really sure why though.

But if she had to choose, she would still choose the King of Hell.

After all, she was a fraud eunuch. If people discovered her secret, she would have to pay with her life.

Even if she remained by the Emperors side and he gave her wealth, power and reputation, it would be like walking on the cutting edge of a knife.

On the contrary, if she remained in Prince Ruis residence, she will be free in three years. Plus, after all the reward money she had earned, it was enough to last her for a lifetime. So why should she still crave for more wealth, power, and status?

After thinking it through, Le Yao Yaos beautiful eyes flickered and she immediately knelt in front of the Emperor.

Servant is indebted to the Emperors favour. Servant is extremely grateful and honoured. However, although servants position is low, servant understands a basic principle. Master for a day equals master for a lifetime. So, servant has set his mind to remain by Prince Ruis side. He will be servants only master.

After Le Yao Yaos decision, the whole Hall turned deadly silent. It was so quiet that the wind could be heard.

After all, no one thought Le Yao Yao would reject the Emperors offer!

The audience werent the only ones who were shocked, Leng Zi Hao was stunned as well.

If it were anyone else, they would have definitely accepted his offer.

After all, he was the Emperor while his brother was a Prince.

As an Emperor, he could surely offer much more to Le Yao Yao than his brother could.

This little eunuch is truly something else!

Leng Zi Hao caught his brother smiling. Immediately, Leng Zi Hao was deep in thought.

Looks like this little eunuch holds a special place in my brothers heart!

Leng Zi Haos eyes was still on the little guy who was kneeling in front of him. Le Yao Yaos eyes revealed no fear, and it was filled with certainty.

No wonder his brother cares so much about him. This eunuch managed to reject him in public and showed no fear. What a talent!

Honestly, at that moment, Leng Zi Hao truly wanted this eunuch. But sadly, a nobleman does not seize someone elses love. So, Leng Zi Hao decided to give up.

While Leng Zi Hao was deep in thought, he had no idea that the current Le Yao Yao was drenched in cold sweat.

After all, she knew she had just rejected the Emperor. If he was mad, he could simply get her executed and her head would be a goner. How could she not be scared?

Haha. Amazing! What a great line. Master for a day equals to master for a lifetime! Younger brother, you are so lucky! This Emperor envies you!

Leng Zi Hao laughed heartily as he turned his head to gaze at the calm Leng Jun Yu.

Leng Jun Yu only smiled in response. He didnt say anything.

However, his gaze towards Le Yao Yao softened.

Haha! What a great line! Master for a day equals master for a lifetime.

Does that mean you will belong to me forever?!

Thinking of this, Leng Jun Yu felt as if his heart was drenched in honey. It was so sweet

The audience was glad the Emperor wasnt mad but praised Le Yao Yao instead.

Soon, the dancing and music started again.

Le Yao Yao wiped off her sweat and returned to her spot.

Although the Emperor wasnt mad, her heart was still pounding furiously. Most likely, she will suffer from insomnia tonight!

But the moment she thought of all the money she had just earned, her fear was instantly replaced with her joy.

Oh God! She was rich! After she leaves the residence, she can start a business with Xiao Mu Zi and improve his family situation. Then, she could travel around the world and admire this unfamiliar land!

At this moment, Le Yao Yao sensed a burning gaze on her. She couldnt help but tremble.

But when she realized the King of Hell was smiling at her, Le Yao Yaos face froze.

Wow, he was so hot!!!!

*ping ping ping* Suddenly, Le Yao Yaos heartbeat began to accelerate.

Leng Jun Yus smile was gentle like the wind and cloud. Combined with his gorgeous facial features, it was a soul shattering sight!

Although Le Yao Yao wouldnt want to admit it, she was most definitely fangirling.

At this moment, Dongfang Bais voice entered her ears.

Brother Yao is truly wise and farsighted. The plays were brilliant. No wonder the Emperor and the Dowager Empress are so pleased.

Hehe. Thank you for the compliment, brother Bai! I just wanted everyone to be happy and entertained.

Suddenly, Le Yao Yao seemed to remember someone else and turned to smile widely at Nangong Jun Xi. On the other hand, Nangong Jun Xi had a sulky expression on his face.

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