The Ex Husbands Revenge

Chapter 2302

Chapter 2302

Chapter 2302

Chapter 2302

“But,” Angus opened his mouth, intending to persuade Leon, but before he could utter a word, Leon interrupted him.

“Uncle Angus, rest assured, I know what I’m doing. Anyway, let’s first find a way to locate Fiona. If we can’t find her within three days, we’ll reassess the situation then,” Leon reassured him with a smile.

Thanks to Angus’s intervention, Arthur already agreed to grant him a three-day grace period, during which he would not act rashly.

“Well, all right,” Angus reluctantly agreed, “I’ll immediately arrange for people to track Fiona’s whereabouts and keep an eye on the Spears’ movements. We must find Fiona within three days, no matter what,” Angus said with a serious tone.

Though he did not know much about Leon’s extent of strength, given Leon’s age, Angus doubted he could directly confront the Southern Boss.

At the same time, he did not want Leon to jeopardize himself by recklessly confronting the Southern Boss out of momentary anger; if Leon killed Rodney, Leon would only be digging his own grave and that was the last thing Angus wanted.

Fortunately, they still had three days for the investigation. As long as they could find Fiona and clear Leon’s name, everything would be resolved smoothly.

“Uncle, I’ll leave the surveillance of the Spears to you. Yuri, continue investigating Fiona’s whereabouts with your team,” Angus instructed a blue-robed old man behind him.

This blue-robed old man was none other than the fourth elder of the Thompsons.

The Thompsons had a total of five elders, with the first and fourth elders supporting the first bloodline, while the other three elders supported Arthur, the second bloodline.

When Angus was expelled from the family, the two elders and more than ten core experts from the Thompsons came along with him, and Angus intended to put them to use.

Furthermore, Angus already deduced that Fiona was connected to the Spears, so he assigned the fourth elder to monitor the Spears’ activities, hoping to find some clues about Fiona.

“Yes!” The fourth elder nodded in agreement. He and Yuri were about to lead their teams to investigate, but Leon stopped them.

“Uncle Angus, it’s getting late. Let me arrange accommodations for you. Take some rest. As for the investigation of Fiona, we can start fresh tomorrow,” Leon suggested.

He already planned his next move.

If they could find Fiona this time, it would be ideal.

Otherwise, he could confront the Southern Boss and Rodney head-on, seeking revenge for the repeated attempts on his life. Therefore, he was not in a hurry regarding this matter.

Leon took Henry in and ordered Mason to purchase the houses near his mansion to provide accommodations for Angus and the other Thompsons, instead of having them stay elsewhere.

“Sure.” Angus nodded and did not reject his offer.

After that, Leon ordered Mason to arrange two mansions for the Thompsons to temporarily live in.

Meanwhile, on Rodney’s end, he waited around the Thompsons’ Mansion after killing Yonas and relaxed when he saw Arthur leading the other Thompsons to hunt Leon down.

To avoid anything from going wrong, he informed Fiona and her family instantly and wiped all evidence related to the incident.

Once everything was settled, he returned home.


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