The Ex Husbands Revenge

The Ex-Husband’s Revenge By Dragonsky Chapter 679

The Ex-Husband’s Revenge By Dragonsky Chapter 679

The Ex-Husband’s Revenge By Dragonsky Chapter 679

Chapter 679

Halfway, a black car began tailing them without their knowledge..

As the daughter of the Southern King, Snow was naturally more adept at noticing things like these and quickly realized something was amiss. “Leon, I think we’re being followed!” she reminded him.

“What? Really?” Leon glanced in the rearview mirror and immediately saw that a black car was indeed f ollowing them.

However, he was not certain if the car was truly following them or if they just so happened to be headin g in the same direction.

“You should try testing them,” Snow suggested.

Leon understood, and attempted to change his speed at random; sometimes he would intentionally slo w down, and other times, speed up without warning.

As they anticipated, the car behind them would do the same; it slowed down every time Leon did, and s ped up every time Leon zipped away.

It was clear they were being followed.

“Who can it be?” Leon furrowed his brows, trying to figure out who it was, and what their intentions wer e.

“Can Harold be the one behind this?” Snow wondered.

Leon just punished Riker at the hotel, and now, someone was following them. Snow had reason to believe that Riker reported this encounter to the Northern King, and he was now trying to take revenge.

“That’s not possible, is it? Harold probably has better things to do than this.” Leon shook his head.

Riker was just one of Harold’s loyal subjects and was not an indisposable member of his inner circle at all. Besides, he just broke Riker’s arm and did not injure him too seriously, and thus this did not seem li ke something Harold would hold a grudge over.

Not only that, but Leon had the Shears, the Wicks, and the Pooles behind his back, and Harold would h ave to think twice before attempting to harm Leon.

No matter how gullible Harold was, Leon was certain he would not be willing to go against so many opp osing forces just to get revenge for Riker’s sake!

“You’re right. This doesn’t seem like something Harold would do, but who else could it be?” Snow was puzzled by this.

“Let’s not get caught up on who it is. We’ll lead them to the road up front and flag them down, then we’ll see who it is.” Leon swerved and led the motorcycle up a dirt road.

Now that he already attained the Intermediate Supreme State, he could take on any opponent easily, pr ovided it was not someone way out of his league!

Despite this, he still had his guard up; if Harold truly turned out to be behind this, he could not possibly b

He would use this opportunity to teach Harold another lesson!

Morgan, Johnny, and Daniel were seated inside the black car, and when he noticed Leon’s random chan

“There’s no rush. Besides, there are too many cars on this road, and we’ll blow our cover too easily. Let’ walked road, then we’ll take action!” Morgan said calmly.

His father reminded him over and over not to leave any clues or evidence behind, and he took this advic

“Um, okay then,” before Johnny could even finish his sentence, Daniel piped up, “look, Sir, that twat is headin

“What? That’s perfect!”


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