The Ex Husbands Revenge

Chapter 1573

Chapter 1573

Chapter 1573

Chapter 1573

At the same time, Leon circled past Asmodeus and darted into the living room, straight toward Roanne, without a moment’s hesitation.

Asmodeus could sense Leon near his feet, but now, he was effectively put on edge by Leon’s warning and did not dare to move even an inch.

Besides, Leon was far less powerful than him, and thus he was not at all bothered!

Asmodeus knew that it would be as ABC for him to defeat Leon and thus was not at all worried about Leon rescuing Roanne from right underneath his nose. Now that Leon voluntarily snuck into his living room, it would work out even better for him–with Leon’s addition, he would have one more person to hold hostage against the Thompsons!

Therefore, Asmodeus took no notice of Leon at all and instead remained fixated on trying to find the two Almighty Warriors hidden in his yard.

“Where are the warriors, Leon? Please ask them to save us!” Roanne was delighted to see Leon appear before her, and her heart ignited with newfound hope.

“There are no warriors! I made it all up!” Leon smiled, feeling as though a weight was lifted off his shoulders. Now that he was close enough to protect Roanne, and with that Potential Energy Force to help him, he could easily take down Asmodeus!

“What?” the smile froze on Roanne’s face. She thought she would finally stand a chance against Asmodeus with the two Almighty Warriors hidden in the shadows, ready to save her at any moment, but it turned out Leon made it all up to trick Asmodeus!

Roanne felt as though a giant bucket of ice water was poured all over her, putting out the flames of her newfound hope.

At this moment, Asmodeus already finished scanning through the entire yard, and there was no trace of the Almighty Warriors anywhere. He realized he was tricked!

“Where the hell are the Almighty Warriors you were telling me about, you twat? You were spinning me around in circles all along!” Asmodeus could not help letting out a sigh of relief, despite his rage at being deceived.

After all, he was only at the Semi Almighty State, and if there were truly two Almighty Warriors waiting to ambush him, there was no way he would be able to escape even with the hostages and the Cuff of Doom to help!

Thankfully, this was all just a trick, and he could not help feeling relieved at that.

“So what if I was?” Leon chuckled at this, but he did not miss a beat as he reached into his jacket and pulled out the Potential Energy Force.

“You’ll taste my wrath!” Asmodeus was utterly infuriated by Leon’s attitude. Without a moment’s hesitation, he unleashed a powerful surge of energy toward Leon’s direction, prepared to defeat him once and for all.

“Careful, Leon,” the color drained from Roanne’s face, and despair crossed her face at this sight.

Although she did not know the true extent of Leon’s powers, she witnessed Leon falling fallen before Asmodeus two times in a row, and she could easily deduce that Leon was no match for Asmodeus at all!

There was no doubt that both she and Leon would fall victim to Asmodeus that day!

One could only imagine her fear and worry at this realization!


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