The Ex Husbands Revenge

Chapter 1975

Chapter 1975

Chapter 1975

"Alright then, you twat! You asked for this! Since you have a death wish, I'll gladly help you fulfill it! Guards, seize him, and make sure he's alive—I'm going to torture him to death!" Devon shouted. Then, without another word, he gestured for his men to charge.

He knew full well that Leon would have the alchemical pills' recipes with him, along with most of Cynthion Group's trade secrets, and so the only way he could get his hands on them as if he seized Leon alive!

He was not at all concerned whether Leon would willingly hand over this information—knowing that Iris was his girlfriend, who also happened to be a distant relative of the Scammells, he was certain that by using her or the rest of the Scammells against him would surely frighten him into spilling all his secrets!

"Who dares touch him will feel my fiery wrath!" Angus could not stand by and watch idly while the Hiltons attacked Leon. He took charge and led his warriors, which included three Almighty Warriors, into battle, blocking off the Hiltons' path!

"Angus, I've already made it clear that this has nothing to do with you Thompsons! Do you insist on crossing us just because of an insignificant character like this man here?" Devon said with a steely look.

"So what if I do? I don't mind letting you know, Elder Hiltons, that we are indebted to Leon for his help! therefore, if you intend to harm him, you'll have to go through us first!" Angus replied curtly, his attitude clear and adamant.

"Do you think I'll be scared of you? Well, if your Uncle Arthur were here, this would be a different story, but you're just a nobody! I'm not intimidated by you at all!" Devon scoffed. Then, with a leap, he unleashed a surge of powerful energy that barreled straight toward Angus and the rest of the Thompsons!

"Intermediate Almighty State!" the color drained from Angus' face when he sensed this. although he knew for a long time that Devin already attained the Intermediate Almighty State, this was his first time crossing paths with such power!

Besides Sixth-Uncle Thompson and the other two Almighty Warriors, most of them, including Angus himself, could barely hold their fort when faced with Devon's sheer display of power!

"Don't try to intimidate people who are weaker than you, Devon! Angus might not be a match against you, but what's to say about me?" all of a sudden, Alan let out a cackle as he stepped forward. A surge of true energy wafted off him as he channeled it to shield Angus and the rest from Devon.

He, like Devon, was already at the Intermediate Almighty State and were thus on par with each other!

"What do you mean by this, Old Hughes? Leon has no connection to you Hughes at all, so are you willing to make us your enemy by siding with him?" Devon's expression darkened. It was clear that he was displeased by this.

He knew of Leon's connection to the Thompsons and thus he was not at all surprised by Angus' willingness to help him, but he never once imagined that the Hughes would do the same!

He could not wrap his head around this; helping Leon would not serve any advantage to the Hughes at all, so why was Alan willing to do this?


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