The Ex Husbands Revenge

Chapter 1185

Chapter 1185

Chapter 1185

Chapter 1185

“Don’t flatter me, Mister Hunt. I just got lucky, that’s all,” Leon replied, smiling. Ever since he attained the Intermediate Foundation Phase of his sage arts training, his martial arts also advanced to a point where he was no different from attaining the Semi Overlord state now.

Therefore, he did not deny when Quinton said this at all.

“Thank God we didn’t act rashly,” Some of the philanthropists could not help feeling relieved that they did not attempt to steal the treasure away from Leon now that they saw how powerful he was!

Fortunately, none of them attacked-considering that Leon was already in the Semi

Overlord State, none of them would ever have stood a chance against him! Tim and William, on the other hand, were furious at this. They thought Leon was just being arrogant when he asked them to attack him at the same time, but now, they finally realized that Leon was telling the truth.

They both underestimated him!

“It’s your turn now! How dare you two rascals even attempt to steal the Mirror of

Sovereign away from me?! I’ll show you what I’m capable of!” Leon turned to stare coldly at Tim and William, then slowly strode toward them.

After Leon’s immense display of power that stunned everyone at the scene, the

Geoffreys’ martial artists gave up on trying to pursue the Hunts and instead retreated to William’s side.

The four Durkans were the same-since they did not suffer serious damage, they, too, returned to Tim’s side.

“What should we do now, Mister Geoffrey? Why don’t we run while we have the chance?” the color drained from Tim’s face when he saw Leon approaching. Knowing that Leon already attained the Semi Overlord State, he knew that neither he nor

William stood a chance against him. However, they were not entirely useless, and they could easily escape Leon’s wrath if they wanted to.

“No! We can’t leave without the treasure!” William shook his head.

Now that the treasure was just a few feet away from him, he could not possibly let it slip by just like that!

“But,” Tim wanted to change his mind, but William interrupted before he could even finish.

“No but’s! No matter how powerful he is, he’s still doing this alone, and we can easily outnumber him!” William sneered, then glanced first at Iris and Ruth, then at Tim, shooting him a meaningful look.

“Oh,” Tim immediately understood William’s intention.

“Get a hold of that punk and the rest of the Hunts!” Tim and William declared. With that, the four martial artists from the Geoffreys rushed forward to block Leon’s path, whereas the other four from the Durkans targeted Quinton and the rest of the Hunts.

At the same time, Tim and William sneered as they sprang into action, charging like lightning straight toward Iris and Ruth’s direction.


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