The Ex Husbands Revenge

Chapter 2299

Chapter 2299

Chapter 2299

Chapter 2299

“What? The son of the Southern Boss, Rodney? So, it’s him!

After hearing Yuri’s account, Leon and Angus were taken aback.

“I get it! Fiona is most likely connected to Rodney. Mister Yonas must have fallen for Rodney’s seductive scheme!” Leon suddenly realized, feeling a sense of clarity.

He now investigated Yonas’s cause of death and deduced that Fiona’s involvement with Yonas was premeditated, intending to kill him and frame Leon. Meanwhile, Yonas saved Fiona from Rodney’s clutches and established a romantic relationship.

The coincidences lined up too perfectly, indicating that Rodney and Fiona staged this whole affair.

Moreover, the Southern Boss and his son, Rodney, held deep grudges against Leon, even attempting to kill him multiple times, but each attempt failed.

Burdened with false accusations and estranged from the Thompsons, Leon landed right where the Southern Boss and Rodney wanted him and they could easily eliminate Leon by manipulating Arthur and the other Thompsons.

The Southern Boss and Rodney had sufficient motive to commit murder and possessed the ability to kill Yonas silently, and anyone could conclude that the Southern Boss and Rodney were most likely the masterminds behind the murder of Yonas!

“The Spears! How dare they kill Yonas?! The Thompsons won’t stand idly by!” Angus slammed the table in a fit of anger.

As a prominent figure among the second generation of the Thompsons, he excelled in intelligence and ability, surpassing his peers.

Like Leon, he too guessed that the Southern Boss and Rodney were likely the true culprits behind Yonas’s murder effortlessly.

On top of the atrocious act of murder, they also framed Leon for this crime, causing a rift between the legitimate heirs of the first and second bloodlines of the Thompsons. Because of that, Arthur came close to killing Leon.

One had to admit that this plot was exceptionally malicious and truly abhorrent.

“Damn it! I’m going to find my uncle now, reveal the true culprits behind Yonas’s murder to him, and seek revenge for Yonas!” After his anger subsided, Angus immediately strode toward the exit but was stopped in time by Leon.

“Uncle Angus, it’s pointless! This is merely our speculation. We currently have no evidence to prove that the Southern Boss and Rodney are the ones who killed Mister Yonas.

Even if you were to tell this to Elder Thompsons and Mister August, there’s no guarantee they would believe it. Besides, even if they do believe, without proof, there’s nothing we can do to the Southern Boss,” Leon shook his head.

“Well,” Angus was instantly rendered speechless and calmed down.

He knew that Leon was right.

Arthur and August were firmly convinced that Leon was the killer and would never believe otherwise without any proof.

On top of that, the Southern Boss practically ruled over the Southern region with comparable connections and power to the Thompsons; even if Arthur and August were willing to believe that Leon was not the one responsible, they could not seek revenge against the Southern Boss either, or the Southern Boss might use this opportunity to declare war against the Thompsons, which would hardly benefit the Thompsons in any way.


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