The Eunuch is Pregnant

Chapter 57

Chapter 57: What is going to happen to Xiao Yao Zi?

Chapter 57: What is going to happen to Xiao Yao Zi?

Xiao Mu Zi had no idea that Leng Jun Yu was standing outside of the courtyard. Currently, he was anxiously kneeling by the chief manager's leg and begging like a beggar.

"Chief manager, Xiao Mu Zi is begging you. Please save Xiao Yao Zi! Xiao Yao Zi has a high fever right now. If he doesn't get seen by a physician, he is going to die!"

"Ai, Xiao Mu Zi, it's not that I don't want to save him. But it is so late. All the medical buildings outside are closed. Where am I going to find a physician??"

Seeing how desperate Xiao Mu Zi was, the chief manager felt really hopeless. But he was speaking the truth. It was pouring rain outside. All the clinics were closed. Where would he find a physician?

Xiao Mu Zi knew the chief manager was telling the truth. But it only made his emotions more unstable.

"But, what are we going to do now? What is going to happen to Xiao Yao Zi?"

"Aiii.I have some medication here. I don't know if it will be effective, but we cannot find a physician right now. All we can do is give him the medicine and hope for the best."

It wasn't that the chief manager didn't want to save him, but that was all can he do right now.

So, the chief manager was about to grab some medication from his drawer and give it to Xiao Mu Zi to boil for Xiao Yao Zi. Whether Xiao Yao Zi could live through the night will depend on luck.

After all, in the Prince's residence, a servant's life was as worthless as grass

Just as the chief manager was sighing, suddenly, a long shadow swiftly appeared in his courtyard.

It was pitch dark outside, with heavy rain.

The lanterns were continuously swaying back and forth due to the cold wind. They were struggling to emit their faint glow.

The man appeared without a sound. He came in noiselessly like a demon. His skills were extraordinary; just like a tornado.

The chief manager felt a gust of cold air against his face. Before he could detect anything else, Leng Jun Yu was already standing in front of him.

Seeing this, the chief manager's face was astonished. But he quickly composed himself and opened his mouth.

"Prince Rui?"

"Chief manager. Go to the Imperial Palace and ask the Capital's Imperial Physician to come." Leng Jun Yu lightly spoke. Due to the loud rain, his voice sounded like a mist; a bit unreal.

Hearing this, the chief manager's eyes widened. He thought he had heard wrong. But when he stared into the eyes of the handsome face man in front of him, he knew Leng Jun Yu was serious.

Although Leng Jun Yu's expression remained cold and heartless, the chief manager had watched him grow up. He could definitely read and understand the Prince.

But the chief manager was in shock because the Prince was asking the Capital's Imperial Physician to come treat an eunuch?! The Capital's Imperial Physician had the greatest medical expertise in the whole physician department!

T-this was simply unbelievable!

Perhaps Leng Jun Yu could sense the chief manager's shock, because a flicker of embarrassment flashed across his face.

Although it only lasted for a second, but the chief manager caught it. His old face broke into a smile.

Hmmlooks like the Prince is starting to show more emotions. That was a good thing!

The chief manager happily sighed and instantly replied.

"Yes, Prince Rui! Your servant will do as you say now!"

As for Xiao Mu Zi, he was extremely appalled and emotional after hearing Leng Jun Yu's words. He began to cry as he got onto his knees and repeatedly bowed at Leng Jun Yu.

"Thank you, Prince Rui. Thank you, Prince Rui..!"


Leng Jun Yu didn't have much reaction towards Xiao Mu Zi. Because right now, his heart had already flew to the tiny little eunuch.

The moment he thought about "him" being ill, his heart began to ache. It was as if someone had ruthlessly punched him in the gut.

The chief manager had gone off to send someone for the Imperial Physician. Leng Jun Yu could no longer wait as he turned to Xiao Mu Zi.

"Where is Xiao Yao Zi?" josei

When Leng Jun Yu arrived at the servants' dormitory, he couldn't help but crinkled his brows.

This was the first time he had ever went to the servants' dormitory. He had never seen or realized how poor and plain the conditions were.

The dormitory was divided into rows of tiny bungalows. In front of the courtyard was a frame for the eunuchs to dry their laundries. Next to the frame was a well for them to gather fresh water.

In some of the bungalows, there was weak lighting emitting from within; indicating some were still awake.

But in some of the bungalows, it was pitch black. Amongst them all, there was one room with its carved door opened.

The cold wind wouldn't stop whistling as it made the carved door squeak back and forth. From an outsider's point of view, it looked like the door was going to collapse at any moment.

This was Le Yao Yao's room.

"Le Yao Yo lives here?" The Prince asked in disbelief.

Xiao Mu Zi instantly replied.

"Yes, Xiao Yao Zi is inside."

Xiao Mu Zi was actually surprised Leng Jun Yu cared so much about Xiao Yao Zi, but right now, he was way too concerned about Xiao Yao Zi's condition to think elsewhere.

Xiao Mu Zi lit a lantern and led Leng Jun Yu into the dark room so that he could see the surroundings clearly.

The room was only a few square feet wide. There was only enough space for a wooden bed, table and stool. At the end of the bed was a small cabinet.

Earlier, Xiao Mu Zi was in a rush to call for help. So after he placed Le Yao Yao back onto the bed, he quickly ran off.

Unexpectedly, Le Yao Yao actually rolled off the bed.

When Xiao Mu Zi saw this, he immediately yelled, "Ah!". He was going to hang the lantern and put Le Yao Yao back in bed. But at this moment, someone else was already a step ahead of him.

Prince Rui picked Le Yao Yao up from the ground but didn't put him back in bed. Leng Jun Yu swiped a disgusted look around his surroundings and frowned at the stupefied Xiao Mu Zi.

"You stay here. When the chief manager brings the Imperial Physician, tell them to come to my room."

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