The Ex Husbands Revenge

Chapter 1931

Chapter 1931

Chapter 1931

Chapter 1931

Ly Gordon had no way of avoiding Darius's incredible attack.

It was an incredibly tense moment, and either from his hatred toward Darius or as an instinct in the face of danger, Gordon suddenly took out Snow's box and used it to attack Darius! Swoosh! With the press of a button, a poisoned arrow shot out.

Darius was completely defenseless, and the two of them were too close, to begin with.

He felt a sudden pain in his hand, and he stopped his attack right away.

"What is this?" Darius hissed in pain.

After that, he pulled back and saw a blue needle in his palm.

The color of the needle was a bit strange.

"You dared to attack me like this?!"

Darius was furious at that point! He did not know that the needle was a poisoned needle made of Deadly Veratrum Poison by Leon.

He mistakenly assumed that it was just a regular needle.

So, he did not care at all, and he summoned up the true energy in his hand, pushing out the needle.

Right after that, he continued to attack Gordon! Yet, at that moment, Snow's shocked voice was heard behind him! "Mister Hughes, please stop! You were hit by an incredibly powerful poison needle.It is fatal! You can't use your power right now.Otherwise, you will die if the poison spreads!" Snow said frantically.

"what? T-this is a poisoned needle?!" Darius was shocked to hear that.

Before he could do anything else, he quickly noticed that the poison already started to spread incredibly quickly from his palm.

It dispersed throughout his whole arm! It was trying to reach his organs! The moment the poison reached his organs, he would die! "What a powerful poison!"

Darius was shocked. He did not dare to delay things for a single moment as he hurriedly tried to seal off the circulation from his arm by hitting a few pressure points.

He planned on stopping the poison from getting out of his arm! Unfortunately, the Deadly Veratrum Poison was much stronger than he thought! Even though he sealed off his arm, the poison still managed to move toward his organs.It was just been slowed down! "Gordon, how dare you attack me with a poisoned needle?! Are you planning on killing me?!"

Darius looked at Gordon hatefully.

He looked like he wanted to rip Gordon apart! Gordon was still his brother-in-law in the end.He never expected Gordon to be so ruthless! It was obvious how angry he was at that moment.

If it would not be fatal for him to use his power, he would have killed Gordon in one blow! "I-I'm not, Darius, the needle is Snow's.It's not mine.I didn't know it was a poisoned needle.I just reacted out of instinct.I didn't plan on hurting you,"

Feeling the killing intent coming from Darius, Gordon was shocked.

He quickly threw the box away, acting like he was a victim!

"Nonsense! I told you just now that this is a fatal poisonous needle! How could you not know that?!" Snow said in frustration.

She was no idiot.She could tell that Gordon probably shot that needle on purpose! However, she never expected that Gordon would be so ruthless to his own brother-in-law! It shattered her perception of Gordon completely!


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