The Eunuch is Pregnant

Chapter 32

Chapter 32: Xiao Yao Zi’s plead

Chapter 32: Xiao Yao Zi’s plead

In the past, every few days, Le Yao Yao would go eat Sichuan food with her roommates. They would eat A LOT!

Fortunately, she was the type that never gains weight despite how much she eats. If not, a foodie like her would be one chubby girl!

As Le Yao Yao reminisced, the sour hot smell got closer and closer. She even noticed a familiar shadow.

It turned out the people carrying the various dishes from behind the chief manager were Brother Li, the man who gave her the drumstick yesterday, and Xiao Mu Zi.

The moment Le Yao Yao saw Xiao Mu Zi, she remembered that he had told her today he would be working in the kitchen. In addition, when Xiao Mu Zi walked in, he had clearly noticed Le Yao Yao as well.

But Xiao Mu Zi only took a quick glimpse at Le Yao Yao before immediately breaking off eye contact as he lowered his head respectfully. He cautiously stepped forward and removed the previous dishes to replaced them with the new ones.

This time, it was indeed the pickled cabbage fish.

The pickled cabbage fish was presented on a colourful plate. Needless to say, in no time, the entire room was overflowing with its savory smell.

Le Yao Yao was already hungry to begin with, so currently, the smell was making her stomach react very intensely!

But she was a servant. So she had no choice but to act her role and hold back. She must wait until lunch time before she can eat a lot!

Although that was what she was thinking, her nose wouldn’t stop sniffing. It was as if sniffing the delicious aroma would help relieve her hunger.

On the contrary, Leng Jun Yu still remained cold and unimpressed with the food change. He slowly picked up his chopsticks to take a piece of the fish. Then, he gently placed it in his mouth and began to chew.

The way Prince Rui ate was very graceful. It was as if he had practiced thousands of times in front of a mirror. From the side, Le Yao Yao couldn’t help but stare.

As for everyone else, they were panicking on the inside.

Especially Cook Li. His forehead was completely filled with sweat.

After all, it only takes one line from the Prince to determine whether he gets to keep his job or not.

Although working in the Prince’s residence required him to be alert constantly, the pay was much higher compared to what he could get outside.

It wasn’t easy for him to get this job, and he needed this generous monthly salary in order to provide for his parents and children. If Prince Rui was unsatisfied with his dish today, he would be fired.

After chewing, Leng Jun Yu’s face was still emotionless. But he had already placed down his chopsticks.

“Remove it.”

That simple line was like a death sentence to Cook Li. There was a plopping sound and Cook Li’s round body fell onto the ground.

His smiling round face was now a deathly grey colour.

But that expression was quickly replaced. It was as if Cook Li had thought of something as he scrambled towards Prince Rui on his knees, begging.

“Prince Rui, please give this servant another chance! This time, I will make sure I create something that fits your appetite!”

Cook Li wouldn’t stop pleading as he continuously pressed his forehead against the ground. Le Yao Yao could see bloodstains on his head due to the harsh impact. Cook Li didn’t seem to notice or care. Le Yao Yao could understand his pain.

Because Xiao Mu Zi had told her before. Cook Li’s wife just gave birth to a son last month. His whole family lives off Cook Li’s salary. If Cook Li loses his job, his whole family will starve. josei

Le Yao Yao couldn’t help but pity on Cook Li.

Although she had been transported into this body and she was broke as hell, at least she only had to worry about feeding herself. She didn’t have to worry about taking care of family members.

As these thoughts went through her head, Le Yao Yao’s eyes landed onto Prince Rui.

The muslin of his clothes were sewn together by gold and silver threads. They made him appear more noble.

He had long hair and his face was as smooth as a jade. His features were distinct and his brows made him appear very dominating.

Even if he was only quietly sitting, his aura was so powerful that no one could disregard.

Hearing Cook Li’s plead caused Leng Jun Yu to frown. His eyes revealed annoyance. After all, he really didn’t like it when others go against his decisions. It’s either his way or the highway.

So from this, it appeared that Cook Li definitely had no choice but to be removed from his position.

The chief manager was probably worried that Cook Li was going to make Prince Rui more angry, so he stepped out and was planning to pull Cook Li away. But unexpectedly, before he could do anything, a tiny shadow wearing a dark blue eunuch outfit rushed to Cook Li’s side and said to Prince Rui,

“Prince Rui, please give servant another chance! I will definitely make a dish that will satisfy you! If you’re satisfied, please allow Cook Li to stay!”

Hearing this crispy clear voice, everyone’s attention landed on the tiny eunuch.

All they saw was Le Yao Yao’s determined and fearless expression. She stood in front of Leng Jun Yu and her voice was filled with sincerity.

Following her plead, the entire hall instantly became as quiet as a muted crow.

Cook Li was stunned. He was touched and emotional as he turned to Le Yao Yao.

“Xiao Yao Zi, you don’t have to….”

But before Cook Li could continue, Le Yao Yao cut him off as she pleaded with the respectful man.

“Prince Rui. Please! Give us another chance!”

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