The Ex Husbands Revenge

Chapter 2487

Chapter 2487

Chapter 2487

Chapter 2487

"Very well. You asked for this. Since you don't know your place, don't blame me for this!" Felton was enraged by

Leon's contemptuous attitude.

Not wanting to waste his time, he raised his arm and prepared to fight Leon.

“Hang on!”


Just then, two different voices rose. One belonged to Renee, who took a step forward and stood before Leon to prevent

Felton from harming him.

The other came from Mister Daglesh, who stepped out of the crowd.

"Jensen, you again! What's the meaning of this? Are you going to side with this kid again?" Felton's cold gaze landed on Mister Daglesh.

Renee was supposed to be Leon's girlfriend, so it was normal that she would protect him. However, Jensen was not related to Leon in any way.

However, he kept opposing Felton and stopping him from harming Leon.

Felton was enraged, thinking that Jensen underestimated him.

"Mister Fermer, I have no intention of being your enemy. I just need to discuss something with Mister Wolf,” Jensen said calmly.

Though Felton was the son of the Western boss, the Dagleshs' influence rivaled that of the Fermers.

Hence, he faced Felton without a hint of fear.

“Spit it out, then!” Felton scoffed and decided to observe him for the moment.

Jensen walked over to Renee and Leon. "Mister Wolf, I need to ask a favor. I came to purchase a spiritual herb and I hope that you can sell me one of those. Don't worry. I'll pay the original price for it," he said sincerely.

As the eldest son of the Dagleshs, he was rather talented and reached the Semi-Emperor State four years ago.

However, he somehow lacked the final boost that could get him to the Emperor State.

He came to this bouquet because he wanted to purchase a spiritual herb, hoping that it could help introduce a breakthrough.

Since Leon now owned all the herbs, he could only plead with Leon to sell him one of the spiritual herbs.

He was different from Felton.

As a person accustomed to the ways of the underground society, Felton was arrogant and was planning on robbing Leon. However, Jensen could not do the same.

Like the Morrisons, the Dagleshs were righteous people who valued their reputation. Hence, he could never rob someone, and that made him different from Felton.

"No. Sorry, Mister Daglesh. I can't sell the spiritual herb to you!" Leon shook his head and rejected his request.

All fifteen herbs, especially the spiritual herbs, were crucial to producing effective alchemical pills. Hence, he could not sell any of it to Jensen.

Considering how polite Jensen was, Leon spoke with a more approachable tone.


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