The Ex Husbands Revenge

Chapter 1103

Chapter 1103

Chapter 1103

Chapter 1103

The National Security Department had higher authority than the police force and was established for the sole purpose of assisting the Dragon Corps in their effort of maintaining the order.

“What? The Dragon Corps?”

Leon, George, and the others were all shocked.

George and Vincent both warned Leon that if he killed Harold, he might alert the Dragon Corps, but Leon never thought that it would happen so quickly.

What he was not aware of was that the Fields reported him to the Dragon Corps as soon as they ran, which was the reason why the Dragon Corps sent their members over so quickly.

“Take him away!” The man commanded.

A few of the guards from the National Security Department instantly approached Leon viciously.

“Hang on!” Shocked, Leon said hastily, “Sir, please let me explain. This is just self–defense and I haven’t murdered anyone innocent.”

“What a load of lies! The bodies are right there. What makes you think you can talk your way out of this?”

The man pointed at the three dead bodies on the floor.

“I’m not talking my way out of this. I’m telling the truth,” Leon wanted to explain further but was instantly interrupted by the man.

“That’s enough! Take him away!” The man said impatiently.

Seeing how the guards were about to leap into action, Leon blurted out, “Are all the people in the Dragon Corps this unreasonable?”

“What?! How dare you say that about the Dragon Corps? Do you have a death wish?!” The look in the man’s eyes darkened.

“I’m not accusing the Dragon Corps of anything. I just think you’re being unfair! Harold attempted to kill me countless times, yet you have never interfered or stopped him! Now that I’ve killed him out of self- defense, you popped up out of nowhere and wanted to capture me without bothering to find out what happened! Isn’t that too unreasonable?” Leon said with frustration.

“We have our ways of doing things. It’s not up to a brat like you to boss us around! If you know what’s best for yourself, you’re going to come with us, or we’ll show you no mercy!” The man said sternly.

Enraged, Leon said, “Is that so? Let’s see what you are going to do, then!”

Instantly, the crowd stirred. Even Albert and George were stunned by Leon’s arrogance.

“Leon, ha- have you gone mad?”

They all gaped at Leon.

The Dragon Corps was established to control martial artists and had the government supporting them, yet Leon dared to stand up against the Dragon Corps.

“I haven’t gone mad! If they refuse to see reason, I can’t just sit on my thumbs and wait for them to do as they please with me!” Leon said, his composure a distinct contrast with the concern on the others‘ faces.

He did not wish to face the Dragon Corps either, but it was undeniable that he killed Harold and Jacob.


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