The Ex and Her Riches

Chapter 555 The Visit

Chapter 555 The Visit

Chapter 555 The Visit 

After giving it a quick glance, Annie retracted her gaze and returned it to the passing scenery.

While driving. Gwendolyn explained, “This place is called Mount Tranquil. Its name was given by my mother after my family bought the entire mountain. Every villa here belongs to a member of the Harris family.”

Annie was surprised to hear about it. “Ms. Harris, to be capable of buying up this entire area, I expected no less of the richest family in Chanaea. The development on the mountain looks spectacular, and it feels just like paradise. I’m sure you must be happy living here.”

Sidestepping the comment, Gwendolyn continued, “Other than the Harris family, the Jenson family’s residence is equally impressive. It is built on a vast plain and filled with pavilions and beautiful landscaping. Walking around it will make you feel as if you’re in an ancient palace.”

“That sounds really interesting. I do hope to visit it when the opportunity arises.”

Annie put on an innocent look as she broke into an adorable smile.

Nonetheless, Gwendolyn could sense that she was a lot more curious about the Harris family than the Jenson family.

As the luxury sedan drove to the top of the mountain, it stopped at Asher’s smaller villa instead of Marcus’ older residence.

Prior to her arrival, Gwendolyn had given Sienna a call to make sure that both she and Asher were at home.

Given that Sienna was informed ahead of time, she had gone shopping for seafood in the morning, hoping to prepare a seafood feast for dinner. This would provide Gwendolyn and Asher an opportunity to talk and hopefully thrash their problems out.

Upon learning that Gwendolyn was coming, Asher made an effort to receive her at the door together with Sienna.

However, when they saw two figures walking into the courtyard, they quickly realized that one of them was a stranger instead of Cedrick.

Sienna and Asher exchanged glances, clueless as to what Gwendolyn was up to.

Meanwhile, Gwendolyn and Annie walked right up to the villa’s door.

Upon approaching Asher and Sienna, Gwendolyn introduced them to Annie. “This is the eldest son of the Harris family, and beside him is my sister-in-law.”

After the concise introduction, Gwendolyn explained to Sienna, “She’s Antea Group’s business director and visiting Chanaca. I’m just showing her around for the next few days.”

Once the introduction was over, a gloomy expression descended upon Asher’s face given how distant and perfunctory it was.

Sneaking a glance at Asher’s reaction, Sienna nodded repeatedly before replying with a smile, “A friend of yours, is a friend of ours, Gwen. Don’t just stand there. Come in and have a seat.”


Gwendolyn headed in together with Sienna, leaving Asher and Annie behind.

During his self-imposed punishment in the ancestral hall, Asher had hurt his leg permanently, causing him to walk with a slight hobble.

In an indifferent tone, he invited, “This way please, Ms. Annie.”

Annie flashed a cordial smile. “After you.”

In response to her politeness, Asher didn’t say another word as he turned around and walked into the villa.

While following closely behind him, Annie noticed his awkward gait.

“Mr. Asher, what happened to your leg?”

Exuding an icy aura, Asher replied curtly in his raspy voice. “It’s an old issue of mine.”

Annie expressed her concern out of courtesy. “The more the reason to get it treated. Any delay would cause it to turn into a larger problem down the road. Given what a handsome and exceptional man you are, Mr. Asher. It would be a waste if your future is impeded by your leg’s condition.

Asher didn’t respond, for he no longer cared about his future. In fact, power and position were meaningless to him now.

All he wanted to do now was spend his time repenting with the hope that one day. Gwendolyn would stop hating him and forgive him instead.

As the conversation ended abruptly, neither of them said anything further as they entered the living room and took their seats on the couch.

Sienna then went off to make coffee, leaving the Harris siblings and Annie in the living room.

With her gaze falling upon Asher, Annie asked curiously, “Mr. Asher, I heard that you’re not only the best pilot in Chanaea but also someone who dominates the official and underworld circles. You’re obviously a man who is a cut above the rest, but why does your voice sound different from the commercial I heard in the airport?”

When Asher lowered his eyes in silence, Gwendolyn answered on his behalf. “That’s because I, head of the Harris family, punished him for his past transgressions. I’ve ordered him to kneel all day in the

ancestral hall, be whipped twenty times a day, and recite the Heagurn Sutra throughout the entire night.”

Brows furrowed, Asher raise his gaze to give Gwendolyn a discreet look.

Even though he didn’t understand why she took on the responsibility of his self-imposed punishment, he knew that she must have her reasons for doing so.

Consequently, he maintained his silence and had no intention of correcting her.

Meanwhile, Gwendolyn’s words stunned Annie.

In her shock, she turned toward Asher, who was hanging his head in implicit acknowledgment. After that, she returned her attention to the ruthless-looking Gwendolyn, only to be filled with disbelief.

“This sounds frightening. What has he done to deserve such a severe punishment? Isn’t Mr. Asher your elder brother? Why were you so heavy-handed with him as if he was your enemy?”

Pursing her lips gently, Gwendolyn was about to reply when Sienna returned to the living room with coffee. The latter proceeded to pour everyone a cup.

Meanwhile, Gwendolyn seized upon the arrival of coffee to skip the topic. She subsequently offered a cup to Annie and warmly invited the latter to drink.

“Ms. Annie, please try my sister-in-law’s coffee. I think it will be a good match for your taste. Please feel free to have more.”

Upon receiving the coffee cup, Annie gave it a gentle blow before taking a sip.

“Mmm, this is delicious. It tastes refreshing and isn’t too heavy on the palate.”

Gwendolyn took a sip herself. “I’m glad you like it.”

After a two-minute silence, Annie steered the conversation back to Asher.

“Is that why Mr. Asher walks with a slight limp? It’s the kneeling that caused it, isn’t it? Also, his hoarse voice must be the result of him reciting the scriptures.”

Asher snuck a glance at Gwendolyn. Although he had no clue why she was sharing such family matters with an outsider, he answered, “That’s correct.”

Annie was visibly shocked to hear it.

“I understand that this is a private matter, but I’m curious to know if such strict disciplinary measures are common in the Harris family?”

As Gwendolyn raised her cup to take another sip, she replied calmly, “To be honest, members of the Harris family are largely easygoing. The severe punishment only applies to Asher.”

Blown away by Gwendolyn’s words, Asher and Sienna stared blankly at her.

Even Annie tilted her head in confusion. “Isn’t Mr. Asher someone extraordinary? Why is he being singled out

“The reason is a private matter of the Harris family which I’m not at liberty to share.

“All right, then. I guess I overstepped my boundaries.” Annie stopped probing as she lowered her head in contemplation.

Cognizant of the expression on Annie’s face, Gwendolyn continued warmly, “Ms. Annie, which hotel are you staying in? Do you find it comfortable! If you prefer staying at Mount Tranquil, I can arrange for you to stay here for the rest of your trip.”

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