The Ex Husbands Revenge

Chapter 1026

Chapter 1026

Chapter 1026

Chapter 1026

Though reluctant, Albert was still his father and he could not disobey Albert, so he fell onto his knees.

“You sure look upset with me!” Albert could sense Gilbert’s reluctance.

“I wouldn’t dare to be. I just think that since Royce is my son, it doesn’t really matter who becomes the leader. You didn’t have to be so angry,” Gilbert muttered.

“I didn’t have to be angry?! You idiot! Royce isn’t your son! He’s the bast*rd son of Daisy and Harold Lowe!” Albert roared, exposing the secret that Daisy and Harold hid for years.

Everyone inside the room froze in shock.

“What? That’s not possible!” Gilbert could not believe what he just heard.

Even the others, including Iris and Leon, were shocked as none of them thought that Royce was Harold’s son.

“Not possible? Daisy was the one who told me about this, so it has to be true!” Albert spat resentfully.

“But,” Gilbert fell into a dazed state as he realized that the son he raised for over twenty years was actually someone else’s son.

“You idiot! You didn’t even know you were cheated on for over twenty years! Is your brain even working at all? You’ve brought shame to us all!” Albert glared daggers at Gilbert.

The fact that the direct descendent of a powerful family like the Youngs was an illegitimate child would bring shame to the family name and if others found out about it, the Youngs would become the laughingstock of the entire city.

Most importantly, Harold and Daisy took control of the Youngs easily because of Gilbert’s stupidity and incompetence, costing the Youngs what they worked hard to build in over a hundred years.

“How can this happen?” Gilbert widened his eyes.

Over the years, he neglected Iris and failed as a father as he focused on Daisy and Royce. In the end, his all to someone else’s child while pushing his daughter away, before forcing her out of her own family and losing everything in the process. he gave

Realizing what a fool he was, he broke down in shock. “You b*tch, Daisy! Not only have you forced us out of the family, but you also fooled me into raising your bast*rd son! I swear that I’ll kill you!” Gilbert roared fiercely like a wounded beast.

“Who knew that Royce is Harold’s son? What a shame! If I knew about this, I shouldn’t have let him go when I snuck into the Young Mansion!” Leon muttered.

Harold attacked him and attempted to kill him multiple times and if he knew that Royce was Harold’s son, would have threatened Harold to make him pay while using Royce as his hostage.


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