The Ex Husbands Revenge

Chapter 1518

Chapter 1518

Chapter 1518

Chapter 1518

“Wh- what on earth is this?” Charlie gaped when he detected Leon’s true energy as he did not expect Leon to wield yet another attack toward the end of his initial attack.

Before he had the time to react, Leon’s Double Attack slammed against his chest.

Charlie spewed blood under the impact and was instantly sent flying into the distance; a sharp pain pierced through his chest and he realized that he suffered severe internal injuries.

“H- How’s that possible?!” Charlie landed on the ground and covered his chest in disbelief.

He was certain that he would be able to injure Leon with a single blow. However, not only was Leon unscathed, he injured Charlie instead.

It was far beyond his comprehension and Charlie simply could not understand how Leon managed such a thing.

“It’s my turn now!” Leon took advantage of the situation and darted toward Charlie, who was laying on the ground.

“Leon, stop!” Patrick was shocked by the sight.

He knew that Leon was far more powerful than Charlie and since Charlie was already defeated with severe injuries, the Scammells would have a difficult time explaining themselves to the Martells if Leon proceeded to leave any permanent damage on Charlie.

Not daring to risk anything, Patrick immediately released his true energy, which swarmed Leon to prevent him from going after Charlie.

“Damn it!” Leon’s expression darkened at the powerful energy surging toward him.

Charlie stepped over the line and Leon was reluctant to simply let him go. However, Patrick was already in the Emperor State and Leon could not possibly rival Patrick.

Thankfully, Patrick only meant to stop Leon and did not wield his full power, which left Leon with an opportunity.

Leon tilted his body to the side and used the Mirror of Sovereign to take most of the blow, before using the aftermath of Patrick’s energy to increase his speed as he charged toward Charlie.

“Don’t!” Terrified, Charlie rolled on the ground and narrowly escaped Leon’s attack, but before he could get back up on his feet, Leon ran toward him and stomp his leg onto Charlie’s chest.

Charlie instantly spewed blood from his mouth at the impact and remained completely still out of fear that

Leon would land another lethal blow at him.

“Wh- What do you think you are doing? Let me go!” Charlie muttered in fear.

“Leon, don’t be reckless! He’s the eldest son of the Martells. Don’t do anything that you will regret,” Patrick shouted.

He thought that with him supervising the duel, he would be able to put an end to it whenever he wanted. In the end, he realized that he underestimated Leon, who somehow managed to withstand his attack.

Patrick was utterly stunned, and at the same time, he was also worried that Leon would kill Charlie in a fit of rage and the consequences for it would be unbearable to both Leon and the Scammells.


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