The Eunuch is Pregnant

Chapter 26

Chapter 26: Aren’t you hungry? Eat!

Chapter 26: Aren’t you hungry? Eat!

The more Leng Jun Yu thought about it, the more pissed he was.

He narrowed his eyes as he looked at Le Yao Yao. He didn’t try hiding his discontentment.

When Le Yao Yao finally turned around and noticed his harsh glare, her scalp felt numb again.

Eh, the King of Hell was truly the King of Hell. His mood was always unpredictable and unstable.

One minute, it’s sunny; the next, he’s raining. Does he have schizophrenia or what?

Although Le Yao Yao was silently cursing him, her focus quickly reverted back at the bowl of noodles.

Ohh it smelled so good. She really wanted to eat it…

But she didn’t believe the King of Hell would purposely asked someone to cook her a bowl of noodles. How could he be so kind hearted?!

While she silently cursed at him some more, shocking words entered her ears.


It was just a simple order. His voice was cold and distant. But when Le Yao Yao heard it, she was stunned. Her eyes showed disbelief.


“Aren’t you hungry? Eat!”

Leng Jun Yu noticed her disbelief and frowned as he spoke once more.

Le Yao Yao’s face was still filled with doubt, but the bowl of noodles was too enticing. She didn’t care anymore. If she had to die, she would be better off being a full ghost than a hungry ghost.

Thinking of this, Le Yao Yao sat down on the stone seat and lifted the chopsticks and took huge gulps.

She ate super fast. It was comparable to a wolf swallowing a tiger. It was hard to watch.

Especially her obvious “fu fu fu” sound, as she sucked the noodles into her mouth. On this quiet evening, it was very evident.

The way she ate was very graceless. She was like a starving ghost that had been reincarnated. Even Leng Jun Yu couldn’t hide his astonishment.

After all, he was born as a Prince. Ever since he was little, he had been taught all sorts of etiquettes by specialized old servants.

So, although he was a very cold person, his manners were very good.

This was the first time he had seen a person eat like that. His mouth subconsciously twitched.

But Le Yao Yao was too busy satisfying her stomach. Naturally, she wouldn’t care about what others think of her.

She was going to starve to death soon. What was more important than food? josei

So, Le Yao Yao devoured the entire bowl of noodles and the drumstick. Aside from the bone, there was nothing left.

Once she was finished, Le Yao Yao stuck out her pink tongue and licked her oily lips. Her behaviour was like a cute little kitten. She looked like a satisfied, lazy, and happy kitten. So cute!

Seeing this, Leng Jun Yu’s cold eyes flickered for a second. Then, he calmly asked.

“Are you full?”

“Yup. I’m full.”

Le Yao Yao replied instantly. She seemed very honest as she made a hiccup sound.

Le Yao Yao immediately covered her mouth. She looked awkward and embarrassed as she secretly took a peek at the man next to her. But Prince Rui had already turned around. He probably didn’t notice. Whew.

“Umm, Prince, do you have any orders for me?”

After you get benefits from someone, you must give the person face. That line was so true.

Although she was very fearful of the man in front of her, he had kindly given her a bowl of noodles. Because of him, she didn’t have to endure starvation. So now, her impression of the Prince has improved.

While she was thinking, Prince Rui’s low and raspy voice entered her ears again.

“You may go.”


Le Yao Yao’s face looked shocked. Her eyes revealed uncertainty.

The King of Hell was letting her go so easily? He didn’t sound like what the rumours had said…

Although she was dumbfounded, her feet didn’t stop.

After all, she had been waiting for this line for a long time. She finally had permission to leave. What was she waiting for?!

Le Yao Yao beamed on the inside as she quickly turned and walked away. It was as if she had added oil to her feet. In a moment, she had totally disappear. It was as if a fierce beast was after her.

In a spurt of energy, Le Yao Yao rushed off. She just wanted to leave this scary place. So she had no idea that after she left, Prince Rui had slowly turned around.

His mouth had slowly curved upwards….


Since she was full, the moment Le Yao Yao returned to her room, she lied on the bed and slept until morning.

But while she was still sleeping blissfully, she was suddenly violently shaken awake. Le Yao Yao thought there was an earthquake. She freaked out as she opened her eyes.

Then, she realized it wasn’t an earthquake.

Xiao Mu Zi had entered her room and was shaking her continuously.

“Xiao Yao Zi, hurry and wake up!” Xiao Mu Yi yelled.

“Eh, what is it? I’m so sleepy. Let me sleep some more!” She mumbled.

Seeing it’s Xiao Mu Zi, Le Yao Yao was about to close her eyes again. While she was speaking, she had a very nasally sound.

Unfortunately for her, Xiao Mu Zi began to shake her even harder. She felt like all her bones were going to turn loose.

In addition, his voice was filled with anxiety; as if the sky was going to collapse.

“Xiao Yao Zi, what time is it?! How can you still be sleeping?! Did you forget? Starting from this month, it’s your turn to serve the Prince! The Prince has already woken up. You still want to sleep!? You don’t want your brain, do you!?!”


Hearing Xiao Mu Zi’s words, Le Yao Yao bounced off the bed like a spring.

Both her eyes and mouth were opened wide. Her mouth was opened so wide that a sparrow could fly in.

Oh God!

She had totally forgotten that starting from today, she had to serve the unpredictable, ruthless, killer Prince Rui!

Oh God. She didn’t want to, ok?!

As she recalled yesterday’s bloody scene, she still had lingering fears.

Although last night the Prince was somewhat different, maybe he was going through some hormone imbalance; that was why he treated her slightly better.

She didn’t forget how scary he could be!

So, Le Yao Yao definitely didn’t want to serve him!

Plus, she came from a world where people were equal. She had never served anyone in her life. How the hell would she know what to do?!

Thinking of this, Le Yao Yao’s shocking face turned miserable. She looked like an innocent little sheep that was about to be sent to a tiger’s den. (end of Ch.31 raws)

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