The Ex Husbands Revenge

The Ex-Husband’s Revenge By Dragonsky Chapter 620

The Ex-Husband’s Revenge By Dragonsky Chapter 620

The Ex-Husband’s Revenge By Dragonsky Chapter 620

Chapter 620

Eventually, Leon started to forget about the fact that he was kissed. Though he did not completely forget about it, it was far too embarrassing fo r him and he did not know what to say, so he could only let it go.

Cynthia was pleased that Leon did not protest and poked her tongue out mischievously.

She was with Leon every single day and he seemed to have gotten used to gestures of intimacy from ti me to time, and she was happy with it.

She knew that Leon did not forget about Iris yet, but with persistence, she knew that she would replace Iris at some point.

“By the way, I hope that you can keep the Mysterious Maiden Method a secret, Cynthia. You must not t ell anyone!” Leon deadpanned.

Absolute Methods was one of the most precious tools to martial artists and if others found out that Leon had access to it, they would kill to obtain it. As a martial artist who merely reached the Foundation Pha se, Leon would never be able to defend himself.

“Okay, I get it. Don’t worry. This is our secret. I won’t tell anyone; not even my brother or my grandpa!” Cynthia nodded.

She knew that Absolute Methods was far too precious that if exposed, both Leon and she would be at ri sk. She was no fool and would never tell another soul.

“Good.” Leon sighed a breath of relief.

Cynthia was not the only one who was trained in the Mysterious Maiden Method, both Iris and Louisa were trained as well. Thankfully, the two of them w ere not aware that the Mysterious Maiden Method was an Absolute Method, and they both agreed to ke ep it a secret, so Leon was certain that his secret would not be exposed.

After a while, Leon and Cynthia started working to calculate the total profit of the sales drive once again , when Leon’s phone suddenly started ringing.

He picked it up and saw Quinton’s name on the screen. “Hello, Mister Hunt. Is there something you nee d?”

He asked in confusion.

“Mister Wolf, I was ambushed on my way back to Seacove City.” Furiously, Quinton explained everything

“What? Who did that?” Shocked, Leon stood from his seat.

“I don’t know either. They were all wearing masks and I didn’t even get to see their faces,” Quinton said

The group led by the man in the demon mask was too careful and the Hunts could not even tell their age guess from the man’s voice that he had to be around fifty to seventy of age. Apart from that, they also memorized their attackers‘ car plate numbers but knew that the car plates were likel

“Mister Wolf, the Hunts don’t have any influence in Springfield City and there’s no way that we can find who did this. I’m calling to seek help from you and th


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